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MonkeyCI Clojure Plugin

This is a library that's meant as a plugin for MonkeyCI builds.

Clojars Project

Getting Started

After creating an account on MonkeyCI, just include the dependency in your .monkeyci/deps.edn:

{:deps {com.monkeyci/plugin-clj {:mvn-version "LATEST"}}}

It allows you to set up builds for Clojure projects with minimal code.

Library Builds

A library is something that you want to deploy. Either as a snapshot when you push to the mainbranch, or when you push a tag, in which case the tag name will be used as the release version. You could optionally specify a regex that is applied to the tag name. If the regex does not match, it is not considered to be a deployment.

You usually will want to run the unit tests, and if those succeed, proceed to publishing the library. That is what this plugin provides.

Clojure CLI

In order to use it in your build script when you use the Clojure cli, just use the deps-library function, like in this example build script:

(require '[ :as p])

(p/deps-library {:tag-regex p/version-regex})

This is almost the most basic configuration. You could also leave out the entire config map, if you want! The version-regex matches any standard version tag (that looks like x.x.x or x.x).

It will run the unit tests, that are assumed to be declared as an alias function named :test in deps.edn (as a default). If test results are written to a junit.xml file, these will be parsed and added to the job results. It reads all necessary information to deploy the library from the committed pom.xml. These values can be overridden using config parameters.


When using Leiningen, you use the lein-library function instead. It works more or less the same as the CLI variant, but uses a differend container image and invokes lein instead. When publishing, the version is either taken from the project.clj file, or from the commit tag.


These are the options you can use to configure the library build: |Option|Default (cli)|Default (lein)|Description| |---|---|---|---| |:tag-regex|#".*"|#".*"|Regex to filter release tags| |:clj-img|<version>-slim|<version>-lein-slim|The image to use to test and publish. Tag depends on lein or cli library and evolves with the lib version. See or| |:test-job-id|test|test|The id for the job that runs unit tests.| |:publish-job-id|publish|publish|The id for the job that publishes the library.| |:test-alias|:test:junit|test-junit|The alias to apply when building a library.| |:artifact-id|test-junit|test-junit|The id given to the artifact that holds test results| |:junit-file|junit.xml|junit.xml|The path of the junit results xml file| |:publish-alias|:jar:publish|publish|The alias to apply when publishing the library| |:pom-file|pom.xml|-|The location of the pom file, relative to the checkout dir.| |:version-var|LIB_VERSION|-|When publishing, the version will be stored in this env var.|

Since this is Clojure, you can of course pick the parts you like. The ...-library functions just return jobs, to which you can add more, or you can include it in a larger job list. Or you can call the functions that have been provided to create the individual jobs. See the source for this.


Copyright (c) 2024 by Monkey Projects. MIT License.

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