For running unit tests using Kaocha
For running unit tests using Kaocha
(coverage args)
Runs unit tests, calculating coverage. Arguments are passed directly to cloverage.
Runs unit tests, calculating coverage. Arguments are passed directly to cloverage.
(junit {:keys [output config] :or {output "junit.xml"}})
Runs unit tests once, outputs to junit file
Runs unit tests once, outputs to junit file
(lint {:keys [dirs] :or {dirs ["src"]}})
Runs the clj-kondo linter on the src dir
Runs the clj-kondo linter on the src dir
(passed? r)
True if the kaocha test result is successful
True if the kaocha test result is successful
(to-exit r)
Exits the VM with exit code 0 on success, 1 on failure.
Exits the VM with exit code 0 on success, 1 on failure.
(watch args)
Watches unit tests, for TDD. Any arguments are passed on to Kaocha config.
Watches unit tests, for TDD. Any arguments are passed on to Kaocha config.
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