Sprites, for drawing and animating game objects.
The basic sprites provided are useful if simple, feel free to implement your own.
Sprites, for drawing and animating game objects. The basic sprites provided are useful if simple, feel free to implement your own.
(animated-sprite sprite-group
{:keys [rotation vel update-fn draw-fn animations
current-animation points bounds-fn offsets extra]
:or {rotation 0
vel [0 0]
update-fn update-animated-sprite
draw-fn draw-animated-sprite!
animations {:none
{:frames 1 :y-offset 0 :frame-delay 100}}
current-animation :none
offsets [:center]
extra {}}})
(default-bounding-poly {:keys [w h]})
Generates a bounding polygon based off the w
by h
rectangle of
the sprite.
Generates a bounding polygon based off the `w` by `h` rectangle of the sprite.
(draw-animated-sprite! {:keys [pos rotation w h spritesheet current-animation
:as s})
(draw-scene-sprites! {:keys [current-scene] :as state})
Draw each sprite in the current scene using its :draw-fn
Draw each sprite in the current scene using its `:draw-fn`.
(draw-scene-sprites-by-layers! {:keys [current-scene] :as state} layers)
Draw each sprite in the current scene using its :draw-fn
in the
order their :sprite-group
appears in the layers
Any sprites with groups not found in layers
will be drawn last.
Draw each sprite in the current scene using its `:draw-fn` in the order their `:sprite-group` appears in the `layers` list. Any sprites with groups not found in `layers` will be drawn last.
(has-group sprite-group)
Creates a predicate function that filters sprites based on their
Takes either a single :sprite-group
keyword, or a collection of
Commonly used alongside update-sprites
(sprite/update-sprites state (sprite/has-group :asteroids) sprite-update-fn)
(sprite/update-sprites state (sprite/has-group [:asteroids :ships]) sprite-update-fn)
Creates a predicate function that filters sprites based on their `:sprite-group.` Takes either a single `:sprite-group` keyword, or a collection of them. Commonly used alongside `update-sprites`: (sprite/update-sprites state (sprite/has-group :asteroids) sprite-update-fn) (sprite/update-sprites state (sprite/has-group [:asteroids :ships]) sprite-update-fn)
(image-sprite sprite-group
{:keys [rotation vel update-fn draw-fn points bounds-fn offsets
:or {rotation 0
vel [0 0]
update-fn update-pos
draw-fn draw-image-sprite!
offsets [:center]
extra {}}})
(pos-offsets {[x-off y-off] :offsets :keys [w h]})
Determine the x and y offsets for a sprite based on it's :w
, :h
and :offsets
Defaults to [:center :center]
Determine the x and y offsets for a sprite based on it's `:w`, `:h` and `:offsets` configuration. Defaults to `[:center :center]`.
(sprite sprite-group
{:keys [w h vel update-fn draw-fn points bounds-fn offsets extra]
:or {w 20
h 20
vel [0 0]
update-fn update-pos
draw-fn draw-default!
offsets [:center]
extra {}}})
The simplest sensible sprite.
Contains a position, velocity, dimensions for collision detection,
can be enriched with any custom fields via the :extra
The simplest sensible sprite. Contains a position, velocity, dimensions for collision detection, can be enriched with any custom fields via the `:extra` kwarg.
(text-sprite content
{:keys [offsets sprite-group font size color update-fn draw-fn
:or {offsets [:center]
sprite-group :text
font u/default-font
size u/default-text-size
color u/black
update-fn identity
draw-fn draw-text-sprite
extra {}}})
(update-sprites state f)
(update-sprites {:keys [current-scene] :as state} pred f)
Update sprites in the current scene with the update function f
Optionally takes a filtering function pred
Update sprites in the current scene with the update function `f`. Optionally takes a filtering function `pred`.
(update-state {:keys [current-scene] :as state})
Update each sprite in the current scene using its :update-fn
Update each sprite in the current scene using its `:update-fn`.
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