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MonkeyCI Github Plugin

This is a Clojure lib that provides functions to interact with the Github API from a MonkeyCI build.


In your .monkeyci directory, add the dependency to your deps.edn:

{:deps {com.monkeyci/plugin-github {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"}}}

Then, in your build.clj, require the namespace, and then you can add one of the provided build jobs:

(require '[ :as gh])

Provided Jobs

The jobs currently provided are these:


Creates a release according to the current build settings. This job will only be executed if the build is triggered from a tag. It will use the tag name as release name, formatted using the configured format string.

;; Job that will create a release in Github for the commit tag,
;; formatting the tag by prefixing it with a `v`.
(gh/release-job {:name-format "v%s"})

This job in turn invokes the create-release! function in Github. This call requires some sort of authentication to the Github API, for which it will automatically fetch the github-token build parameter, or you can provide your own :token in the job configuration. If no token is provided, the job will fail.

The jobs usually run inside the build script itself, so they don't need to start a new container, and are very fast.

The release-job function accepts these options: |Option|Default|Meaning| |---|---|---| |name-format|v%s|How the release name is formatted using the tag name| |dependencies||Optional dependencies for the job| |org|Build org|The organisation to use when calling Github. Defaults to the organisation extracted from the repository url.| |repo|Build repo|The repository to create the release on. Defaults to the configured MonkeyCI repo.| |desc||Optional description for the release| |token|github-token param or GITHUB_TOKEN env|The token to use to authenticate to Github.|


  • As soon as MonkeyCI supports it, we should allow invoking the MonkeyCI API to create the release.
  • Allow using app config (client id and secret) to authenticate to Github.


Copyright (c) 2024 by Monkey Projects

MIT License

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