Functions for working with the build object in the runtime. This represents the current build.
Functions for working with the build object in the runtime. This represents the current build.
Retrieves all jobs known to the build
Retrieves all jobs known to the build
(build-end-evt build & [exit-code])
Creates a build/end
Creates a `build/end` event
(calc-checkout-dir rt build)
Calculates the checkout directory for the build, by combining the checkout base directory and the build id.
Calculates the checkout directory for the build, by combining the checkout base directory and the build id.
(calc-credits build)
Calculates the consumed credits for this build
Calculates the consumed credits for this build
(calc-script-dir wd sd)
Given an (absolute) working directory and scripting directory, determines the absolute script dir.
Given an (absolute) working directory and scripting directory, determines the absolute script dir.
Gets the checkout dir as stored in the build structure
Gets the checkout dir as stored in the build structure
(get-job-sid job build)
Creates a job sid using the build id and job id. Note that this does not include the customer and repo ids, so this is only unique within the repo.
Creates a job sid using the build id and job id. Note that this does not include the customer and repo ids, so this is only unique within the repo.
(job-relative-dir job build p)
Calculates path p
as relative to the work dir for the current job
Calculates path `p` as relative to the work dir for the current job
(job-work-dir job build)
Given a job and a build, determines the job working directory. This is either the work dir as configured on the job, or the build checkout dir, or the process dir.
Given a job and a build, determines the job working directory. This is either the work dir as configured on the job, or the build checkout dir, or the process dir.
(make-build-ctx {:keys [args] :as config})
Creates a build context that can be added to the runtime. This is used when running a build from cli.
Creates a build context that can be added to the runtime. This is used when running a build from cli.
Constructs sid from build properties
Constructs sid from build properties
Gets script dir for the build from runtime
Gets script dir for the build from runtime
(sid->props {:keys [sid] :as b})
Constructs map of customer-id
, repo-id
and build-id
from the build or it's sid
Constructs map of `customer-id`, `repo-id` and `build-id` from the build or it's sid
Calculates ssh keys dir for the build
Calculates ssh keys dir for the build
(success-jobs b)
Returns all successful jobs in the build
Returns all successful jobs in the build
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