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(delay-exp retry-count)
(delay-exp base retry-count)

Calculate an exponential delay in millis.

base - the base number to scale (default 100) retry-count - the number of previous attempts

Calculate an exponential delay in millis.

base        - the base number to scale (default 100)
retry-count - the number of previous attempts
sourceraw docstring


(delay-linear factor retry-count)

Calculate a linear delay in millis.

factor - the linear factor to use retry-count - the number of previous attempts

Calculate a linear delay in millis.

factor      - the linear factor to use
retry-count - the number of previous attempts
sourceraw docstring


(disable spec)


(init {_r? :com.potetm.fusebox.retry/retry?
       _d :com.potetm.fusebox.retry/delay
       :as spec})

Initialize a retry.

spec is map containing: ::retry? - A predicate called after an exception to determine whether body should be retried. Takes three args: eval-count, exec-duration-ms, and the exception/failing value. ::delay - A function which calculates the delay in millis to wait prior to the next evaluation. Takes three args: eval-count, exec-duration-ms, and the exception/failing value. ::success? - (Optional) A function which takes a return value and determines whether it was successful. If false, body is retried. Defaults to (constantly true).

Initialize a retry.

spec is map containing:
  ::retry?   - A predicate called after an exception to determine
               whether body should be retried. Takes three args:
               eval-count, exec-duration-ms, and the exception/failing value.
  ::delay    - A function which calculates the delay in millis to
               wait prior to the next evaluation. Takes three args:
               eval-count, exec-duration-ms, and the exception/failing value.
  ::success? - (Optional) A function which takes a return value and determines
               whether it was successful. If false, body is retried.
               Defaults to (constantly true).
sourceraw docstring


(jitter jitter-factor delay)

Randomly jitter a given delay.

jitter-factor - the decimal jitter percentage, between 0 and 1 delay - the base delay in millis

Randomly jitter a given delay.

jitter-factor - the decimal jitter percentage, between 0 and 1
delay         - the base delay in millis
sourceraw docstring


(retry* spec f)

DEPRECATED: This was an early mistake. It should have been named with-retry*.

DEPRECATED: This was an early mistake. It should have been named with-retry*.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown spec)


(with-retry bindings|spec & [spec|body & body :as b])

Evaluates body, retrying according to the provided retry spec.

Evaluates body, retrying according to the provided retry spec.
sourceraw docstring


(with-retry* {succ? :com.potetm.fusebox.retry/success?
              retry? :com.potetm.fusebox.retry/retry?
              delay :com.potetm.fusebox.retry/delay
              :or {succ? always-success}
              :as spec}

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