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description: Moclojer now supports webhooks, allowing for background requests to other APIs or endpoints

Webhook support (background request)

Is it possible to add a trigger when receiving a request on an endpoint (for the api world we call it a webhook):

- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /with-webhook
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
        {"id": 123}
      sleep-time: 60
      if: 1 = 1
      method: POST
      body: >
        {"id": 123, "another-field": "it's working"}

Upon receiving a request for the /with-webhook endpoint, the moclojer will respond with status 200 and body {"id": 123}. In addition, it will make a request to the endpoint with method POST and body {"id": 123, "another-field": "it's working"}.

  • sleep-time (field is optional, default value of 60 seconds): is used to delay the request to the webhook endpoint, if you want to simulate a long processing time before sending the request;
  • if (field is optional, default value of true): is used to define a condition to send the request to the webhook endpoint. If the condition is not met, the request will not be sent. It is possible to read all the request variables (path-params., query-params. or json-params.), ending up as follows: if: json-params.field-name = "moclojer".
    • operators: =, >, <, >=, <=

moclojer will not wait for the response from the webhook endpoint; it will only send the request and continue to respond to the original request. This process is asynchronous.


{% swagger method="get" path="/with-webhook" baseUrl="" summary="" %}

{% swagger-description %} When making a request to the /with-webhook endpoint, the moclojer will respond with status 200 and body {"id": 123}. In addition, it will make a request to the endpoint with method POST and body {"id": 123, "another-field": "it's working"}. {% endswagger-description %}

{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="" %}

  "id": 123,
  "another-field": "it's working"

{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}

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