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(disable spec)


(init {_to :com.potetm.fusebox.timeout/timeout-ms :as spec})

Initialize a Timeout.

spec is a map containing: ::timeout-ms - millis to wait before timing out ::interrupt? - bool indicated whether a timed-out thread should be interrupted on timeout

Initialize a Timeout.

spec is a map containing:
  ::timeout-ms - millis to wait before timing out
  ::interrupt? - bool indicated whether a timed-out thread should be interrupted
                 on timeout
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(shutdown spec)


(timeout* {to :com.potetm.fusebox.timeout/timeout-ms
           intr? :com.potetm.fusebox.timeout/interrupt?
           :as spec}


(try-interruptible & body)

Same as clojure.core/try, but guarantees an InterruptedException will be rethrown and never swallowed.

This should be preferred to clojure.core/try for calls to with-timeout.

Same as clojure.core/try, but guarantees an InterruptedException will be
rethrown and never swallowed.

This should be preferred to clojure.core/try for calls to with-timeout.
raw docstring


(with-timeout spec & body)

Evaluates body, throwing ExceptionInfo if lasting longer than specified.

spec is the return value of init.

Evaluates body, throwing ExceptionInfo if lasting longer than specified.

spec is the return value of init.
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