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(add-line-element lines z line)

Parse line for inline elements and add sequence at z.

Parse line for inline elements and add sequence at z.
sourceraw docstring


(add-table-formula z s)

Add table formula at z, splitting s into separate formulas.

Add table formula at z, splitting s into separate formulas.
sourceraw docstring


(append-table-line z s)

Append table row s to location z. Splits s into fields

Append table row s to location z. Splits s into fields
sourceraw docstring


Attribute Regular Expression that captures the attribute name and any values (as a single string)

Attribute Regular Expression that captures the attribute name and
any values (as a single string)
sourceraw docstring


Regex that matches the end of a begin block

Regex that matches the end of a begin block
sourceraw docstring


Regex that matches the start of a begin_* block. It captures the type of block along with any parameters (as a single string)

Regex that matches the start of a begin_* block. It captures the
type of block along with any parameters (as a single string)
sourceraw docstring


Regex that matches an inline comment

Regex that matches an inline comment
sourceraw docstring


(enclosing-plain-list z level)

Move z up to appropiate level enclosing the current list

Move z up to appropiate level enclosing the current list
sourceraw docstring


Regex denoting a footnote definition. Captures identifier and definition

Regex denoting a footnote definition. Captures identifier and
sourceraw docstring


(handle-last-line [line z] & body)

Macro to help break out of further processing if line is nil. Returns root of z

Macro to help break out of further processing if line is
nil. Returns root of z
sourceraw docstring


Regex that matches headlines and todo items. This regex does a bunch of work and captures the leading stars, TODO or DONE tags, headline text, and tags.

Regex that matches headlines and todo items. This regex does a
bunch of work and captures the leading stars, TODO or DONE tags,
headline text, and tags.
sourceraw docstring


(move-level z level)

Given level, move up z until the location is an appropiate place to add elements at level.

Given level, move up z until the location is an appropiate place to
add elements at level.
sourceraw docstring


(next-line [line & rest] z)


(parse-attrib [& rest] z [_ name values])

At current location z, add attribute with name and values

At current location z, add attribute with name and values
sourceraw docstring


(parse-block [line & rest] z)
(parse-block [& rest] z [_ type attribs])

Parse a block structure, keeping attribues and adding lines until an end tag is encountered

Parse a block structure, keeping attribues and adding lines until
an end tag is encountered
sourceraw docstring


(parse-comment [& rest] z [_ comment])

At current location z, add comment with parsed text

At current location z, add comment with parsed text
sourceraw docstring


(parse-footnote [& rest] z [_ nid fid text])

Add current location z, add a footnote definition

Add current location z, add a footnote definition
sourceraw docstring


(parse-headline [& rest] z [_ stars todo headline tag])

Insert a headline at z and make it the new location.

Insert a headline at z and make it the new location.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-lines coll)

Parse coll as org-mode formatting

Parse coll as org-mode formatting
sourceraw docstring


(parse-plain-list [line & rest :as lines] z)
(parse-plain-list [line & rest :as lines] z [_ lvl idx text :as params])

Parse a plain list, keeping track of any nested heirarchy.

Parse a plain list, keeping track of any nested heirarchy.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-property [line & rest] z)
(parse-property [& rest] z _)

Parse a property block, adding property keys and values until an end tag is encountered

Parse a property block, adding property keys and values until an
end tag is encountered
sourceraw docstring


(parse-table [& lines] z [_ tblline])

Parse a table to add at location z

Parse a table to add at location z
sourceraw docstring


Regex that matches a plain list. This regex captues leading spaces, the bullets or indices, and item text

Regex that matches a plain list. This regex captues leading spaces,
the bullets or indices, and item text
sourceraw docstring


Regex for the beginning of a properties block

Regex for the beginning of a properties block
sourceraw docstring


Regex that captures property keys and values from within a properties drawer

Regex that captures property keys and values from within a
properties drawer
sourceraw docstring


Regex to match table formula. Caputes the list of formulas as one string

Regex to match table formula. Caputes the list of formulas as one
sourceraw docstring


Regex to match table lines. Captures fields as one string

Regex to match table lines. Captures fields as one string
sourceraw docstring

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