(<sonorous a b)
(>sonorous a b)
(apply-stress unstressed-syllables stressed-phones)
(slurp-onset-given-rime phones rime)
Phones and rime are vectors of phones. Phones is backwards since we process naturally that way due to the maximal onset principle. Rime is forwards since it's the end-result of how we're reading the word.
Returns a vector of the syllable and the remaining phones to process.
Phones and rime are vectors of phones. Phones is backwards since we process naturally that way due to the maximal onset principle. Rime is forwards since it's the end-result of how we're reading the word. Returns a vector of the syllable and the remaining phones to process.
(slurp-rime phones)
Returns a vector of the rime and the remaining phones to process.
Returns a vector of the rime and the remaining phones to process.
(sonority phone)
(syllabify original-phones)
(vowel? phone)
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