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Provides functions for interacting with the Github API from a MonkeyCI build

Provides functions for interacting with the Github API from a MonkeyCI build
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(create-release! c {:keys [org repo tag name desc target]})

Creates a new release for the repository identified by org and repo. The tag specifies the tag to use for the release, or, if it does not exist, to create. In the latter case, a target commitish should be given on which to create the tag. If not given, the default branch is used. An additional name and desc are used for extra information. Returns the http result, should be status 201 if successful.

Creates a new release for the repository identified by `org` and `repo`.
The `tag` specifies the tag to use for the release, or, if it does not
exist, to create.  In the latter case, a `target` commitish should be
given on which to create the tag.  If not given, the default branch is 
used.  An additional `name` and `desc` are used for extra information.
Returns the http result, should be status 201 if successful.
sourceraw docstring


(format-tag tag {:keys [name-format]})


Creates a new Github api client. You can pass in a token, or api key with secret.

Creates a new Github api client.  You can pass in a token, or api key with secret.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-url git-url)

Parses git url to extract org and repo

Parses git url to extract org and repo
sourceraw docstring


(release-job & [config])

Returns a fn that will in turn create a release job, if the conditions are met. By default a release will be created if the build is triggered from a tag, and the tag name is used to format the release name. Note that either a :token must be specified, or a github-token build param must be provided.

Returns a fn that will in turn create a release job, if the conditions are met.
By default a release will be created if the build is triggered from a tag, and
the tag name is used to format the release name.  Note that either a `:token`
must be specified, or a `github-token` build param must be provided.
sourceraw docstring

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