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Simple Clojure logging facade for logging structured data via SLF4J 2+.


Logs are the epilogue of program execution. They provide us valuable insights into how our programs really behaved. While the world of Java logging is fraught with complexity and competing solutions, Clojure provides us with an excellent facade for these tools in Unfortunately though, suffers from a critical limitation. Logs are strings; no structured data.

While it would be great to use simpler logging solutions like μ/log. Many situations still require full integration with the Java logging mess. Is there a half-way point?

The recent 2.0.0 release of SLF4J, the de-facto logging facade for Java, added support for logging data!

This library is a simple Clojure logging facade that wraps SLF4J 2+ (the version that added structured data support) with an interface similar to that of ex-info. Epilogue also provides useful additional functionality.


Clojars Project

;; tools.deps
com.kroo/epilogue {:mvn/version "0.2"}
;; Leiningen
[com.kroo/epilogue "0.2"]

Before you can use Epilogue, you will probably want to first configure all logs to go through SLF4J and then configure a logging backend. You can find an example Clojure project using Epilogue with Logback in the "examples" folder of this repository, which demonstrates how to set it up.


Once the tricky part of setting up logging is over, Epilogue is super easy to use!

(require '[com.kroo.epilogue :as log])


The core of any logging tool is being able to make logs:

;; Log at any logging level supported by SLF4J.
(log/error "This will log at ERROR level." {:some "structured data", :to-add-to "the log"})
(log/warn "This will log at WARN level." {:some-other "data"})
(log/info "This will log at INFO level." {:some {:hi [4 5 6]})
(log/debug "This will log at DEBUG level." {:foo "bar", :biz [1 2 3]})
(log/trace "This will log at TRACE level." {:foo "bar"})

;; Optionally log with a throwable as the cause.  (Works on all logging levels.)
  (throw (ex-info "Something broke" {:hello "world"}))
  (catch Exception ex
    (log/error "This will log at ERROR level with a \"cause\""
               {:some "data", :foo "bar"}
               :cause ex)))

;; You can even use keywords as the log message!
(log/info ::account-created {:email-address ""})

;; Tag logs with SLF4J markers!  (Can be an `org.slf4j.Marker` instance, a string or a keyword.)
(log/error "Something has gone really wrong!" {:id 123}
           :markers [:alert/critical])

;; Want to override the logger namespace?  No problem!
(log/info ::different-namespace? {:foo "bar"}
          :logger-ns "")

;; Programatically log at different levels with `log`.
(log/log :warn "Warning about something" {:what? "something..."})

The logging context

Sometimes you will want to log some additional data in every log, but don't want to add it manually to every logging call. This is where Epilogue's "logging context" comes in. It is a dynamic atom* that contains that data and can be rebound as desired.

* It is a dynamic var, bound to an atom containing a map. Anything within it (dynamic scope) during the log invocation will be included as additional structured data. It is recommended to use fully-qualified keys as they can be overridden by the data included in the individual log invocations.

;; This is the logging context.

;; Get the current value of the logging context.

;; Add global entries to the logging context.
(swap! log/*context* assoc :version "126bf8f7640989f39c3077933ae4e1c47e0a04eef")

;; Add entries within a dynamic scope.
(log/with-context {:correlation-id (random-uuid)}
  (log/info ::entered {:foo "bar"})             ; Includes `:correlation-id`.
  (log/debug ::middle {:correlation-id "???"})  ; Overrides the logging context `:correlation-id` with its own.
  (log/info ::exited {:hello "world"}))         ; Includes `:correlation-id`.

Some useful tools

(require '[com.kroo.epilogue :as log :refer [defloggingmacro]])

;; ---

;; Log and throw an exception.  (Logs at `:error` level by default.)

(log/raise "Something went wrong!" {:hello "world"})

(catch Throwable e
  (log/raise "Something went wrong!" {:hello "world"}
             :cause e))

(log/raise "Help!" {:foo 123} :level :warn)

;; ---

;; Create your own logging macros with `defloggingmacro`.  It automatically
;; preserves the correct source file, line and column numbers.  Use it exactly
;; as you would `defmacro`.

(defloggingmacro my-info
  "Custom version of `log/info` that has the \"data\" and \"message\" params
   the other way around, and expects \"opts\" to be passed as a map instead of
   keyword parameters."
  ([data message]
   `(my-info ~data ~message {}))
  ([data message opts]
   `(log/log :info ~message ~data ~@opts)))

;; More logging utilities to be added...


Copyright © 2023 Kroo Bank Ltd.

This library and source code are available under the terms of the MIT licence. A full copy of the licence file is provided in the LICENCE file of the source code.

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