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Benchmarks were acquired using JMH and jmh-clojure.

Each test is for a single call to:

(org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole/consumeCPU 100)

This consumes 100 "time tokens" and care is taken to keep it from getting optimized out by the JIT. Each benchmark contains a "Baseline" measurement which is just the call to (Blackhole/consumeCPU 100) with no other calls.

Each test includes a "serial" run with one thread and a "parallel" run with 8 threads. The intention is to test the overhead Fusebox brings to applications, and thus each test is designed for threads to not have to block on Fusebox machinery (i.e. the optimal throughput case). For example, bulkhead is set to allow 25 threads so there is never contention to enter the bulkhead. This seems counterintuitive, but otherwise you end up measuring the latency of the operation under test (in this case Blackhole/consumeCPU).

Big shoutout to @jgpc42. If it weren't for his work on jmh-clojure, testing with JMH would have taken weeks instead of hours.

Charts were generated using clj-xchart.

Table of Contents


All tests were performed on a 14-inch, 2021 MacBook Pro:

  • Apple M1 Max
    • 8 performance cores
    • 2 efficiency cores
  • 32 GB
  • Sonoma 14.5
# JMH version: 1.32
# VM version: JDK 21.0.4, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 21.0.4
# VM invoker: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk@21/21.0.4/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
# VM options: -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Dfusebox.usePlatformThreads=false -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-dev.xml -Dclojure.basis=.cpcache/3045479295.basis
# Blackhole mode: full + dont-inline hint
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 10 s each
# Measurement: 5 iterations, 10 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Sampling time
Direct Linking
# JMH version: 1.32
# VM version: JDK 21.0.4, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, 21.0.4
# VM invoker: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk@21/21.0.4/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
# VM options: -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -Dfusebox.usePlatformThreads=false -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-dev.xml -Dclojure.basis=.cpcache/3045479295.basis
# Blackhole mode: full + dont-inline hint
# Warmup: 5 iterations, 10 s each
# Measurement: 5 iterations, 10 s each
# Timeout: 10 min per iteration
# Threads: 1 thread, will synchronize iterations
# Benchmark mode: Sampling time


This test was done with the (default) Resilience4J SemaphoreBulkhead. Fusebox also uses a semaphore for its bulkhead, and, as expected, the timings are very similar.

When using direct linking, Fusebox even slightly outperforms Resilience4J — likely due to having fewer layers of wrapping code.


TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796825.4577515.0780690.031275
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3796825.0257304.6460480.009122

Direct Linking

TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640684.9192284.5551600.027115
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3640685.3386094.9745410.012748


Circuit breaker was by far the most difficult utility to get right. Every other utility is more or less a wrapper on some java.util.concurrent class. Circuit breaker, on the other hand, is a novel clojure implementation. (Retry is also a novel re-write, but it's trivial to write.)

With that introduction, I'm very pleased with the results. With direct linking, Fusebox is within 20% of the overhead of Resilience4J for the most common use case, and is sub-microsecond for the single-threaded use case.


TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796824.1281953.7485130.052430
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3796822.0253331.6456510.057266

Direct Linking

TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640683.5043393.1402710.017391
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3640683.0134102.6493420.097159


Not much to say here. You're seeing the cost of adding a try/catch to a call.


TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796820.4059830.0263010.004382

Direct Linking

TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640680.4361530.0720850.014492


Memoize was tricky to do, and in some ways this test is useless. Ideally, it would have included a call to (Blackhole/consumeCPU 100) for every invocation, however to do so it would need a unique string value for every invocation. JMH makes it very clear that you shouldn't expect invocation-level fixtures to work well in the sub-millisecond range, so we're left more or less measuring the lookup speed to ConcurrentHashMap.


TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796820.222143-0.1575390.008690

Direct Linking

TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640680.232351-0.1317170.004692


The Rate Limit benchmark uses the (non-default) SemaphoreBasedRateLimiter for the Resilience4J test. The maintainer of Resilience4J says it is the highest throughput rate limiter they have, and it's the implementation Fusebox uses. Fusebox out-performs in the parallel benchmark, and my suspicion is it's because Resilience4J sets the fairness parameter to true for their rate limiter.

These benchmarks were done with the following settings:

  • Bucket Size (limit per period): 1000000
  • Period (limit refresh period): 1 ms

As stated in the introduction, the goal was for the rate limiter to never actually limit execution, and 1ns/execution was two orders of magnitude below baseline execution time.


TestBaselineAvg. Execution TimeApprox. OverheadError
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796823.5677763.1880940.025402
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3796824.9807044.6010220.069383

Direct Linking

TestBaselineAvg. Execution TimeApprox. OverheadError
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640683.8711503.5070820.042465
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3640685.2746534.9105850.076962


It's not terribly surprising that Resilience4J outperforms Fusebox for serial execution. However, I was somewhat surprised to see a speed boost from Fusebox for parallel execution. My guess is that this is due to Resilience4J using shared LongAddrs to track successes and failures across all threads.


TestBaselineAvg. Execution TimeApprox. OverheadError
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3796820.4158110.0361290.007256
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3796820.4724250.0927430.019795

Direct Linking

TestBaselineAvg. Execution TimeApprox. OverheadError
Fusebox (Parallel)0.3640680.3953920.0313240.005156
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.3640680.4354380.0713700.015799


Like bulkhead, timeout is more or less implemented the same in Fusebox and Resilience4J. Unsurprisingly, the numbers are basically identical, particularly once direct linking is turned on.


TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.37968230.50855430.1288720.077493
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.37968229.21934128.8396590.075773

Direct Linking

TestBaseline (um)Avg. Execution Time (um)Approx. Overhead (um)Error (um)
Fusebox (Parallel)0.36406829.74358829.3795200.078046
Resilience4J (Parallel)0.36406829.71517529.3511070.060138

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