A Component bundling Stefon, Garden and WebJars functionality. Apt for development and production.
The WebJars integration works by extracting specified contents of WebJars .jar files to your project's resources/assets
directory (this path is configurable).
Then Stefon can pick up those files and process them as it would with any ordinary file.
Note that no default options are provided for Stefon/Garden, as those will vary greatly per project. You can consult the official documentation, or pep-key for sample usage.
[com.nedap.staffing-solutions/components.assets "3.0.1-alpha1"]
You may have to apply exclusions [com.google.guava/guava com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java com.google.javascript/closure-compiler]
in order to prevent a ClojureScript compilation from popping up (which doesn't make sense in a JVM project) and failing the build.
There is exactly 1 namespace meant for public consumption:
Please browse the public namespaces, which are documented and speced.
Copyright © Nedap
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
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