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Carmine-backed Clojure message queue, v2. All heavy lifting by Redis.

Uses an optimized message circle architecture that is simple, reliable, and has pretty good throughput and latency.

See mq-diagram.svg in repo for diagram of architecture, Ref. for initial inspiration.

Message status e/o: nil - Not in queue or already GC'd :queued - Awaiting handler :queued-with-backoff - Awaiting handler, but skip until backoff expired :locked - Currently with handler :locked-with-requeue - Currently with handler, will requeue when done :done-awaiting-gc - Finished handling, awaiting GC :done-with-backoff - Finished handling, awaiting GC, but skip until dedupe backoff expired :done-with-requeue - Will requeue, but skip until dedupe backoff expired

Redis keys (all prefixed with carmine:mq:<qname>:):

  • messages - hash: {mid mcontent} ; Message content

  • messages-rq - hash: {mid mcontent} ; '' for requeues

  • lock-times - hash: {mid lock-ms} ; Optional mid-specific lock duration

  • lock-times-rq - hash: {mid lock-ms} ; '' for requeues

  • udts - hash: {mid udt-first-enqueued}

  • locks - hash: {mid lock-expiry-time} ; Active locks

  • backoffs - hash: {mid backoff-expiry-time} ; Active backoffs

  • nattempts - hash: {mid attempt-count}

  • done - mid set: awaiting gc, etc.

  • requeue - mid set: awaiting requeue ; Deprecated

  • mids-ready - list: mids for immediate handling (push to left, pop from right)

  • mid-circle - list: mids for maintenance processing (push to left, pop from right)

  • ndry-runs - int: num times worker(s) have lapped queue w/o work to do

  • isleep-a - list: 0/1 sentinel element for interruptible-sleep

  • isleep-b - list: 0/1 sentinel element for interruptible-sleep

Carmine-backed Clojure message queue, v2.
All heavy lifting by Redis.

Uses an optimized message circle architecture that is simple, reliable,
and has pretty good throughput and latency.

See `mq-diagram.svg` in repo for diagram of architecture,
Ref. for initial inspiration.

Message status e/o:
  nil                  - Not in queue or already GC'd
  :queued              - Awaiting handler
  :queued-with-backoff - Awaiting handler, but skip until backoff expired
  :locked              - Currently with handler
  :locked-with-requeue - Currently with handler, will requeue when done
  :done-awaiting-gc    - Finished handling, awaiting GC
  :done-with-backoff   - Finished handling, awaiting GC,
                         but skip until dedupe backoff expired
  :done-with-requeue   - Will requeue, but skip until dedupe backoff expired

Redis keys (all prefixed with `carmine:mq:<qname>:`):
  * messages      - hash: {mid mcontent} ; Message content
  * messages-rq   - hash: {mid mcontent} ; '' for requeues
  * lock-times    - hash: {mid lock-ms}  ; Optional mid-specific lock duration
  * lock-times-rq - hash: {mid lock-ms}  ; '' for requeues
  * udts          - hash: {mid  udt-first-enqueued}
  * locks         - hash: {mid    lock-expiry-time} ; Active locks
  * backoffs      - hash: {mid backoff-expiry-time} ; Active backoffs
  * nattempts     - hash: {mid attempt-count}
  * done          - mid set: awaiting gc, etc.
  * requeue       - mid set: awaiting requeue ; Deprecated

  * mids-ready    - list: mids for immediate handling     (push to left, pop from right)
  * mid-circle    - list: mids for maintenance processing (push to left, pop from right)
  * ndry-runs     - int: num times worker(s) have lapped queue w/o work to do

  * isleep-a      - list: 0/1 sentinel element for `interruptible-sleep`
  * isleep-b      - list: 0/1 sentinel element for `interruptible-sleep`
raw docstring


(clear-queues conn-opts qnames)

Permanently deletes ALL content for the Carmine message queues with given names.

Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.

Permanently deletes ALL content for the Carmine message queues with
given names.

Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.
sourceraw docstring


(default-throttle-ms-fn queue-size)

Default/example (fn [queue-size]) -> ?throttle-msecs

Default/example (fn [queue-size]) -> ?throttle-msecs
sourceraw docstring


(enqueue qname message)
(enqueue qname
         {:keys [init-backoff-ms lock-ms mid can-update? can-requeue?]})

Pushes given message (any Clojure data type) to named queue and returns a map with keys: [success? mid action error].

When success? is true: mid, action will be present, with action e/o #{:added :updated}.

When success? is false: error will be present, with error e/o #{:already-queued :locked :backoff}.

Options: :init-backoff-ms - Optional initial backoff in msecs. :lock-ms - Optional lock time in msecs. When unspecified, the worker's default lock time will be used.

:mid             - Optional unique message id (e.g. message hash) to
                   identify a specific message for dedupe/update/requeue.
                   When unspecified, a random uuid will be used.

:can-update?     - When true, will update message content and/or lock-ms for
                   an mid still awaiting handling.
:can-requeue?    - When true, will mark message with `:locked` or
                   `:done-with-backoff` status so that it will be
                   automatically requeued after garbage collection.
Pushes given message (any Clojure data type) to named queue and returns
a map with keys: [success? mid action error].

When `success?` is true:  `mid`, `action` will be present, with
                          `action` e/o #{:added :updated}.

When `success?` is false: `error` will be present, with
                          `error` e/o #{:already-queued :locked :backoff}.

    :init-backoff-ms - Optional initial backoff in msecs.
    :lock-ms         - Optional lock time in msecs. When unspecified, the
                       worker's default lock time will be used.

    :mid             - Optional unique message id (e.g. message hash) to
                       identify a specific message for dedupe/update/requeue.
                       When unspecified, a random uuid will be used.

    :can-update?     - When true, will update message content and/or lock-ms for
                       an mid still awaiting handling.
    :can-requeue?    - When true, will mark message with `:locked` or
                       `:done-with-backoff` status so that it will be
                       automatically requeued after garbage collection.
sourceraw docstring


(exp-backoff n-attempt)
(exp-backoff n-attempt {:keys [min max factor] :or {factor 1000}})

Returns binary exponential backoff value for n<=36.

Returns binary exponential backoff value for n<=36.
sourceraw docstring


Implementation detail.

Implementation detail.


(start this)


(stop this)
sourceraw docstring








(make-dequeue-worker pool
                     {:keys [handler-fn handler-ttl-msecs backoff-msecs
                             throttle-msecs auto-start?]})

DEPRECATED: Use worker instead.

DEPRECATED: Use `worker` instead.
sourceraw docstring


(message-status qname mid)

Returns current message status, e/o: nil - Not in queue or already GC'd :queued - Awaiting handler :queued-with-backoff - Awaiting handler, but skip until backoff expired :locked - Currently with handler :locked-with-requeue - Currently with handler, will requeue when done :done-awaiting-gc - Finished handling, awaiting GC :done-with-backoff - Finished handling, awaiting GC, but skip until dedupe backoff expired :done-with-requeue - Will requeue, but skip until dedupe backoff expired

Returns current message status, e/o:
nil                  - Not in queue or already GC'd
:queued              - Awaiting handler
:queued-with-backoff - Awaiting handler, but skip until backoff expired
:locked              - Currently with handler
:locked-with-requeue - Currently with handler, will requeue when done
:done-awaiting-gc    - Finished handling, awaiting GC
:done-with-backoff   - Finished handling, awaiting GC,
                       but skip until dedupe backoff expired
:done-with-requeue   - Will requeue, but skip until dedupe backoff expired
sourceraw docstring


(monitor-fn qname max-queue-size warn-backoff-ms)

Returns a worker monitor fn that warns when queue exceeds the prescribed size. A backoff timeout can be provided to rate-limit this warning.

Returns a worker monitor fn that warns when queue exceeds the prescribed
size. A backoff timeout can be provided to rate-limit this warning.
sourceraw docstring


(queue-content conn-opts qname)

Returns detailed {<mid> {:keys [message status ...]}} map for every message currently in queue.

O(n_mids) and expensive, avoid use in production.

Returns detailed {<mid> {:keys [message status ...]}} map for every
message currently in queue.

O(n_mids) and expensive, avoid use in production.
sourceraw docstring


(queue-names conn-opts)
(queue-names conn-opts pattern)

Returns a non-empty set of existing queue names, or nil.

Returns a non-empty set of existing queue names, or nil.
sourceraw docstring


(queue-size conn-opts qname)

Returns in O(1) the approx number of messages awaiting handler for given named queue. Same as (:nqueued (queue-status conn-opts qname)).

Returns in O(1) the approx number of messages awaiting handler for
given named queue. Same as (:nqueued (queue-status conn-opts qname)).
sourceraw docstring


(queue-status conn-opts qname)

Returns in O(1) the approx {:keys [nqueued nlocked nbackoff ntotal]} counts for given named queue.

nlocked and nbackoff may include expired entries!

Returns in O(1) the approx {:keys [nqueued nlocked nbackoff ntotal]}
counts for given named queue.

`nlocked` and `nbackoff` may include expired entries!
sourceraw docstring


(queues-clear!! conn-opts qnames)

Permanently deletes ALL content for the Carmine message queues with given names.

Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.

Permanently deletes ALL content for the Carmine message queues with
given names.

Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.
sourceraw docstring


(queues-clear-all!!! conn-opts)

DANGER! Permanently deletes ALL content for ALL Carmine message queues. Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.

Permanently deletes ALL content for *ALL* Carmine message queues.
Returns nil, or a non-empty vector of the queue names that were cleared.
sourceraw docstring


(set-min-log-level! level)

Sets Timbre's minimum log level for internal Carmine message queue namespaces. Possible levels: #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report}. Default level: :info.

Sets Timbre's minimum log level for internal Carmine message queue namespaces.
Possible levels: #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report}.
Default level: `:info`.
sourceraw docstring


(worker conn-opts qname)
(worker conn-opts
        {:keys [handler monitor lock-ms eoq-backoff-ms throttle-ms auto-start
                nthreads-worker nthreads-handler]
         :as worker-opts
         :or {handler (fn [m] (timbre/info m) {:status :success})
              monitor (monitor-fn qname 1000 (enc/ms :hours 6))
              lock-ms (enc/ms :mins 60)
              nthreads-worker 1
              nthreads-handler 1
              throttle-ms :auto
              eoq-backoff-ms exp-backoff
              auto-start true}})

Returns a stateful threaded CarmineMessageQueueWorker to handle messages added to named queue with enqueue.


  • (deref <worker>) => Status map, {:keys [running? nthreads stats ...]}.
  • (<worker> :start) => Same as calling (start <worker>).
  • (<worker> :stop) => Same as calling (stop <worker>).
  • (<worker> :queue-size) => Same as calling queue-size for given qname.
  • (<worker> :queue-status) => Same as calling queue-status for given qname.
  • (<worker> :queue-content) => Same as calling queue-content for given qname.

Options: :handler - (fn [{:keys [qname mid message attempt]}]) that throws or returns {:status <#{:success :error :retry}> :throwable <Throwable> :backoff-ms <retry-or-dedupe-backoff-ms}. :monitor - (fn [{:keys [queue-size ndry-runs poll-reply]}]) called on each worker loop iteration. Useful for queue monitoring/logging. See also monitor-fn. :lock-ms - Default time that handler may keep a message before handler considered fatally stalled and message is re-queued. Must be sufficiently high to prevent double handling. Can be overridden on a per-message basis via enqueue.

:throttle-ms - Thread sleep period between each poll. Can be a (fn [queue-size]) -> ?sleep-msecs, or :auto (to use default-throttle-ms-fn).

:eoq-backoff-ms - Max msecs to sleep thread each time end of queue is reached. Can be a (fn [ndry-runs]) -> msecs for n<=5. Sleep may be interrupted when new messages are enqueued. If present, connection read timeout should be >= max msecs.

:nthreads-worker - Number of threads to monitor and maintain queue. :nthreads-handler - Number of threads to handle queue messages with handler fn.

Returns a stateful threaded CarmineMessageQueueWorker to handle messages
added to named queue with `enqueue`.

  - (deref <worker>)          => Status map, {:keys [running? nthreads stats ...]}.
  - (<worker> :start)         => Same as calling (start <worker>).
  - (<worker> :stop)          => Same as calling (stop  <worker>).
  - (<worker> :queue-size)    => Same as calling `queue-size`    for given qname.
  - (<worker> :queue-status)  => Same as calling `queue-status`  for given qname.
  - (<worker> :queue-content) => Same as calling `queue-content` for given qname.

  :handler          - (fn [{:keys [qname mid message attempt]}]) that throws
                      or returns {:status     <#{:success :error :retry}>
                                  :throwable  <Throwable>
                                  :backoff-ms <retry-or-dedupe-backoff-ms}.
  :monitor          - (fn [{:keys [queue-size ndry-runs poll-reply]}])
                      called on each worker loop iteration. Useful for queue
                      monitoring/logging. See also `monitor-fn`.
  :lock-ms          - Default time that handler may keep a message before handler
                      considered fatally stalled and message is re-queued. Must be
                      sufficiently high to prevent double handling. Can be
                      overridden on a per-message basis via `enqueue`.

  :throttle-ms      - Thread sleep period between each poll.
                      Can be a (fn [queue-size]) -> ?sleep-msecs,
                      or :auto (to use `default-throttle-ms-fn`).

  :eoq-backoff-ms   - Max msecs to sleep thread each time end of queue is reached.
                      Can be a (fn [ndry-runs]) -> msecs for n<=5.
                      Sleep may be interrupted when new messages are enqueued.
                      If present, connection read timeout should be >= max msecs.

  :nthreads-worker  - Number of threads to monitor and maintain queue.
  :nthreads-handler - Number of threads to handle queue messages with handler fn.
sourceraw docstring


(worker? x)

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