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0.8.39 (2024-05-24 / e967e9c)


  • Added :required for :flags
  • Support commands with arguments and subcommands at the same time

0.7.33 (2024-02-27 / cb19704)


  • Remove debug call

0.6.30 (2024-02-27 / c9696a0)


  • -h can now be used to get help, in addition to --help


  • When encountering parse errors (invalid arguments), print a message and exit, rather than throwing (which looks quite ugly from a bb script)

0.5.27 (2024-02-26 / 28f559d)


  • Allow a command spec to be just a function


  • Preserve command order in help text when using a vector

0.4.24 (2024-02-17 / 5a1e316)


  • Bind the options map to cli/*opts*, for easy access.
  • Show the default for a flag in the help text.
  • Add a docstring to the main entry point (dispatch)
  • Bind *opts* during flag handler execution


  • Recognize - and \\--foo as positional args


  • When given both a :default and a :handler for a flag, call the handler with the default, rather than just assoc-ing it.
  • When given a string :default and a :parse function for a flag, run the default value through the parse function, rather than using it directly. Using the unparsed string form for the default is preferable over for instance using a keyword, since it leads to better help text rendering.
  • Improve and document the processing logic, especially when it comes to subcommand flags with handler functions.

0.3.19-alpha (2024-02-11 / d79ac0c)

Much expanded and improved version, see README for all details. This is approaching the envisioned scope for this library.

  • take docstring/command from var
  • :strict? mode
  • :handler and :middleware on flags
  • Much improved help text rendering
  • More lenient flag parsing
  • Add :default and :parse

0.2.11-alpha (2024-02-08 / 0a352bc)


  • Handle named command arguments
  • Support --flag FOO and --flag=<foo> (and --flag <foo>)
  • Boolean flags count by default, e.g. -vvv => {:verbose 3}


  • Command handlers take a single unified map

0.1.6-alpha (2024-02-04 / 593806e)


  • subcommand handling
  • rudimentary flag handling
  • help text generation

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Arne Brasseur & Gabriel
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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