Accepted script extensions, in order of processing
Accepted script extensions, in order of processing
(load-jobs build rt)
Loads the script and resolves the jobs
Loads the script and resolves the jobs
(resolve-jobs p rt)
The build script either returns a list of pipelines, a set of jobs or a function that returns either. This function resolves the jobs by processing the script return value.
The build script either returns a list of pipelines, a set of jobs or a function that returns either. This function resolves the jobs by processing the script return value.
(verify dir)
Verifies all scripts found in the directory. For clj, it runs a linter, for other types it tries to parse them. Returns verification results per file type.
Verifies all scripts found in the directory. For clj, it runs a linter, for other types it tries to parse them. Returns verification results per file type.
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