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A Clojure HTTP client based on the Java 11 native HTTP client. This is a drop in replacement for clojure-http and http-kit.


The HTTP Client was added in Java 11. It can be used to request HTTP resources over the network. It supports HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, both synchronous and asynchronous programming models, handles request and response bodies as reactive-streams, and follows the familiar builder pattern.

This library exposes this Java client via Clojure and supports both sync and async requests. It can be used as a light weight, drop-in replacement for http-kit and clojure-http.

This library requires Java 11+

Making Requests


;; If you don't specify any options defaults are used
(http/get "")

;; With request options
(http/get ""
  {:headers {"Accept" "application/json" "Accept-Encoding" ["gzip" "deflate"]}
   :timeout 2000})

Query Parameters

You can add query parameters to your request using the following form:

(get "" {:query-parameters {:foo "bar"}})

Async Requests

There are async implementations of all core HTTP methods. When using the Async client, you can provide an optional callback and an optional error handler.

;; With callback
(async-get ""
  (fn [r] (println (:status r))))

;; With callback and error handler
(async-get ""
  (fn [r] (println (:status r)))
  (fn [e] (println e)))


Copyright © 2019 Owain Lewis

Released under the MIT License:

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