disclaimer: currently, only supports other cljs projects. Not tested in non cljs projects.
To install mockingbird, simply run:
npm i mockingbird-cljs
deps.edn example config (you will need at least helix and shadow-cljs to use mockingbird):
{:paths ["src" "resources"]
:deps {;;moclojer/mockingbird {:local/root "../../mockingbird/target/mockingbird-0.0.1.jar"}
com.fbeyer/refx {:mvn/version "0.0.49"}
lilactown/helix {:mvn/version "0.1.11"}
com.teknql/shadow-cljs-tailwind-jit {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}}
:aliases {:dev {:extra-paths ["test"]
:extra-deps {cider/cider-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.28.6"}
thheller/shadow-cljs {:mvn/version "2.20.10"}}}}}
This is a example of usage of mockingbird without using clojars:
(ns main.core
["mockingbird-cljs" :refer [button]]
["react-dom/client" :as rdom]
[helix.core :refer [$ <>]]))
;; this is a front app application using shadow-cljs, postcss, helix and refx.
;; You can see a simple page example running here.
(defn app []
{:type :text
:theme :mockingbird
:size :md }
"my magic button")))
(defonce root
(rdom/createRoot (js/document.getElementById "app")))
(defn render []
(.render root ($ app)))
(defn ^:export init []
You will also need to grab our target.css, file which can be found at "node_nodules/mockingbird-cljs/target.css", and link it to your index.html
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