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Idiomatic ClojureScript interface to modern React.js

"Oh god, I just started learning reagent. Don’t tell me I’ll have to switch" /r/clojure

API compatibility: React v18.2.0

UIx v1 is in roman01la/uix repo

Discuss at #uix on Clojurians Slack

CircleCI Clojars Project Clojars Project


yarn add react@18.2.0 react-dom@18.2.0
{:deps {com.pitch/uix.core {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}
        com.pitch/uix.dom {:mvn/version "0.9.0"}}}

How to start a new project with UIx

  • Run npx create-uix-app my-app to scaffold a new project
  • Clone starter template manually from pitch-io/uix-starter


  (:require [uix.core :refer [defui $]]

(defui button [{:keys [on-click children]}]
  ($ :button.btn {:on-click on-click}

(defui app []
  (let [[state set-state!] (uix.core/use-state 0)]
    ($ :<>
      ($ button {:on-click #(set-state! dec)} "-")
      ($ :span state)
      ($ button {:on-click #(set-state! inc)} "+"))))

(defonce root
  (uix.dom/create-root (js/document.getElementById "root")))

(uix.dom/render-root ($ app) root)




Note: to ensure you're using the right Node.js version, you can use nvm and run nvm use once in the directory. Otherwise the Node.js version you use is in the .nvmrc file. See nvm repo for more documentation.


  1. Update version in core/release.edn, dom/release.edn and in
  2. Update docs if needed
  3. Update
  4. Publish both core and dom packages to Clojars
cd core && CLOJARS_PASSWORD={YOUR_CLOJARS_TOKEN} clj -A:release --skip-tag
cd dom && CLOJARS_PASSWORD={YOUR_CLOJARS_TOKEN} clj -A:release --skip-tag

Who's using UIx2?

Thanks to

  • UIx v1 for initial set of ideas and learnings
  • Helix for even more ideas
  • Pitch for sponsoring and dogfooding the work

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
roman01la, Roman Liutikov, DjebbZ, Brandon Stubbs, Karlis Lauva & den1k
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