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cljest comes with built-in support for making both spies and setting up mocks for your tests.


cljest exposes a cljest.core/spy function, which is a wrapper on top of jest.fn(). By default (called with no arguments) it's an empty spy and is mainly useful for capturing inputs or acting as a function where its return result doesn't matter (like an event handler). You can optionally call it with an implementation, which is a function which will be called whenever the function is called.


(ns app.main-test
  (:require [cljest.core :refer [describe is it spy]]
            [cljest.matchers :as m]))

(describe "spying"
  (it "should capture calls"
    (let [my-spy (spy)]
      (my-spy "abc" 1 2 3)
      (is (m/called-with? my-spy "abc" 1 2 3))))

  (it "should accept an implementation"
    (let [my-spy (spy (constantly "the best result"))]
      (is (= "the best result" (my-spy)))
      (is (m/called-times? my-spy 1)))))


cljest supports with-redefs as well as exposes a more powerful set of mocking macros that work in a larger variety of tests.

So, with-redefs works as expected -- if your test or function is synchronous, with-redefs works as normal. However, if you've written an asynchornous test, you know that with-redefs won't work as expected and the mock will go away before the promise resolves, which isn't so useful if the test is async.

To help with this problem, cljest exposes two mocking helpers, cljest.helpers.core/with-mocks and cljest.helpers.core/setup-mocks.

with-mocks with identically to with-redefs, except that it supports async bodies, and will wait until the body resolves before removing the mock.

setup-mocks is kind of like use-fixtures but specific for mocks. You can conceptually consider it like a combination of with-mocks and before-each, letting you create a set of mocks for multiple tests.


(ns app.main-test
  (:require [cljest.core :refer [describe is it spy]]
            [cljest.helpers.core :as h]
            [cljest.matchers :as m]))

(defn ^:private wait+
  (js/Promise. (fn [res]
    (js/setTimeout res ms))))

(defn ^:private trigger-event
  [event-type value]
  ;; Assume effect/trigger exists
  (event/trigger event-type value))

(defn ^:private async-cb
  [cb effect-value]
  (trigger-event "before" effect-value)
    (await (wait+ 5))
    (trigger-event "after" effect-value)

(describe "mocking"
  (describe "with-mocks"
    (it "can mock in async contexts"
      (h/with-mocks [trigger-event (spy)]
          (let [cb-promise (async-cb (constantly nil) "with-mocks")]
            (is (m/called-with? trigger-event "before" "with-mocks"))
            (await cb-promise)
            (is (m/called-times? trigger-event 2))
            (is (m/called-with? trigger-event "after" "with-mocks")))))))

  (describe "setup-mocks"
    (h/setup-mocks [trigger-event (spy)])

    (it "should work in this test"
        (await (async-cb (constantly nil) nil))
        (is (m/called-times? trigger-event 2))))

    (it "should work in this test too"
        (let [cb (spy)
              cb-promise (async-cb cb "setup-mocks")]
          (is (m/called-with? trigger-event "before" "setup-mocks"))
          (is (m/called-times? side-effect-fn 1))

          (await cb-promise)

          (is (m/called-with? trigger-event "after" "setup-mocks")))))))

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