A collection of test helpers.
compares both objects and their metadata, recursively.
compares objects, deeming any gensyms as equal.
macroexpands to its clojure.test/cljs.test counterpart. It only adds something for the cljs variant: it sets an adequate exit code to the Node process.
allows you to assert side effects in code. look at examples in the tests.
[com.nedap.staffing-solutions/utils.test "1.8.0-alpha2"]
matcher-combinators matchersPlease browse the public namespaces, which are documented, speced and tested.
The default namespace is dev
. Under it, (refresh)
is available, which should give you a basic "Reloaded workflow".
It is recommended that you use
(clojure.tools.namespace.repl/refresh :after 'formatting-stack.core/format!)
You can find examples in the api test.
Copyright © Nedap
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0.
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