(add-error! form type)
(effect-hook? form)
(find-hook-for-symbol env sym)
(find-local-variables env form)
Finds all references in form
to local vars in env
Finds all references in `form` to local vars in `env`
(find-missing-and-unnecessary-deps env f deps)
(find-unnecessary-deps env deps)
(find-unsafe-set-state-calls env f)
(hook-call? form)
(hook? sym)
(lint! sym form env)
(lint-exhaustive-deps env form f deps)
(lint-exhaustive-deps! env form f deps)
(lint-hooks! exprs)
(lint-hooks!* expr
{:keys [in-branch? in-loop?]
:or {in-branch? *in-branch?* in-loop? *in-loop?*}})
(ppr s)
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