Semi-automatic archival datastore layer for Carmine. Use multiple Redis instances (recommended) or Redis databases for local key namespacing. Redis keys: * carmine:tundra:evictable - set, ks for which `ensure-ks` fail should throw
(dirty tstore & ks)
Queues given keys for freezing to datastore. Throws an exception if any keys don't exist. Acts as a Redis command: call within a `wcar` context. If TundraStore has a :redis-ttl-ms option, **MARKS GIVEN KEYS FOR EXPIRY**!! ** Worker MUST be running AND FUNCTIONING CORRECTLY or DATA WILL BE LOST! **
(ensure-ks tstore & ks)
BLOCKS to ensure given keys are available in Redis, fetching them from datastore as necessary. Throws an exception if any previously evicted keys couldn't be made available. Acts as a Redis command: call within a `wcar` context.
Used to prevent multiple threads from rushing the datastore to get the same keys, unnecessarily duplicating work.
Extension point for additional datastores.
(fetch-keys dstore ks)
(fetch-keys dstore ["key" ...]) => [<#{<frozen-val> <ex>}> ...]
(put-key dstore k v)
(put-key dstore "key" <frozen-val>) => <#{true <ex>}>
Extension point for compressors, encryptors, etc.
(freeze freezer x)
Returns datastore-ready key val. (comp put-key freeze): dump-ba -> datastore val.
(thaw freezer x)
Returns Redis-ready key val. (comp thaw fetch-key): datastore val -> dump-ba.
(dirty* tstore ks)
(ensure-ks* tstore ks)
(worker tstore conn-opts wopts)
Alpha - subject to change. Returns a threaded message queue worker to routinely freeze Redis keys marked as dirty to datastore and mark successfully frozen keys as clean. Logs any errors. THESE ERRORS ARE **IMPORTANT**: an email or other appropriate notification mechanism is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. If a worker shuts down and your keys are set to expire YOU WILL IRREVOCABLY **LOSE DATA**. Options: :nattempts - Number of times worker will attempt to freeze a key to datastore before failing permanently. >=1. :retry-backoff-ms - Amount of time (msecs) to backoff before retrying a failed key freeze. >=0. Can be a (fn [attempt]) -> ms. :montior, :eoq-backoff-ms, :nthreads, :throttle-ms, :auto-start - Standard `taoensso.carmine.message-queue/worker` opts.
(tundra-store datastore
[{:keys [tqname freezer redis-ttl-ms]
:or {tqname "default" freezer nippy-freezer}}])
Alpha - subject to change. Returns a TundraStore with options: datastore - Storage for frozen key data. Default datastores: `taoensso.carmine.tundra.faraday/faraday-datastore` `taoensso.carmine.tundra.s3/s3-datastore`. :tqname - Optional. Worker message queue name. :freezer - Optional. Preps key data to/from datastore. May provide services like compression and encryption, etc. Defaults to Nippy with default options (Snappy compression and no encryption). :redis-ttl-ms - Optional! Time after which frozen, inactive keys will be EVICTED FROM REDIS (**DELETED!**). Minimum 10 hours. ONLY use this if you have CONFIRMED that your worker is successfully freezing the necessary keys to your datastore. Otherwise YOU WILL IRREVOCABLY **LOSE DATA**. See `ensure-ks`, `dirty`, `worker` for TundraStore API.
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