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(resolve-package-config package-path)

Read in and validate kmono package config from a package at the given package-path.

Read in and validate kmono package config from a package at the given
sourceraw docstring


(resolve-workspace-config root)

Read in and validate kmono workspace config at a given root dir.

This will attempt to load the key :kmono/workspace from both a deps.edn file and a deps.local.edn file at the given root. These will be merged together with the deps.local.edn taking precedence.

Read in and validate kmono workspace config at a given `root` dir.

This will attempt to load the key `:kmono/workspace` from both a `deps.edn`
file and a `deps.local.edn` file at the given `root`. These will be merged
together with the `deps.local.edn` taking precedence.
sourceraw docstring

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