Creating and running a game, along with management of update and draw functions.
Creating and running a game, along with management of update and draw functions.
(default-draw! {:keys [scenes current-scene] :as state})
Default initial values for the state
map. The result of the game's
function will be merged on top.
Default initial values for the `state` map. The result of the game's `:setup` function will be merged on top.
(default-on-close & _)
Default game configuration options.
Default game configuration options.
(default-update state)
(draw-fps-counter! {:keys [average-fps] :as state})
(draw-state! {:keys [display-fps? scenes current-scene] :as state})
(draw-wrapper {:keys [parent-draw-fn] :as state})
Allow us to change our draw function.
Allow us to change our draw function.
{:keys [init-scenes-fn restart-fn current-scene]
:or {init-scenes-fn (constantly {}) restart-fn identity current-scene :none}
:as override-opts})
Create a quip game configuration.
Takes a single override-opts
map argument which contains overrides
for default-opts
Works with an empty override-opts
, but needs a :init-scenes-fn
and a :current-scene
to start doing anything useful.
Create a quip game configuration. Takes a single `override-opts` map argument which contains overrides for `default-opts`. Works with an empty `override-opts`, but needs a `:init-scenes-fn` and a `:current-scene` to start doing anything useful.
(restart {:keys [restart-fn] :as state})
(start! {:keys [title size setup update draw focus-gained focus-lost key-pressed
key-released mouse-pressed mouse-released mouse-entered
mouse-exited mouse-clicked mouse-moved mouse-dragged mouse-wheel
middleware on-close]
:as game})
Run a quip game configuration as a quil sketch.
Run a quip game configuration as a quil sketch.
(update-framerate {:keys [fr-window] :as state})
Keep track of the current average framerate.
Keep track of the current average framerate.
(update-state {:keys [scenes current-scene] :as state})
(update-wrapper {:keys [parent-update-fn] :as state})
Allow us to change our update function.
Allow us to change our update function.
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