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MonkeyCI Pushover Plugin

This is a MonkeyCI plugin that provides a build job that sends a message to Pushover. This makes it possible to send notifications from your builds.


Clojars Project First include it in your build deps.edn:

{:deps {com.monkeyci/plugin-pushover {:mvn/version "<VERSION>"}}}

In order to add a job to your build, invoke the pushover-msg function:

(require '[ :as pp])

 ;; Add a job to your build that will send the message
 (pp/pushover-msg {:msg "Hi, this is a message from pushover"})] 

At the very least, you should provide a msg, which can either be a string, or a function. If it's a function, it will be passed the build context, so you can generate a message depending on the situation. Any other options (apart from the credentials, see below), are either directly passed to the Pushover API, or the build job.

The default job id is pushover, but you can override this by specifying the :id property.


In order to push a message, you need to have an account. By default, the plugin will fetch the user and token from the build parameters. The default parameter keys are pushover-user and pushover-token. But you can override these by specifying the :user-param and :token-param options. Like so:

(pp/pushover-msg {:msg "some test message"
                  :user-param "overridden-user"
		  :token-param "overridden-token"})
;; This will create a job that will post to Pushover using the user and token
;; fetched from the build parameters respectively as "overridden-user" and
;; "overridden-token".

You can also directly specify the credentials, although this is not advised from a security point of view!

(pp/pushover-msg {:msg "test message"
                  :user "test-user"
		  :token "test-token"})


You can make the job dependent on another job by adding them to the :dependencies option. It will be automatically passed on to the job configuration.

;; This job will only be executed if "other-job" has succeeded.
(pp/pushover-msg {:msg "test message" :dependencies ["other-job"]})


Copyright (c) 2024 by Monkey Projects

MIT License

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