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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of


Nothing yet.

0.11.0 -- 2019-03-21


  • SNS did not correctly encode the nested JSON required by the API.

0.10.0 -- 2019-03-19


  • Support for SNS.
  • Support for JDK8+ (see commit ddb0c28770b2b57651a01d23a1f2c49def438829).
  • Miscellaneous improvements to the documentation.
  • Miscellaneous improvements to CI.


  • Discovered root cause for the bizarre BigQuery bug mentioned in the last release. Turns out to be unrelated to BigQuery itself, but rather a format error. See a6ed2136e6b8f928a0aa44f11d8a59425a5a8443 for details.

0.9.0 -- 2018-04-13


  • BigQuery now has much better error reporting. When a row fails, it also shows the actual failing row, not just its index.
  • NESTED, TREE-VALS and TREE-KEYS now work on more than just vecs: including lists, seqs, sets...
  • BigQuery had a bizarre bug that would cause obtuse failures if you gave it a list or seq instead of a vec. The real root cause is unknown, but this version includes a workaround.
  • Docstring improvements
  • A bunch of functionality that was "stuck" in the StackDriver namespace, mostly marked private, is now made public in the unsiemly.xforms namespace.

0.8.0 -- 2018-04-10


  • BigQuery now reports errors on insertion. Previously, BigQuery may error silently, typically when the connection itself worked, but e.g. a table didn't exist or the data is in the wrong format.


  • Bumped dependencies.

0.7.0 -- 2018-02-21


  • BigQuery support. ::unsiemly/siem-type is :bigquery. Project id, dataset id and table id can be explicitly configured via keys in the unsiemly.bigquery namespace; if no explicit BigQuery-specific keys are provided, will use the default project, the log name as the dataset id and unsiemly" as the table id.

0.6.0 -- 2017-12-14


  • The stdout sink now explicitly flushes on every callback call.

0.5.0 -- 2017-12-01


  • JSON support for the stdout reporter. To use it, set the ::stdout/format opt to :json (or STDOUT_FORMAT env var to "json"). Pretty printing also works for JSON.


  • Setting the STDOUT_PRETTY_PRINTED environment variable worked incorrectly: its behavior was not to pretty print if unset, and pretty print if set to any value. The intended behavior (now implemented) was to set it if the environment variable was set to "true", and unset it if the environment variable was unset or set to "false". (This is a minor bug, since it only affected you if you were setting the environment variable to "false" or an invalid value.)

0.4.0 - 2017-11-30


  • Pretty printing support for stdout, enabled by setting ::unsiemly.stdout/pretty-printed to true (or the STDOUT_PRETTY_PRINTED environment variable to the string true).


  • Upgraded dependencies

0.3.0 - 2017-09-18


  • process! API, which takes a number of messages and returns a deferred that fires when they have all been consumed. (#15, also related to #16)

0.2.0 - 2017-09-18


  • The GCP implementation will coerce incoming data structures so that they can be sent to StackDriver. Keywords will be turned into their name, instants, their ISO8601 timestamps, and everything else will be str'd. (#10)


  • Upgraded dependencies

0.1.1 - 2017-09-17


  • Made Clojars the default deploy target, making deploys easier in the future

0.1.0 - 2017-09-17

Initial release.


  • Public API: ->siem! and siem-sink!, to mirror [unclogged]
  • Basic StackDriver and Elasticsearch support
  • Basic data transforms, especially for timestamps

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