(-call-args id ret & args)
(arc! o)
Calls retain on o
. Registers a cleaner that calls release.
Calls retain on `o`. Registers a cleaner that calls release.
(arg->dtype arg)
(class_addIvar cls name size alignment types)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, unsigned long size, unsigned char alignment, const char * types)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, unsigned long size, unsigned char alignment, const char * types)
(class_addMethod cls name imp types)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name, void (*)(void) imp, const char * types)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name, void (*)(void) imp, const char * types)
(class_addProperty cls name attributes attributeCount)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
(class_addProtocol cls protocol)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_object * protocol)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_object * protocol)
(class_conformsToProtocol cls protocol)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_object * protocol)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_object * protocol)
(class_copyIvarList cls outCount)
struct objc_ivar ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_ivar ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
(class_copyMethodList cls outCount)
struct objc_method ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_method ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
(class_copyPropertyList cls outCount)
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
(class_copyProtocolList cls outCount)
struct objc_object ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_object ** (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned int * outCount)
(class_createInstance cls extraBytes)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned long extraBytes)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_class * cls, unsigned long extraBytes)
(class_getClassMethod cls name)
struct objc_method * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
struct objc_method * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
(class_getClassVariable cls name)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
(class_getImageName cls)
const char * (struct objc_class * cls)
const char * (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getInstanceMethod cls name)
struct objc_method * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
struct objc_method * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
(class_getInstanceSize cls)
unsigned long (struct objc_class * cls)
unsigned long (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getInstanceVariable cls name)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
(class_getIvarLayout cls)
const unsigned char * (struct objc_class * cls)
const unsigned char * (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getMethodImplementation cls name)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name)
(class_getName cls)
const char * (struct objc_class * cls)
const char * (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getProperty cls name)
struct objc_property * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
struct objc_property * (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name)
(class_getSuperclass cls)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * cls)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getVersion cls)
int (struct objc_class * cls)
int (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_getWeakIvarLayout cls)
const unsigned char * (struct objc_class * cls)
const unsigned char * (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_isMetaClass cls)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls)
(class_lookupMethod cls sel)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
(class_replaceMethod cls name imp types)
void ()(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name, void ()(void) imp, const char * types)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * name, void (*)(void) imp, const char * types)
(class_replaceProperty cls name attributes attributeCount)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount)
(class_respondsToMethod cls sel)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
(class_respondsToSelector cls sel)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
_Bool (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_selector * sel)
(class_setIvarLayout cls layout)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const unsigned char * layout)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const unsigned char * layout)
(class_setSuperclass cls newSuper)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_class * newSuper)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * cls, struct objc_class * newSuper)
(class_setVersion cls version)
void (struct objc_class * cls, int version)
void (struct objc_class * cls, int version)
(class_setWeakIvarLayout cls layout)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const unsigned char * layout)
void (struct objc_class * cls, const unsigned char * layout)
(defclass class-name & methods)
(defenum sym)
(describe o)
(encode-type sym)
(invoke-block block ret-type & types-and-args)
Untested. Should work... theoretically.
Untested. Should work... theoretically.
(keep-function? f)
(make-block f ret-type arg-types)
(method_copyArgumentType m index)
char * (struct objc_method * m, unsigned int index)
char * (struct objc_method * m, unsigned int index)
(method_copyReturnType m)
char * (struct objc_method * m)
char * (struct objc_method * m)
(method_exchangeImplementations m1 m2)
void (struct objc_method * m1, struct objc_method * m2)
void (struct objc_method * m1, struct objc_method * m2)
(method_getArgumentType m index dst dst_len)
void (struct objc_method * m, unsigned int index, char * dst, unsigned long dst_len)
void (struct objc_method * m, unsigned int index, char * dst, unsigned long dst_len)
(method_getDescription m)
struct objc_method_description * (struct objc_method * m)
struct objc_method_description * (struct objc_method * m)
(method_getImplementation m)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_method * m)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_method * m)
(method_getName m)
struct objc_selector * (struct objc_method * m)
struct objc_selector * (struct objc_method * m)
(method_getNumberOfArguments m)
unsigned int (struct objc_method * m)
unsigned int (struct objc_method * m)
(method_getReturnType m dst dst_len)
void (struct objc_method * m, char * dst, unsigned long dst_len)
void (struct objc_method * m, char * dst, unsigned long dst_len)
(method_getTypeEncoding m)
const char * (struct objc_method * m)
const char * (struct objc_method * m)
(method_setImplementation m imp)
void ()(void) (struct objc_method * m, void ()(void) imp)
void (*)(void) (struct objc_method * m, void (*)(void) imp)
(nsstring->str nsstring)
(objc form)
(objc-msgSend id ret & args)
(objc-syntax form)
(objc-syntax env form)
(objc-syntax-fn env form)
(objc-syntax-seq env form)
(objc-syntax-symbol env form)
(objc-syntax-vector env form)
(objc_addLoadImageFunc func)
void (void (*)(const struct mach_header *) func)
void (void (*)(const struct mach_header *) func)
(objc_allocateClassPair superclass name extraBytes)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * superclass, const char * name, unsigned long extraBytes)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * superclass, const char * name, unsigned long extraBytes)
(objc_allocateProtocol name)
struct objc_object * (const char * name)
struct objc_object * (const char * name)
(objc_constructInstance cls bytes)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_class * cls, void * bytes)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_class * cls, void * bytes)
(objc_copyClassList outCount)
struct objc_class ** (unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_class ** (unsigned int * outCount)
(objc_copyClassNamesForImage image outCount)
const char ** (const char * image, unsigned int * outCount)
const char ** (const char * image, unsigned int * outCount)
(objc_copyImageNames outCount)
const char ** (unsigned int * outCount)
const char ** (unsigned int * outCount)
(objc_copyProtocolList outCount)
struct objc_object ** (unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_object ** (unsigned int * outCount)
(objc_destructInstance obj)
void * (struct objc_object * obj)
void * (struct objc_object * obj)
(objc_disposeClassPair cls)
void (struct objc_class * cls)
void (struct objc_class * cls)
(objc_duplicateClass original name extraBytes)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * original, const char * name, unsigned long extraBytes)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_class * original, const char * name, unsigned long extraBytes)
(objc_enumerateClasses image namePrefix conformingTo subclassing block)
void (const void * image, const char * namePrefix, struct objc_object * conformingTo, struct objc_class * subclassing, void (^)(struct objc_class *, _Bool *) block)
void (const void * image, const char * namePrefix, struct objc_object * conformingTo, struct objc_class * subclassing, void (^)(struct objc_class *, _Bool *) block)
(objc_enumerationMutation obj)
void (struct objc_object * obj)
void (struct objc_object * obj)
(objc_getAssociatedObject object key)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * object, const void * key)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * object, const void * key)
(objc_getClass name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
(objc_getClassList buffer bufferCount)
int (struct objc_class ** buffer, int bufferCount)
int (struct objc_class ** buffer, int bufferCount)
(objc_getFutureClass name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
(objc_getMetaClass name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
(objc_getProtocol name)
struct objc_object * (const char * name)
struct objc_object * (const char * name)
(objc_getRequiredClass name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
(objc_loadWeak location)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object ** location)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object ** location)
(objc_lookUpClass name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
struct objc_class * (const char * name)
(objc_registerClassPair cls)
void (struct objc_class * cls)
void (struct objc_class * cls)
(objc_registerProtocol proto)
void (struct objc_object * proto)
void (struct objc_object * proto)
(objc_removeAssociatedObjects object)
void (struct objc_object * object)
void (struct objc_object * object)
(objc_retainedObject obj)
struct objc_object * (const void * obj)
struct objc_object * (const void * obj)
(objc_setAssociatedObject object key value policy)
void (struct objc_object * object, const void * key, struct objc_object * value, unsigned long policy)
void (struct objc_object * object, const void * key, struct objc_object * value, unsigned long policy)
(objc_setEnumerationMutationHandler handler)
void (void (*)(struct objc_object *) handler)
void (void (*)(struct objc_object *) handler)
(objc_setForwardHandler fwd fwd_stret)
void (void * fwd, void * fwd_stret)
void (void * fwd, void * fwd_stret)
(objc_setHook_getClass newValue outOldValue)
void (_Bool (*)(const char *, struct objc_class ) newValue, _Bool ()(const char *, struct objc_class **) outOldValue)
void (_Bool (*)(const char *, struct objc_class **) newValue, _Bool (**)(const char *, struct objc_class **) outOldValue)
(objc_setHook_getImageName newValue outOldValue)
void (_Bool (*)(struct objc_class *, const char ) newValue, _Bool ()(struct objc_class *, const char **) outOldValue)
void (_Bool (*)(struct objc_class *, const char **) newValue, _Bool (**)(struct objc_class *, const char **) outOldValue)
(objc_setHook_lazyClassNamer newValue oldOutValue)
void (const char ()(struct objc_class *) newValue, const char *(**)(struct objc_class *) oldOutValue)
void (const char *(*)(struct objc_class *) newValue, const char *(**)(struct objc_class *) oldOutValue)
(objc_storeWeak location obj)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object ** location, struct objc_object * obj)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object ** location, struct objc_object * obj)
(objc_unretainedObject obj)
struct objc_object * (const void * obj)
struct objc_object * (const void * obj)
(objc_unretainedPointer obj)
const void * (struct objc_object * obj)
const void * (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_copy obj size)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj, unsigned long size)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj, unsigned long size)
(object_dispose obj)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_getClass obj)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_object * obj)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_getClassName obj)
const char * (struct objc_object * obj)
const char * (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_getIndexedIvars obj)
void * (struct objc_object * obj)
void * (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_getInstanceVariable obj name outValue)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void ** outValue)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void ** outValue)
(object_getIvar obj ivar)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar)
struct objc_object * (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar)
(object_isClass obj)
_Bool (struct objc_object * obj)
_Bool (struct objc_object * obj)
(object_setClass obj cls)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_class * cls)
struct objc_class * (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_class * cls)
(object_setInstanceVariable obj name value)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void * value)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void * value)
(object_setInstanceVariableWithStrongDefault obj name value)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void * value)
struct objc_ivar * (struct objc_object * obj, const char * name, void * value)
(object_setIvar obj ivar value)
void (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar, struct objc_object * value)
void (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar, struct objc_object * value)
(object_setIvarWithStrongDefault obj ivar value)
void (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar, struct objc_object * value)
void (struct objc_object * obj, struct objc_ivar * ivar, struct objc_object * value)
(oprn os)
(protocol_addMethodDescription proto
void (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_selector * name, const char * types, _Bool isRequiredMethod, _Bool isInstanceMethod)
void (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_selector * name, const char * types, _Bool isRequiredMethod, _Bool isInstanceMethod)
(protocol_addProperty proto
void (struct objc_object * proto, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
void (struct objc_object * proto, const char * name, const objc_property_attribute_t * attributes, unsigned int attributeCount, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
(protocol_addProtocol proto addition)
void (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * addition)
void (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * addition)
(protocol_conformsToProtocol proto other)
_Bool (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * other)
_Bool (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * other)
(protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList proto
struct objc_method_description * (struct objc_object * proto, _Bool isRequiredMethod, _Bool isInstanceMethod, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_method_description * (struct objc_object * proto, _Bool isRequiredMethod, _Bool isInstanceMethod, unsigned int * outCount)
(protocol_copyPropertyList proto outCount)
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount)
(protocol_copyPropertyList2 proto
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
struct objc_property ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
(protocol_copyProtocolList proto outCount)
struct objc_object ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount)
struct objc_object ** (struct objc_object * proto, unsigned int * outCount)
(protocol_getName proto)
const char * (struct objc_object * proto)
const char * (struct objc_object * proto)
(protocol_getProperty proto name isRequiredProperty isInstanceProperty)
struct objc_property * (struct objc_object * proto, const char * name, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
struct objc_property * (struct objc_object * proto, const char * name, _Bool isRequiredProperty, _Bool isInstanceProperty)
(protocol_isEqual proto other)
_Bool (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * other)
_Bool (struct objc_object * proto, struct objc_object * other)
(ref! o)
(sel_getName sel)
const char * (struct objc_selector * sel)
const char * (struct objc_selector * sel)
(sel_getUid str)
struct objc_selector * (const char * str)
struct objc_selector * (const char * str)
(sel_isEqual lhs rhs)
_Bool (struct objc_selector * lhs, struct objc_selector * rhs)
_Bool (struct objc_selector * lhs, struct objc_selector * rhs)
(sel_isMapped sel)
_Bool (struct objc_selector * sel)
_Bool (struct objc_selector * sel)
(sel_registerName str)
struct objc_selector * (const char * str)
struct objc_selector * (const char * str)
(str->nsstring s)
(tweak-api api)
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