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Monkey JMS

This is a Clojure library that provides wrapper code for JMS 3.


I've played around with Bowerick which is nice, but one the one hand it contains too much stuff I don't need (and hence, unwanted dependencies), and on the other hand doesn't provide functionality that I do need, like durable subscribers. So I decided to roll my own.


Include the dependency in your project:

{:deps {com.monkeyprojects/monkey-jms {:mvn/version "0.2.0"}}}

Then require the namespace and you can create a connection (actually a JMSContext) and producers and/or consumers.

(require '[monkey.jms :as jms])

;; Connect.  The connection is auto-started.
(def ctx (jms/connect {:url "amqp://localhost:61616"
                       :username "testuser"
                       :password "verysecret"}))

;; Start consuming.  In this case, it will just print the received message.
(def consumer (jms/consume ctx "topic://test.topic" println))

;; Producer is a fn that can be closed
(def producer (jms/make-producer ctx "topic://test.topic"))
;; Send a message
(producer "Hi, I'm a test message")

;; Stop consuming and producing
(.close producer)
(.close consumer)
;; Close connection
(.close ctx)

Each of the objects implements AutoCloseable, so you can also use them in with-open.


For simplicity the messages are always TextMessages. But it's up to you what you put in those messages. You can compose the listener and producer to suit your needs. For example:

(require '[cheshire.core :as json])

;; Producer that encodes to json before sending
(def json-producer (comp producer json/generate-string))

;; Consumer that parses json
(def json-consumer (jms/consume ctx "topic://some.json.topic" (comp println json/parse-string)))

If you want to use anything else but TextMessages, you can pass in a :serializer function as an option to the producer. This is a 2-arity function that takes the JMSContext and the object to serialize. As stated, by default it now always creates a TextMessage and assumes the input is a String.

When receiving messages, we're not always sure that the messages will be TextMessages. For this I have provided a multimethod message->str that uses class as a dispatch function. It handles TextMessage and BytesMessage. You can add your own implementation if needed, but you can also pass a :deserializer option to the consume function to override this default behaviour.

;; Consumer that explicitly calls `getText` on the incoming message
(def custom-consumer (jms/consume ctx "topic://test.topic" println {:deserializer (memfn getText)}))

Durable Consumers

You can also create durable consumers, first by specifying a client-id in the connection options, and then by specifying an id in the options to consume.

(def ctx (jms/connect {:url "amqp://localhost:61616"
                       :username "testuser"
                       :password "verysecret"
                       :client-id "unique-client-id"}))
(def durable-cons (c/consume ctx "topic://test.topic" my-handler {:id "durable-consumer-id")))

;; When no longer needed, you can `unsubscribe`
(jms/unsubscribe ctx "durable-consumer-id")

The client-id set on the connection ensures that only one client with that id can connect at the same time. Should another client attempt to connect using the same client-id, it will receive an error. The id specified on the consumer is only unique within that same client. It is not possible to register multiple consumers for the same client with the same subscription id.

Synchronous Consumption

Sometimes it's more useful or straightforward to actively poll received messages. You can achieve this by not passing a listener in the consume function. The consumer is also a Clojure function that you can invoke to poll for the next message. You can pass a timeout (in msecs). If you pass a timeout of zero, it will immediately return unless a message is ready.

;; You can still pass an options map should you so desire
(def consume (jms/consume ctx "test.topic"))

;; Receive next message, wait for a second
(def msg (consume 1000))

(println "The next message received is:" msg)


Copyright (c) 2024-2025 by Monkey Projects BV.

MIT License

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