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Code-splitting and React.lazy

Let's say you want to split out a library of UI components into a separate bundle, so that it can be shared across multiple applications that depend on the library.

(ns app.ui.lib
  (:require [uix.core :refer [defui $]]))

(defui modal [{:keys [on-close children]}]

Similarly to React, with UIx you can use uix.core/lazy that will take care of loading the UIx component from a separate module. Then in UI code you can use React's Suspense to load the component lazily and display a fallback UI while it's loading. The example below demonstrates how to create and load a lazy component using the loader API from shadow-cljs.

(ns app.core
  (:require [uix.core :refer [defui $]]

;; create shadow's loadable object that references `app.ui.lib/modal` component
(def loadable-modal (shadow.lazy/loadable app.ui.lib/modal))

;; create React's lazy component that loads the modal using shadow's API
(def modal (uix.core/lazy #(shadow.lazy/load loadable-modal)))

(defui app []
  (let [[show-modal? set-show-modal!] (uix.core/use-state false)]
    ($ :div
      ($ :button {:on-click #(set-show-modal! true)})
      ;; wrap the "lazy" `modal` with React's `Suspense` component and provide a fallback UI
      ($ react/Suspense {:fallback ($ :div "Loading...")}
        (when show-modal?
          ;; when rendered, React will load the module while displaying the fallback
          ;; and then render the component referenced from the module
          ($ modal {:on-close #(set-show-modal! false)}))))))

For the above to compile correctly you'd have to update build config in shadow-cljs.edn:

{:module-loader true
 :modules {:main {:entries [app.core}}
           :ui-lib {:entries [app.ui.lib}
                    :depends-on #{:main}}}

If you are not familiar with ClojureScript's :modules configuration, make sure to read documentation about this compiler option.

Also check out React's documentation page on Code-splitting and React.lazy for more examples.

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