RQ (Redis Queue) is a simple Clojure package for queueing jobs and processing them in the background with workers. It is backed by Redis and it is designed to have a low barrier to entry, inspired by python-rq.
"simple is better than complex" - The Zen of Python
(ns rq.example
(:require [com.moclojer.rq :as rq]
[com.moclojer.rq.queue :as queue]
[com.moclojer.rq.pubsub :as pubsub]))
(def *redis-pool* (rq/client "redis://localhost:6379/0"))
;; queue
(queue/producer *redis-pool* "my-queue" {:now (java.time.LocalDateTime/now)
:foo "bar"})
(println :size (queue/consumer-size *redis-pool* "my-queue"))
(queue/consumer *redis-pool* "my-queue" #(prn :msg %1))
;; pub/sub
(pubsub/publish *redis-pool* "name-subs" "value set")
(pubsub/subscribe *redis-pool* #(prn :chan %1 :msg %2) ["name-subs"])
We distribute the library via Clojars.
com.moclojer/rq {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}
[com.moclojer/rq "0.1.0"]
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