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API to manage dead jobs.

API to manage dead jobs.
- [API wiki](
raw docstring


(delete broker job)

Deletes given Dead Job.

Deletes given Dead Job.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-older-than broker epoch-ms)

Deletes Dead Jobs older than given epoch-ms.

Deletes Dead Jobs older than given epoch-ms.
sourceraw docstring


(find-by-id broker id)

Finds a Dead Job by :id.

Finds a Dead Job by `:id`.
sourceraw docstring


(find-by-pattern broker match?)
(find-by-pattern broker match? limit)

Finds a Dead Jobs by user-defined parameters.
If limit isn't mentioned, defaults to 10.

Finds a Dead Jobs by user-defined parameters.\
If limit isn't mentioned, defaults to 10.
sourceraw docstring


(pop broker)

Pops the oldest Dead Job from the queue & returns it.

Pops the oldest Dead Job from the queue & returns it.
sourceraw docstring


(purge broker)

Purges all the Dead Jobs.

Purges all the Dead Jobs.
sourceraw docstring


(replay-job broker job)

Re-enqueues given Dead Job to front of queue for execution, after verification of existence.
Hence, this accepts only 1 job instead of multiple.

Re-enqueues given Dead Job to front of queue for execution,
 after verification of existence.\
Hence, this accepts only 1 job instead of multiple.
sourceraw docstring


(replay-n-jobs broker n)

Re-enqueues n oldest Dead Jobs to front of queue for execution.

Re-enqueues n oldest Dead Jobs to front of queue for execution.
sourceraw docstring


(size broker)

Returns count of Dead Jobs.

Returns count of Dead Jobs.
sourceraw docstring

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