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Cybermonday IR AST and Transformation

To fully capture the information available from the parse result from Flexmark (or remark), the first pass tree-transformation from Flexmark (or remark) is into an intermediate representation (IR). Some nodes (say like BulletListItem and OrderedListItem) would normally render to the same HTML tag (:li), which would prevent the user from disambiguating between them and prevent special case post-processing. Some nodes, given below, are unambiguous, so their corresponding HTML tag is fed through, and as such, these IR AST nodes are completely valid HTML hiccup. However, we want to be able to still provide the ability to transform these as need be.

So, the AST nodes are broken into two categories:

HTML nodes

These are the standard, unambiguous tags. Paragraph (:p), TableRow (:tr), etc. These are standard HTML hiccup and are not namespaced keywords.

IR Nodes

The rest of the AST is formed from namespaced keywords and a corresponding data map and body. Cybermonday will provide default processing, but the corresponding data layouts for each node are enumerated below to allow for custom processing into final html hiccup.

Every IR node will have the form

[:markdown/keyword attr-map & body]

Please note that some of these are Flexmark specific and not available in remark (CLJS).

Bullet List Item

[:markdown/bullet-list-item {} "Item"]

Ordered List Item

[:markdown/ordered-list-item {} "Item"]

Hard Line Break

[:markdown/hard-line-break {}]

Soft Line Break

[:markdown/soft-line-break {}]


:id (potentially nil) is a string of the heading id. :level will take integer values 1-6.

[:markdown/heading {:level 1 :id "my-heading"} "Heading"]

Fenced Code Block

:language (potentially nil) is a string of the tagged language.

[:markdown/fenced-code-block {:language "julia"} "code"]

Indented Code Block

[:markdown/indented-code-block {} "code"]

Table Separator


Table Cell

:header? is a boolean indicating whether this cell is a header. :alignment (potentially nil) will indicate cell alignment ("left", "right", or "center")

[:markdown/table-cell {:header? true :alignment "center"}]


:href specifies the link url :title (potentially nil) contains the optional link title

[:a {:href "" :title "A neat website"} "Click me"]


:title (potentially nil) contains the optional link title :label contains the reference label :href contains the reference url

[:markdown/reference {:title "Title", :label "1", :href "/url"}]

Link Reference

:reference (potentially nil) contains the :markdown/reference AST node of the referenced link.

   {:title "Foo"
    :label "1"
    :href "#baz"}]}


:src contains the image url :alt contains the image alt text :title (potentially nil) contains the optional link title

[:img {:src "cat.png" :alt "Witty alt-text" :title "More info"}]

Auto Link

:href contains the link url

[:markdown/autolink {:href ""}]

Mail Link

:address contains the email address

[:markdown/mail-link {:address ""}]

HTML Comments

[:markdown/html-comment {} "I'm a comment!"]

Non Commonmark Extensions

Inline Math

From the GitLab extension. Inline math is delimited with $\y=mx+b`$`. As one might want to choose the rendering backend, unlike GitLab - the default translation to HTML will be as is as text.

[:markdown/inline-math {} "y=mx+b"]


Following the details from the flexmark spec. Cybermonday differs from the default configuration as ASSIGN_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES is set to false. This implies that inline attributes will always configure the parent element. This is due to the fact that the way the Flexmark AST is built for the extended behavior, merging attributes into leaves at the same level makes the transformation much more difficult. If a need for this feature comes up, it might be worth looking into, but the primary use case of heading :ids is unaffected.

[:markdown/attributes {:key "value"}]


From the PHP Markdown Extra Definition List.

Definition List, Term, and Items

The definition list contains the term and item children nodes. The term and item bodies can of course contain additional hiccup.

 [:dl {}
  [:dt {} "Foo"]
  [:dd {} [:p {} "Bar"]]]


Enables footnotes in the common format. Details here


:id contains the footnote id

[:markdown/footnote {:id "1"}]

Footnote Block

:id contains the footnote id :content contains the footnote content

[:markdown/footnote-block {:id "1" :content "I'm a footnote"}]

Lowering Extension Examples

Here are a few examples of overrides for the default lowering functions to extend functionality

KaTeX math rendering

Using the Auto-render extension for KaTeX, replacing inline math with the proper delimiters enables math rendering

(ns my-library
   [cybermonday.core :as cn]))

(defn parse-math [[_ _ & [math]]]
  (str "$$" math "$$"))

(cm/parse-md "$`y=mx+b`$" {:markdown/inline-math parse-math})

HTML comment-based content divider

In some blog style exporters, an HTML comment of <!--more--> signifies where to cut off a short blurb versus the entire article. Because HTML comments are part of the parse tree, we can capture this specific result.

(ns my-library
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [cybermonday.core :as cm]))

(defn content-split [[_ _ body]]
  (when (str/includes? body "more")
    [:div {:class "content-split"}]))

(cm/parse-md "<!--more-->" {:markdown/html-comment content-split})

Anchor Links

A common feature in many markdown renderers is to place an anchor link on each heading. Cybermonday generates ids for each header, so anchor links can be made by customizing the :markdown/heading lowering.

(ns my-library
   [clojure.string :as str]
   [cybermonday.utils :refer [gen-id make-hiccup-node]]
   [cybermonday.core :as cm]))

(defn lower-heading [[_ attrs & body :as node]]
   (keyword (str "h" (:level attrs)))
    (let [id (if (nil? (:id attrs))
               (gen-id node)
               (:id attrs))]
      (assoc attrs
             :id id
             :class "anchor"
             :href (str "#" id)))

(parse-md "# A Heading" {:markdown/heading lower-heading})

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