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Membrane with WebGL target

The basic idea is that everything in membrane.component and membrane.ui is platform agnostic. As long as you build your GUI using the tools in those namespaces, your app should work on other platforms.

Below are a few tips for setting up your project when targeting opengl.

Hello World

(ns helloworld
  ;; typical requires
  (:require-macros [membrane.webgl-macros
                    :refer [add-image!]])
  (:require [membrane.component :refer [defui]]
            [membrane.webgl :as webgl]
            [membrane.ui :as ui
             :refer [horizontal-layout

;; Must be an <canvas/> element
(def canvas (.getElementById js/document "canvas"))
(defonce start-app (membrane.webgl/run #(ui/label "Hello World") {:canvas canvas}))

To receive key events, your canvas needs to a "tabindex" attribute set to zero or greater ( If you don't know what value to set it to, then set it to zero.

You can also create your canvas in clojurescript and add it to the page. Creating a canvas element using membrane.webgl/create-canvas will set the tabindex to "0" for you.

(let [canvas (webgl/create-canvas 300 400)]
  (.appendChild (.-body js/document) canvas)
  (defonce start-app (membrane.webgl/run #(ui/label "Hello World") {:canvas canvas})))


Images must be loaded using (add-image! url-path image-path-or-bounds) where url-path is the url the image should be loaded from and image-path-or-bounds is either a 2 element vector of [width height] or the path to an image on the local filesystem that is read to figure out the image's size.

The images can then be used like

(ui/image url-path)


Font layout information is needed to correctly layout fonts. By default, the Ubuntu font is loaded and used. Better font support coming soon!


Components can still be run using membrane.component/run-ui.

For example:

(defonce start-todo-app (membrane.component/run-ui #'todo/todo-app todo/todo-state nil {:canvas canvas}))

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