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(create-package-version-tag pkg)

Construct a valid package version tag from a given package

Construct a valid package version tag from a given `package`
sourceraw docstring


(inc-package-versions version-fn packages)
(inc-package-versions version-fn suffix packages)

Increment each packages' semver version in the given packages map.

This func will call the given version-fn with each respective package. The version-fn is responsible for determining how the version should be incremented by returning one of [nil, :patch, :minor, :major].

Generally this should be called after first associating a :version to each package using resolve-package-versions and a set of commits using resolve-package-changes. This information can be used to correctly determine the next version.

Note that this fn will also inc dependent package versions if those dependent packages weren't themselves incremented. This is to ensure that changes made to a parent package result in dependent packages being incremented and published

Example usage:

(require '[k16.kmono.version.alg.semantic :as semantic])

(->> packages
     (resolve-package-versions project-root)
     (resolve-package-changes project-root)
     (inc-package-versions semantic/version-fn))

This will determine the next version for each package according to semantic-commits.

Increment each packages' semver version in the given `packages` map.

This func will call the given `version-fn` with each respective package. The
`version-fn` is responsible for determining how the version should be
incremented by returning one of `[nil, :patch, :minor, :major]`.

Generally this should be called after first associating a `:version` to each
package using `resolve-package-versions` and a set of commits using
`resolve-package-changes`. This information can be used to correctly determine
the next version.

Note that this fn will also inc dependent package versions if those dependent
packages weren't themselves incremented. This is to ensure that changes made
to a parent package result in dependent packages being incremented and

Example usage:

(require '[k16.kmono.version.alg.semantic :as semantic])

(->> packages
     (resolve-package-versions project-root)
     (resolve-package-changes project-root)
     (inc-package-versions semantic/version-fn))

This will determine the next version for each package according to
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(match-package-version-tag tag pkg-name)

This matches whether a given string is a correctly formatted git version tag for a package with the given pkg-name.

Returns the version substring of the tag or nil if there was no match.

(match-package-version-tag "com.kepler16/kmono-core@1.0.0", 'com.kepler16/kmono-core)
;; => "1.0.0"
This matches whether a given string is a correctly formatted git version tag
for a package with the given `pkg-name`.

Returns the version substring of the tag or `nil` if there was no match.

(match-package-version-tag "com.kepler16/kmono-core@1.0.0", 'com.kepler16/kmono-core)
;; => "1.0.0"
sourceraw docstring


(package-changed? pkg)

A filter function designed to be used with k16.kmono.core.graph/filter-by.

Filters a package based on whether it has any file changes since it's last version.

This is determined by whether there are any commits associated with the package and is generally used in conjunction with k16.kmono.version/resolve-package-changes.

A filter function designed to be used with `k16.kmono.core.graph/filter-by`.

Filters a package based on whether it has any file changes since it's last

This is determined by whether there are any commits associated with the
package and is generally used in conjunction with
sourceraw docstring


(resolve-package-changes project-root packages)

For each pacakge try find all commits that modified files in the package subdirectory since the last known version of the package.

This works by finding commits since a tag constructed from the package name and version. See k16.kmono.version/resolve-package-versions for a description on how this tag is expected to be formatted.

Any commits found will be appended to the packages :commits key.

For each pacakge try find all commits that modified files in the package
subdirectory since the last known version of the package.

This works by finding commits since a tag constructed from the package name
and version. See `k16.kmono.version/resolve-package-versions` for a
description on how this tag is expected to be formatted.

Any commits found will be appended to the packages `:commits` key.
sourceraw docstring


(resolve-package-versions project-root packages)

Try resolve the last known version for each of the given packages.

This works by fiding the latest git tag for each package which follows the structure of <package-group>/<package-name>@<package-version>. As an example a package with the name com.kepler16/kmono-core might have a tag com.kepler16/kmono-core@1.0.0

The version component of the tag is matched and used to set the package :version key.

This is default implementation for resolving package versions. If your use-case requires alternative strategies then you might be interested in writing your own version of this function.

Other kmono-* API's only care about there being a :version set on a package

  • how that field is set is up to you.
Try resolve the last known version for each of the given `packages`.

This works by fiding the latest git tag for each package which follows the
structure of `<package-group>/<package-name>@<package-version>`. As an example
a package with the name `com.kepler16/kmono-core` might have a tag

The version component of the tag is matched and used to set the package
`:version` key.

This is default implementation for resolving package versions. If your
use-case requires alternative strategies then you might be interested in
writing your own version of this function.

Other kmono-* API's only care about there being a `:version` set on a package
- how that field is set is up to you.
sourceraw docstring

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