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API to manage enqueued jobs.

API to manage enqueued jobs.
- [API wiki](
raw docstring


(delete broker job)

Deletes given Job from it's queue.

Deletes given Job from it's queue.
sourceraw docstring


(find-by-id broker queue id)

Finds a Job by :id in given queue.

Finds a Job by `:id` in given queue.
sourceraw docstring


(find-by-pattern broker queue match?)
(find-by-pattern broker queue match? limit)

Finds a Job by user-defined parameters in given queue.
If limit isn't mentioned, defaults to 10.

Finds a Job by user-defined parameters in given queue.\
If limit isn't mentioned, defaults to 10.
sourceraw docstring


(list-all-queues broker)

Lists all the queues.

Lists all the queues.
sourceraw docstring


(prioritise-execution broker job)

Brings a Job anywhere in the queue to front of queue, after verification of existence.
Hence, this accepts only 1 job instead of multiple.

Brings a Job anywhere in the queue to front of queue,
 after verification of existence.\
Hence, this accepts only 1 job instead of multiple.
sourceraw docstring


(purge broker queue)

Purges all the Jobs in given queue.

Purges all the Jobs in given queue.
sourceraw docstring


(size broker queue)

Returns count of Jobs in given queue.

Returns count of Jobs in given queue.
sourceraw docstring

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