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unreleased changes


  • update to clj-parent 7.3.5
  • add pcp-client jetty dependencies to dependency list, to allow them to be centrally managed


  • update jetty 10 to 10.0.20 to eliminate some race conditions
  • update clj-parent to the latest


  • adds debug logging of Jetty server configuration before and after server(s) have been started


  • cleans up accidental hard dependency on hato library in project.clj, hato is now only a dev dependency.


  • ensure null requestLog in the MDCRequestHandler does not cause a null dereference.
  • enable logging for access log configuration


  • ensure that absent log-access-configuration files don't prevent application from functioning correctly


  • Reenable logback-access logging. This uses the "setRequestLog" function in jetty10 which guarantees that the request/response is settled prior to doing the logging.


  • Remove default character encoding added in 1.0.8; add tests demonstrating overriding content-type
  • add customized SecureRequestCustomizer that makes SNI not required, and turn off host checking for SNI. This allows localhost connections to a server that doesn't have localhost in its cert specification.


  • Empty tag


  • add optional sni-required configuration setting


  • set default encoding for ring handler responses to UTF-8


  • convert ring handler to using ServletContextHandler as previously used ContextHandler no longer supports the getRequestCharacterEncoding() function.


  • route logging through a SLF4J Custom logger as logback-access no longer works with jetty10. This is a work around until full featured logging is developed.


  • add the Response under the :response key in the request for ring-handlers.


  • Added additional trace level logging to help diagnose issues
  • Removed some use of reflection by applying type metadata tags
  • Avoided some nil pointer dereferences in the disconnect case.


  • Added Websocket event trace logging, removed logback 1.2.x version pins, clj-parent now specifies 1.3.x dependencies.


  • Updated to Jetty 10.0.18, added ClosureLatchSyncer interface Jetty WebSocketAdapter object to sync closure of websocket client and server.


  • Added ExecutionException handling when shutting down the server. Corrected WebSocketProtocol idle-timeout! function to produce a Duration.


  • Initial release transitioning repository from Jetty 9 to Jetty 10, everything appears to be in working order but more production testing is needed and a subsequent release may be in short order.

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rileynewton, jonathannewman, Steve Axthelm & Jonathan Newman
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