(->map-entry obj k)
(-bounded-count this n)
(ilabel o width)
(indent n)
(inspect obj)
{:keys [width height show-context? sync?] :as opts :or {show-context? true}})
Open an inspector window to view obj.
Open an inspector window to view obj.
(inspector {:keys [obj width height show-context? extra context]
:or {width 40 height 1}})
(inspector {:keys [obj width height show-context? extra context]
:or {width 40 height 1}
:as m-18269})
(inspector-boolean {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-char {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-deref {:keys [obj width height path highlight-path]})
(inspector-dispatch {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-double {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-float {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-fn {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-integer {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-keyword {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-map-entry {:keys [obj width height path highlight-path]})
(inspector-nil {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-pwrapped {:keys [obj width height path highlight-path]})
(inspector-ratio {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-seq {:keys [obj width height highlight-path path offset open close]
:as m})
(inspector-seq-horizontal {:keys [obj width height highlight-path path offset
open close]})
(inspector-symbol {:keys [obj width height]})
(inspector-tagged-literal {:keys [obj width height path highlight-path]})
(inspector-uuid {:keys [obj width height path highlight-path]})
(-unwrap this)
(split-evenly width n)
(split-ratio width r)
(wrap o)
(wrap-drag-start {:keys [obj path stack]} body)
(wrap-highlight path highlight-path elem)
(wrap-resizing {:keys [resizing? width height body extra context]})
(wrap-resizing {:keys [resizing? width height body extra context] :as m-18232})
(wrap-selection x path elem)
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