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A Clojure library to make Gemini requests that exposes some low-level API to handle network requests.


Import the library for e.g. with:

user=> (require '[gemini.core :as gemini])


fetch makes a Gemini request. The request needs to be closed afterwards using close.

Takes a map with the following keys (only :request is mandatory):

  • :proxy: a map of :host and :port, identifies the server to send the requests to. This allows to use a gemini server as a proxy, it doesn't do any other kind of proxying (e.g. SOCK5.)
  • :request the URI (as string) to require.
  • :follow-redirects? if false or nil don't follow redirects, if true follow up to 5 redirects, or the number of redirects to follow.

Returns a map with :error key if an error occur or with the following fields if it succeeds:

  • :uri: the URI of the request. May be different from the requested one if :follow-redirects? was specified.
  • :request: the object backing the request.
  • :code and :meta are the parsed header response.
  • :body an instance of a BufferedReader. Note: closing the body is not enough, always call clase on the returned map.
  • :redirected? true if a redirect was followed.
user=> (gemini/fetch {:request "gemini://"
                      :follow-redirects? true})
{:uri "gemini://",
 #object[com.omarpolo.gemini.Request 0x6fa9ec6f "com.omarpolo.gemini.Request@6fa9ec6f"],
 :code 20,
 :meta "text/gemini",
 #object[ 0x18a8d9e0 ""],
 :redirected? true}

body-as-string! reads all the response into a string and returns it. It also closes the request automatically.

user=> (-> {:request "gemini://"}
"# Project Gemini\n\n## Overview\n\nGemini is a new internet protocol which..."

close closes a request. It needs to be called after every request.

user=> (let [req (gemini/fetch {,,,})]
         (when-not (:error req)
           ;; do something with req
           (gemini/close req)))

with-request is a macro like with-open to making connection easily. It automatically closes the request and evaluates the body only when the request is successful, otherwise throws an exception.

user=> (gemini/with-request [req {:request "gemini://"}]

Streaming content

The :body keyword in the returned map is an instance of a Java BufferedReader, so streaming content is easy.

However, body-as-string! needs to materialise the full reply, so in case of a streaming request it will never return!


This library only implements the network part of Gemini, it doesn't try to handle any kind of content. To handle text/gemini you can use e.g. the gemtext library:

user=> (require '[gemtext.core :as gemtext])
user=> (gemini/with-request [req {:request "gemini://"}]
         (gemtext/parse (:body req)))
[[:header-1 "Project Gemini"]
 [:text ""]
 [:header-2 "Overview"]
 [:text ""]
 [:text "Gemini is a new internet protocol which:"]

The gemtext library supports streaming via the gemtext.core/parse transducer:

user=> (gemini/with-request [req {:request "gemini://"}]
         (transduce gemtext/parser conj [] (line-seq (:body req))))


Copyright © 2021 Omar Polo, all rights reserved.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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