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3.4.126 (2024-06-25 / a4d04c6)

  • fork from Xylon2/ring-redis-session, first release under com.lambdaisland


  • Data serialization now happens with default for com.taoensso/carmine nippy library because original serialization method was based on deprecated eval read macro #=;

  • read-handler and :write-handler options added to constructor which can be used to define custom data serialization format. See example in Customize data serialization format section.


  • This release has changed the repo name, project name, and release name from clj-redis-session to ring-redis-session (thanks @plexus for the great suggestion!)


  • This release introduces a breaking change in the API. Whereas prior to this release on used ring-redis-session.core, one now has to use ring.redis.session. If this is a problem for your project, simply ensure that you depend upon a version prior to the v3.0.0 release -- all of which uphold the old API.

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