“And what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversation?”
— Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Function documentation
Originally introduced by J. Paul Morrison in the 1970s, FBP (Flow Based Programming) is a programming approach that defines applications as networks of "black box" processes, which exchange data packets over predefined connections. These connections transmit this data via predefined input and output ports. FBP is inherently concurrent and promotes high levels of component reusability and separation of concerns.
This model aligns very well with Clojure's core.async and functional programming at large. Flowmaps is essentially a mapping of FBP concepts and ergonomics on top core.async. Allowing the user to be less concerned with it - just write the "meat" of their flows - and get it's performance and benefits by default.
While it's nomenclature may diverge from Morrison's FBP terminology to be more clear in a Clojure world - it is still very much FBP by heart.
Flow-maps also provides a rabbit-ui visualizer / debugger to help UNDERSTAND and SEE how these flows are executed, their parallelism (if any), and more importantly - interactive experimentation and iterative development. One of the benefits of FBP is the ability for teams to better comprehend large complex systems as drawn out as boxes and lines - I wanted to provide a "live" version of that.
[com.ryrobes/flowmaps "0.31-SNAPSHOT"]
lein repl
(require '[flowmaps.core :as fm]
'[flowmaps.web :as fweb])
(fweb/start!) ;; starts up the rabbit-ui viewer at http://localhost:8888/
Define a simple flow map
(def first-flow
{:components {:starting 10 ;; static value to start the flow
:add-one inc ;; function 1
:add-ten (fn [x] (+ 10 x))} ;; function 2 (reg anonymous fn)
:connections [[:starting :add-one] ;; order of flow operations
[:add-one :add-ten] ;; (which will become channels)
[:add-ten :done]]}) ;; done just signals completion
Start the flow
(fm/flow first-flow)
this will
you will see lots of debug output from the various channels created and values flow through them.
(fm/flow first-flow {:debug? false})
)go back to Rabbit and select the running flow
it will have a randomly generated name
each block represents a function, and it's color is based on it's output data type
(force a name with (fm/flow first-flow {:flow-id "papa-het"})
select the name to see the flow on the canvas
As you can see we started with 10, incremented to 11, added 10 - and ended up with 21
Let's send another value - we COULD change the starting value and re-run the flow, essentially creating a new flow - but since we have Rabbit open and the channels are all still open - the flow is still "running" since the channels will react to a new value just like it did for our 10 we sent.
click on the 10 in the first block and change it to some other integer or float (remember we are applying math, so a string would error)
you can see that it just processed our new value - also notice that 2 bars have appeared above the timeline
back to the REPL - let's run it again more like you would in a production / embedded scenario
block (notice that :done did not render in Rabbit, since it's not a "real" block, just a signal or sorts)(def my-results (atom nil)) ;; atom to hold the result
(fm/flow first-flow ;; run a new version of the flow
{:debug? false} ;; no console output
my-results) ;; our atom
@my-results ;; ==> 21
Neat. but what if I want to send other values instead? I don't really want to write new flows for each one.
(fm/flow first-flow
{:debug? false}
{:starting 42069}) ;; a map with block names and override values
@my-results ;; ==> 42080
(fm/flow first-flow {:debug? false} my-results
{:starting 42069 :add-ten #(* % 0.33)})
;; ==> 13883.1
If we go back to our Rabbit web, we can see that since the web server was running all this time - these flows have actually been tracked and visualized as well.
Our first flow was run several times so there are more blocks shown
There are more ways we can "talk data" to our running flows - open up one and right-click on any channel on the left hand side
You'll see an options panel with 4 things in it
Notice how I selected the [:add-one :add-ten]
channel - If I send a value here, it bypasses the upstream blocks, so you could essentially only use part of a flow
Great! 🐇 Now that we've gone end-to-end on a simple example, we can start mixing in some more interesting options. Feel free to take a break here if you're a bit overwhelmed, I know how having tons of crap thrown at you at one time can be a negative experience. Maybe take some hammock time and consider what you're trying to accomplish and come back fresh!
That being said, let's mix in some more!
By default when you link a block to another - when the function successfully runs, whatever the resulting value was gets shipped to the next block via the channel that they share. They don't care, all the care about is getting new data and producing new values. If they have 10 output channels, they'll ship to 10 channels.
Think of it as a conveyor belt - each worker at each station isn't concerned with any other worker - only what is in front of them.
But sometimes you want to have a "special case" channel flow to occur. In flowmaps we use the :cond key for these conditional pathways.
{:description "simple example of conditional pathways"
:components {:int1 10
:int2 21
:adder {:fn + ;; notice that adder has no "traditional" connections, just a bool set of condis
:inputs [:in1 :in2]
:cond {:odd? #(odd? %) ;; 2 bool conditional dyn outs with no "real" output flow below
:even? #(even? %)}}
:odd? (fn [x] (when (odd? x) "odd!"))
:even? (fn [x] (when (even? x) "even!"))
:display-val {:fn (fn [x] x)
:view (fn [x] [:re-com/box
:align :center :justify :center
:style {:font-size "105px"
:color "orange"
:font-family "Sansita Swashed"}
:child (str x)])}}
:connections [[:int1 :adder/in1]
[:int2 :adder/in2] ;; notice that nothing connects TO :odd?, :even? here since it's logic is handled above
[:odd? :display-val] ;; but we DO need to handle FROM both possibilities
[:even? :display-val]
[:display-val :done]]}
Note: they can be used in conjunction with "regular pathways" (that always ship) or you can have a block with only conditional pathways. A simple example would be odd or even. They both cannot be true at the same time, but one HAS to be true if we're receiving numbers, so the flow continues. However, what if we had 3 conditional pathways... odd? even? divisible-by-6? In this case sometimes we'd have 2 conditional channels shipping at times.
This can also be used for loops - taking a self-referential / recursive path until some condition is met and then breaking out of it.
Slightly harder to explain, but the cond in this example essentially breaks the recursion. Also notice that for each loop the data continues right-ward for side-effects to other blocks also.
{:components {:comp1 10
:comp2 20.1
:comp3 [133 45]
:simple-plus-10 {:fn #(+ 10 %)}
:add-one {:fn #(+ % 1)}
:add-one2 {:fn #(+ 1 %)}
:add-one3 {:fn #(+ 1 %)}
:counter {:fn #(count %)
:view (fn [x] (str x " loops"))}
:conjer {:fn (fn [x] (defonce vv (atom []))
(do (swap! vv conj x) @vv))}
:add-one4 {:fn #(+ 45 %)
:cond {:condicane2 #(> % 800)}} ;; here is the loop breaker
:display-val {:fn (fn [x] x)}
:whoops {:fn #(str % ". YES.")}
:condicane2 {:fn #(str "FINAL VAL: " % " DONE")}
:adder {:fn +
:inputs [:in1 :in2]}}
:connections [[:comp1 :adder/in1]
[:comp2 :adder/in2]
[:adder :simple-plus-10]
[:condicane2 :whoops]
[:add-one4 :add-one2] ;; recur
[:add-one4 :display-val]
[:add-one4 :conjer]
[:conjer :counter]
[:whoops :done]
[:simple-plus-10 :add-one]
[:add-one :add-one2]
[:add-one2 :add-one3]
[:add-one3 :add-one4]]}
A great thing about having an awesome viewer for our flows with Rabbit, is that we can add some spice to pipelines that otherwise would be very plain. Now, granted, in full-on headless production mode we wouldn't be using Rabbit - but in many cases (like ETL pipelines, manually run processes, etc) we have no problem using Rabbit to run things - so why not add some extra bit of custom observability to our flow?
Each block can have a :view function defined which is run after the main function, and passes the return output to the :view function. This is run server-side and can return a custom string (gotta love the classics) that will be rendered nicely in the center of the block - or you can return Clojure Hiccup HTML structures, keywordized re-com components, or a vega-lite spec for visualization.
You can use a simple string and it'll be rendered "pretty".
:extract {:fn (fn [_] ;; ignoring actual sent value here - it's a trigger / signal
(let [db {:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "/home/ryanr/boston-crime-data.db"}]
(jdbc/query db ["SELECT o.*, substring(occurred_on_date, 0, 11) as ON_DATE FROM offenses o"])))
:view (fn [x] (str "Extracted " (ut/nf (count x)) " rows"))}
Or you can use hiccup and keywordized re-com components! Go nuts.
:extract {:fn (fn [_] ;; ignoring actual sent value here for demo purposes (it's a trigger / signal)
(let [db {:subprotocol "sqlite"
:subname "/home/ryanr/boston-crime-data.db"}]
(jdbc/query db ["SELECT o.*, substring(occurred_on_date, 0, 11) as ON_DATE FROM offenses o"])))
;:view (fn [x] (str "Extracted " (ut/nf (count x)) " rows"))
:view (fn [x] [:re-com/v-box
:size "auto"
:align :center :justify :center
:style {:border "3px dotted yellow"
:font-size "33px"
:color "yellow"
:font-family "Merriweather"
:background-color "maroon"}
:children [[:re-com/box :size "auto"
:child "Extracted:"]
[:re-com/box :size "auto"
:child (str (ut/nf (count x)) " rows")]]])}
...or... 👀
:conjer {:fn (fn [x]
(defonce vv (atom [])) ;; block has "local state" for each value it sees
(do (swap! vv conj x) @vv))
:view (fn [x] ;; lets draw a bar as the data comes in row by row
[:vega-lite {:data {:values (map-indexed (fn [index value]
{:index index
:value value}) x)}
:mark {:type "bar"
:color "#60a9eb66"}
:encoding {:x {:field "index" :type "ordinal"
:title "index of conj pass"
:axis {:labelColor "#ffffff77"
:ticks false
:titleColor "#ffffff"
:gridColor "#ffffff11"
:labelFont "Poppins"
:titleFont "Poppins"
:domainColor "#ffffff11"}}
:y {:field "value" :type "quantitative"
:title "random additive values"
:axis {:labelColor "#ffffff77"
:titleColor "#ffffff"
:ticks false
;:gridColor "#00000000"
:gridColor "#ffffff11"
:labelFont "Poppins"
:titleFont "Poppins"
:labelFontSize 9
:labelLimit 180
;;:labelFontStyle {:color "blue"}
:domainColor "#ffffff11"}}}
:padding {:top 15 :left 15}
:width "container"
:height :height-int
:background "transparent"
:config {:style {"guide-label" {:fill "#ffffff77"}
"guide-title" {:fill "#ffffff77"}}
:view {:stroke "#00000000"}}} {:actions false}])}
As a funny aside, I was using chatGPT to create sample flows to test out some edge cases, and it usually interprets the :view key as a first class feature, it created a color scale block when I asked for a flow that is "interesting".
{:description "sample flow created by GPT4 for testing purposes (color art hiccup)"
:components {:seed 45
{:fn (fn [n]
(map #(/ % n) (range n)))
:view (fn [x]
[:re-com/box :size "auto" :padding "6px"
:child (str "Generated sequence: " (pr-str x))])}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
(map #(str "hsl(" (* % 360) ",100%,50%)") sequence))
:inputs [:sequence]
:view (fn [x]
[:re-com/box :size "auto" :padding "6px"
:child (str "Generated colors: " (pr-str x))])}
{:fn (fn [colors]
:children (map (fn [color]
{:background-color color
:width "20px"
:height :height-int}}]) colors)])
:inputs [:colors]
:view (fn [x]
:child x])}}
[[:seed :generate-sequence]
[:generate-sequence :generate-colors/sequence]
[:generate-colors :render-art/colors]]}
We briefly passed over this in the "mutate" values part of the intro above - any static value block will editable as a code window on the Rabbit canvas. Integer, string, float, map, etc - it's an easy way to test things out / experiment.
Much like optional block "views" above - :speak can hold an function that takes in the return value of the main block function and produces a value that will be spoken in the Rabbit UI. However, this requires that add an ElevenLabs API key via the Rabbit settings panel (hit the gears icon in the upper right of the canvas), where you can also choose what voice to use via a dropdown. This can be done for fun, or for audio "notifications" depending on your flow use cases. Again, if you are running headlessly, this is ignored and will have no impact on anything.
{:components ;; example of "speaking block"
{:comp1 12
:comp2 20
{:fn #(+ 10 %)
:speak (fn [x] ;; gets the return / output of the fn above ^
(str "Hey genius! I figured out your brain-buster
of a math problem... It's " x ". Wow. Ground-breaking."))}
:adder {:fn + :inputs [:in1 :in2]}}
:connections [[:comp1 :adder/in1]
[:comp2 :adder/in2]
[:adder :simple-plus-10]]}
Just a helper in the Rabbit UI, if something is detected as a "rowset" (a 'pseudo data-type' = a vector of uniform maps), often used in REST APIs and database resultsets - there will be a "grid" option for the block (which is virtualized and much less expensive to render than the general Clojure data nested box renderer that Rabbit uses).
Note: by default we will only send a limited number of rows to the UI, it's just a sample as to not overwhelm the browser.
As we can see with block functions with multi-input "port" blocks - a block with multiple inputs will automatically WAIT for all blocks to respond before it executes, however - on subsequent runs if it receives a partial result it will use the old value from the secondary source. I'm looking to add some more options to control this flow in the future FYI.
By default the flow blocks will be arranged with a very basic algo, which is most likely not what you will want. Feel free to drag around and resize the blocks as you see fit. However, these positions will be lost next time the flow is run unless we persist these values.
Open up the flow-map-edn panel from the top right panel button. You'll see a new panel with all the current canvas metadata, feels free to copy-paste this into your flowmap under a :canvas key. You'll see several sample flows that use this by default. Again, totally optional, but if you and your team use Rabbit to inspect flows frequently having a nice layout can be very helpful.
You'll also notice that we save the "view mode" for each block, which can be helpful if you want to default a view/grid/input mode upon next loading.
{:components {...}
:connections [...] ;; just drag things around ^^ and paste it in to your flow map!
:canvas {:comp1 {:x 100 :y 100 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}
:adder/in1 {:x 430 :y 100 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}
:comp2 {:x 100 :y 430 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}
:adder/in2 {:x 430 :y 430 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}
:adder {:x 768 :y 413 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}
:simple-plus-10 {:x 1111 :y 419 :h 255 :w 240 :view-mode "data"}}}
Contains a multi-input block, a single-input but explicitly defined block, a fn only block, and some static values.
Simple sample usage:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [flowmaps.core :as fm]
[flowmaps.web :as fweb])
(def first-flow {:description "my first flow!" ;; optional, can be helpful when working w multiple flows in the UI
:components {:comp1 10 ;; static "starter value"
:comp2 20 ;; static "starter value"
:simple-plus-10 #(+ 10 %) ;; wrapping useful for single input blocks
:adder {:fn + ;; multi input uses "apply" after materializing inputs
:inputs [:in1 :in2]}}
:connections [[:comp1 :adder/in1] ;; specify the ports directly
[:comp2 :adder/in2]
[:adder :simple-plus-10]]}) ;; but use the whole block as output
(fweb/start!) ;; starts up the rabbit-ui viewer at http://localhost:8888/
(fm/flow first-flow) ;; starts the flow, look upon ye rabbit and rejoice!
TODO Explain what this does exactly.
A slight ramp up in complexity from the above flow. Contains a loop that exists via a conditional path, some blocks that contain views, a block with it's own atom/state, and provides canvas metadata to rabbit for a pre-defined layout.
(ns my-app.core
(:require [flowmaps.core :as fm]
[flowmaps.web :as fweb])
(def looping-net {:components {:comp1 10
:comp2 20
:comp3 [133 45] ;; static values (unless changed via an override - see below)
:simple-plus-10 {:fn #(+ 10 %)} ;; anon fns to easily "place" the input value explicitly
:add-one {:fn #(+ % 1)}
:add-one2 {:fn #(+ 1 %)}
:add-one3 {:fn #(+ 1 %)}
:counter {:fn #(count %)
:view (fn [x] ;; simple "view" - materialized server-side, rendered by rabbit
[:re-com/box :child (str x " loops") ;; :re-com/box h-box v-box keywordized
:align :center :justify :center ;; (just a re-com component)
:padding "10px"
:style {:color "#50a97855"
:font-weight 700
:font-size "100px"}])}
:conjer {:fn (fn [x] ;; block fn with it's own atom for collection values
(defonce vv (atom []))
(do (swap! vv conj x) @vv))
:view (fn [x] ;; vega-lite via oz/vega-lite receives the OUTPUT of the fn above
[:vega-lite {:data {:values (map-indexed (fn [index value]
{:index index
:value value}) x)}
:mark {:type "bar"
:color "#60a9eb"}
:encoding {:x {:field "index" :type "ordinal"
:title "index of conj pass"
:axis {:labelColor "#ffffff77"
:ticks false
:titleColor "#ffffff"
:gridColor "#ffffff11"
:labelFont "Poppins"
:titleFont "Poppins"
:domainColor "#ffffff11"}}
:y {:field "value" :type "quantitative"
:title "random additive values"
:axis {:labelColor "#ffffff77"
:titleColor "#ffffff"
:ticks false
:gridColor "#ffffff11"
:labelFont "Poppins"
:titleFont "Poppins"
:labelFontSize 9
:labelLimit 180
:domainColor "#ffffff11"}}}
:padding {:top 15 :left 15}
:width "container"
:height :height-int
:background "transparent"
:config {:style {"guide-label" {:fill "#ffffff77"}
"guide-title" {:fill "#ffffff77"}}
:view {:stroke "#00000000"}}} {:actions false}])}
:add-one4 {:fn #(do (Thread/sleep 120) (+ 45 %))
:cond {:condicane2 #(> % 800)}} ;; a boolean fn that acts as conditional pathway
:display-val {:fn (fn [x] x) ;; this fn is just a pass-through, only used for rendering
:view (fn [x] ;; the values it passes here as re-com again
[:re-com/box :child (str x)
:align :center :justify :center
:padding "10px"
:style {:color "#D7B4F3"
:font-weight 700
:font-size "80px"}])}
:whoops {:fn #(str % ". YES.")}
:condicane {:fn #(str % " condicane!")}
:condicane2 {:fn #(str "FINAL VAL: " % " DONE")}
:baddie #(str % " is so bad!")
:baddie2 {:fn #(+ % 10)}
:adder {:fn +
:inputs [:in1 :in2]}}
:connections [[:comp1 :adder/in1]
[:comp2 :adder/in2]
[:adder :simple-plus-10]
[:condicane2 :whoops]
[:add-one4 :add-one2]
[:add-one4 :display-val]
[:add-one4 :conjer]
[:conjer :counter]
[:whoops :done]
[:simple-plus-10 :add-one]
[:add-one :add-one2]
[:add-one2 :add-one3]
[:add-one3 :add-one4]]
:colors :Spectral ;; optional, can use Colorbrewer scales to change the channel color scale in the UI
;; :YlGn :Spectral :Paired :Set2 :PuBu :GnBu :RdGy :Purples :YlOrBr :Pastel2 :Set3 :Greys :Greens
;; :BrBG :PuOr :BuPu :RdYlGn :Reds :Accent :PRGn :Dark2 :PiYG :OrRd :PuBuGn :YlOrRd :BuGn :Oranges
;; :RdYlBu :Blues :PuRd :RdBu :RdPu :Pastel1 :YlGnBu :Set1
:canvas ;; used for rabbit placement. ignored otherwise.
{:conjer {:x 845 :y 891 :h 319 :w 428}
:whoops {:x 1482 :y 1318 :h 188 :w 310}
:add-one {:x 1456 :y 467 :h 173 :w 220}
:comp2 {:x 125 :y 450 :h 139 :w 237}
:adder/in1 {:x 424 :y 201 :h 175 :w 232}
:comp1 {:x 107 :y 210 :h 137 :w 227}
:condicane2 {:x 1168 :y 1311 :h 181 :w 253}
:counter {:x 1835 :y 1060 :h 226 :w 729}
:add-one4 {:x 377 :y 823 :h 232 :w 317}
:adder {:x 781 :y 275 :h 255 :w 240}
:add-one2 {:x 202 :y 1140 :h 187 :w 238}
:simple-plus-10 {:x 1103 :y 334 :h 255 :w 240}
:add-one3 {:x 542 :y 1120 :h 195 :w 255}
:display-val {:x 768 :y 662 :h 179 :w 320}
:adder/in2 {:x 430 :y 430 :h 175 :w 232}}})
(fweb/start!) ;; starts up the rabbit-ui viewer at http://localhost:8888/
(fm/flow looping-flow) ;; starts the flow, look upon ye rabbit and rejoice!
The "flowmaps.core/flow" fn is what creates the channels and executes the flow by pushing static values on to the starter channels. Think of it as setting up the dominoes and tapping the first one. From there on out it's in the hands of the channel connections and the "flowmaps.core/process", which you shouldn't need to ever user directly.
(flow flow-map ;; the map that defines the flow (see above examples and explanation)
options ;; currently only {:debug? true/false} defaults to true, false will silence the output
opt-output-channel-or-atom ;; given an external channel or atom - will populate it once the flow
;; reaches a block called :done - out to the rest of your app or whatever
value-overrides-map) ;; hijack some input values on static "starter" blocks {:block-target new-val}
;; typically use for replacing existing values in a flow-map, it's technically
;; replacing the entire block, so it could be a fn or a block map as well
Simple options example:
(ns my-app.core
(:require [flowmaps.core :as fm]
[flowmaps.web :as fweb])
(def my-flow {:components {:start1 10
:start2 20
:* {:fn * :inputs [:in1 :in2]}}
:connections [[:start1 :*/in1]
[:start2 :*/in2]
[:* :done]]}) ;; note the :done meta block, so it knows what to "return"
(def res (atom nil)) ;; create an atom to hold the value (could also use a channel)
(fweb/start!) ;; starts up a rabbit at http://localhost:8888/
(fm/flow my-flow {:debug? false} res) ;; adding res atom as the eventual receiver of the final value / signal
;; returns: 200
(fm/flow my-flow {:debug? false} res {:start1 44}) ;; will "override" the value of 10
;; returns: 880
(above as shown in rabbit)
Work in progress. Iterates through the various "paths" that have been resolved and gives the last value of each of those steps. Example:
;; given the flow-map in the example above...
(fm/flow-results) ;; no params, will eventually require a flow-id key
;; returns:
({[:start2 :*/in2 :* :done] ;;a singular "path" or "track"
([:start2 20] [:*/in2 {:port-in? true, :*/in2 20}] [:* 200] [:done 200])} ;; the results
{[:start1 :*/in1 :* :done]
([:start1 10] [:*/in1 {:port-in? true, :*/in1 10}] [:* 200] [:done 200])})}
The flowmaps.core/flow> macro is a quick way to "bootstrap" a flow-map from a common "threading shape" (->) you see in Clojure.
(flow> 10 #(* 2 %) #(- % 3) #(+ 10 %) inc inc dec (fn[x] (str x "!")))
;; will return
{:components {:step7 #object
[clojure.core$dec 0x2f8bfcf4
:step2 #object
[clojure.core$eval27888$fn__27889 0x2fe0bfd7
:step4 #object
[clojure.core$eval27888$fn__27891 0x5525a2ae
:step1 10
:step3 #object
[clojure.core$eval27888$fn__27893 0x7f66eca3
:step5 #object
[clojure.core$inc 0x219627cd
:step8 #object
[clojure.core$eval27888$fn__27895 0x5bfe0d5
:step6 #object
[clojure.core$inc 0x219627cd
:connections [[:step1 :step2] [:step2 :step3] [:step3 :step4]
[:step4 :step5] [:step5 :step6] [:step6 :step7]
[:step7 :step8]]}
While obviously not ideal for many circumstances (since the functions get auto-compiled), it can be useful creating a base template that then gets edited into later (replacing the compiler refs with original functions)
;; also if can be handy for quick example flows
(flow (flow> 10 #(* 2 %) #(- % 3) #(+ 10 %) inc inc dec (fn[x] (str x "!"))))
;; and teaching people how to "map" flowmaps graph model to something already understood like a ->
When the web ui is first booted up via...
(fweb/start!) ;; flowmaps.web/start! or stop!
;; returns:
[:*web "starting web ui @ http://localhost:8888" "🐇"]
...you will see a blank canvas that won't show anything until a flow is run. Obviously this data is not pushed out unless rabbit is running in your REPL or application.
Once some data starts coming in, you will see a small waffle chart of each flow that has run/is running in your repl/application! Click on a flow-id (randomly generated, or hardcoded with opts :flow-id "whatever") to select it, and click on the canvas to dismiss this "flow start" screen.
Hit the spacebar to toggle the channel sidebar panel.
This left-side panel lists all the active channels. Each line between blocks is a channel. Hovering over a block or a channel will highlight that in the other - as well as directly upstream channels and blocks.
Value explorer - double-clicking on a block's titlebar will open up a side panel on the right and show the values or views associated with that block. Click anywhere on the canvas to dismiss.
Right clicking on the channel pill on the left sidebar to expand it. It will contain:
This is a great way to interact with the flow once it's been booted up. The channels are all still open and "running" so placing values upstream allows you to "watch" them flow back down through the system.
{:components {:static-val1 10
:plus-10 #(+ 10 %)}
:connections [[:static-val :plus-10]]}
;; should create one channel and return 20 via output channel/atom if provided
More documentation WIP
Copyright © 2023 Ryan Robitaille (ryan.robitaille@gmail.com @ryrobes)
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.
This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.
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