Clojure DynamoDB client. This experimental project started from Faraday by Peter Taoussanis. Ref. (Faraday), (DynamoDBv2 API)
Clojure DynamoDB client. This experimental project started from Faraday by Peter Taoussanis. Ref. (Faraday), (DynamoDBv2 API)
(bounded-memoize f k)
Return a bounded memoized version of fn 'f' that caches the last 'k' computed values
Return a bounded memoized version of fn 'f' that caches the last 'k' computed values
(doto-cond exp & clauses)
My own version of doto-cond
My own version of doto-cond
(error x)
(error str map)
(hash-map->list map)
(ignore-errors exp)
(lru-cache max-size)
(tx-assert x & message)
(type-case i & clauses)
(unwind-protect protected-form & cleanup-form)
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