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Decoding and encoding of the google polyline algorithm as described at


[com.michaelgaare.clojure-polyline "0.2.0"]

(require com.michaelgaare.clojure-polyline :as polyline)

Decode a polyline string:

(polyline/decode polystring)

Returns a vector of maps: [{:latitude long :longitude long} ...]

Encode a vector of coordinates:

(polyline/encode coords)

returns a polyline-encoded string

-- encode expects a sequence of vectors of the format [latitude longitude] - if you have this as a sequence of maps of the format {:longitude longitude :latitude latitude} you can use (coords->vec) to turn it into the right format.

  • you can use to-coords to turn a vector of [latitude longitude] vectors into this format)


Copyright © 2018 Michael Gaare

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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