Extended core library for Clojure/Script that emphasizes: * Cross platform API compatibility * Flexibility * Performance * Backwards compatibility This lib's mostly for my own use and for advanced users that feel comfortable reading this source. Not providing much beginner-oriented documentation for this, sorry. Quick Taoensso naming conventions: **foo** - Dynamic var foo! - Fn with side effects, or that should otherwise be used cautiously foo? - Truthy val or fn that returns truthy val foo!? - Fn that has side effects (or requires caution) and that return a truthy val. Note: !?, not ?! foo$ - Fn that's notably expensive to compute (e.g. hits db) foo_ - Derefable val (e.g. atom, volatile, delay, etc.) foo__ - Derefable in a derefable (e.g. delay in an atom), etc. _ - Unnamed val _foo - Named but unused val ?foo - Optional val (emphasize that val may be nil) foo* - A variation of `foo` (e.g. `foo*` macro vs `foo` fn) foo' - '' -foo - Public implementation detail or intermediate (e.g. uncoerced) val >foo - Val "to foo" (e.g. >sender, >host), or fn to put/coerce/transform <foo - Val "from foo" (e.g. <sender, <host), or fn to take/coerce/transform ->foo - Fn to put/coerce/transform Type affixes may be used for clarity: <prefix>-<name> - m-users, v-users, n-users, etc. (also nusers when unambiguous) <name>-<postfix> - users-map, users-vec, user-count, etc. Regarding name heirarchy: When there's a significant num of syms with a meaningful hierarchy, prefer names with descending hierarchy to emphasize structure and related groups/functionality, e.g.: `user-add`, `user-remove`, `user-mod` vs `add-user`, `remove-user`, `mod-user`, etc. Commit message tags (in priority order): ~ - Work-in-progress (still under development) [mod] - Modify behaviour (=> breaking), [mod!], [mod!!], etc. for attention [fix] - Fix broken behaviour (=> usu. non-breaking) [new] - Add new behaviour (=> non-breaking) [nop] - Unmodified behaviour (=> non-breaking implementation or non-code changes, etc.) [x][y] - Single commit with multiple tags (in priority order), try avoid Example commit messages: v1.0.0 (2022-01-27) ; Tagged release [new] [#122] Add new feature x (@contributor) Version numbers: Ver tables: X.Y.Z (without backticks) Min ver: vX.Y.Z+ Elsewhere: vX.Y.Z
(after-timeout msecs & body)
Alpha, subject to change. Returns a TimeoutFuture that will execute body after timeout. Body must be non-blocking or cheap.
(ajax-lite uri
{:as opts
:keys [method params headers timeout-ms resp-type with-credentials?
xhr-pool xhr-cb-fn xhr-timeout-ms]
:or {method :get
timeout-ms 10000
resp-type :auto
xhr-pool default-xhr-pool_
xhr-timeout-ms 2500}}
Alpha, subject to change. Simple, lightweight Ajax via Google Closure. Returns nil, or resulting `goog.net.XhrIo` instance if one was immediately available. (ajax-lite "/my-post-route" {:method :post :params {:username "Rich Hickey" :type "Awesome"} :headers {"Foo" "Bar"} :resp-type :text :timeout-ms 7000 :with-credentials? false ; Enable if using CORS (requires xhr v2+) :xhr-pool my-xhr-pool ; `goog.net.XhrIoPool` instance or delay :xhr-cb-fn (fn [xhr]) ; Called with `XhrIo` from pool when available :xhr-timeout-ms 2500 ; Max msecs to wait on pool for `XhrIo` } (fn async-callback-fn [resp-map] (let [{:keys [success? ?status ?error ?content ?content-type]} resp-map] ;; ?status ; ∈ #{nil 200 404 ...}, non-nil iff server responded ;; ?error ; ∈ #{nil <http-error-status-code> <exception> :timeout :abort :http-error :exception :xhr-pool-depleted} (js/alert (str "Ajax response: " resp-map)))))
(assert-min-encore-version min-version)
Version check for dependency conflicts, etc.
(assoc-nx m kvs)
(assoc-nx m k v)
(assoc-nx m k v & kvs)
Assocs each kv iff its key doesn't already exist.
(assoc-some m kvs)
(assoc-some m k v)
(assoc-some m k v & kvs)
Assocs each kv iff its value is not nil.
(assoc-when m kvs)
(assoc-when m k v)
(assoc-when m k v & kvs)
Assocs each kv iff its val is truthy.
(bench* nlaps
{:keys [nlaps-warmup nthreads as-ns?] :or {nlaps-warmup 0 nthreads 1}}
Repeatedly executes fn and returns time taken to complete execution.
(cache f)
(cache {:keys [size ttl-ms gc-every] :as opts} f)
Returns a cached version of given referentially transparent function `f`. Like `core/memoize` but: - Often faster, depending on options. - Prevents race conditions on writes. - Supports cache invalidation by prepending args with: - `:cache/del` ; Delete cached item for subsequent args, returns nil. - `:cache/fresh` ; Renew cached item for subsequent args, returns new val. - Supports options: - `ttl-ms` ; Expire cached items after <this> many msecs. - `size` ; Restrict cache size to <this> many items at the next garbage ; collection (GC). - `gc-every` ; Run garbage collection (GC) approximately once every ; <this> many calls to cached fn. If unspecified, GC rate ; will be determined automatically based on `size`. See also `defn-cached`, `fmemoize`, `memoize-last`.
(call-after-timeout msecs f)
(call-after-timeout impl_ msecs f)
Alpha, subject to change. Returns a TimeoutFuture that will execute `f` after given msecs. Does NOT do any automatic binding conveyance. Performance depends on the provided timer implementation (`impl_`). The default implementation offers O(logn) add, O(1) cancel, O(1) tick. See `ITimeoutImpl` for extending to arbitrary timer implementations.
(case-eval expr & clauses)
Like `case` but evals test constants for their compile-time value.
(case-insensitive-str= s1 s2)
Returns true iff given strings are equal, ignoring case.
(catching try-expr)
(catching try-expr error-sym catch-expr)
(catching try-expr error-sym catch-expr finally-expr)
(catching try-expr error-type error-sym catch-expr finally-expr)
Cross-platform try/catch/finally.
(catching-rf rf)
(catching-rf error-fn rf)
Returns wrapper around given reducing function `rf` so that if `rf` throws, (error-fn <thrown-error> <contextual-data>) will be called. The default `error-fn` will rethrow the original error, wrapped in extra contextual information to aid debugging. See also `catching-xform`.
(catching-xform xform)
(catching-xform error-fn xform)
Like `catching-rf`, but applies to a transducer (`xform`). Makes debugging transductions much easier by greatly improving the information provided in any errors thrown by `xform` or the reducing fn: (transduce (catching-xform (comp (filter even?) (map inc))) ; Modified xform <reducing-fn> <...>)
(check-all test)
(check-all test & more)
Returns all logical false/throwing expressions (ids/forms), or nil.
(check-some test)
(check-some test & more)
Returns first logical false/throwing expression (id/form), or nil.
(compile-if test then)
(compile-if test then else)
Evaluates `test`. If it returns logical true (and doesn't throw), expands to `then`, otherwise expands to `else`.
Return truthy iff currently generating Cljs code. See also `if-cljs`, `if-clj`.
(cond & clauses)
Like `core/cond` but supports implicit final `else` clause, and special clause keywords for advanced behaviour: (cond :let [x "x"] ; Establish let binding/s for remaining forms :binding [*x* "x"] ; Establish dynamic binding/s for remaining forms :do (println (str "x value: " x)) ; Eval expr for side effects :if-let [y "y" z nil] "y and z were both truthy" :if-some [y "y" z nil] "y and z were both non-nil") :let support inspired by <https://github.com/Engelberg/better-cond>. Simple, flexible way to eliminate deeply-nested control flow code.
(conj-some coll)
(conj-some coll x)
(conj-some coll x & more)
Conjoins each non-nil value.
(conj-when coll)
(conj-when coll x)
(conj-when coll x & more)
Conjoins each truthy value.
(const-str= s1 s2)
Constant-time string equality checker. Useful to prevent timing attacks, etc.
(counter init)
Returns a fast atomic Counter with `init` initial int value: - (<counter> ) -> add 1, return old val - (<counter> <n>) -> add n, return old val Experimental 3-arity version takes an `action`: :add, :set, :set-get, :get-set, :get-add, :add-get
(declare-remote & syms)
Declares given ns-qualified symbols, preserving metadata. Useful for circular dependencies.
(defalias src-sym)
(defalias alias-sym src-sym)
(defalias alias-sym src-sym alias-attrs)
Defines a local alias for the var identified by the given qualified source symbol: (defalias my-map clojure.core/map), etc. For Clj: - Source var's metadata will be preserved (docstring, arglists, etc.). - Changes to source var's value will also be applied to alias.
(defaliases & aliases)
Bulk version of `defalias`. Takes source symbols or {:keys [alias src attrs]} maps: (defaliases {:alias my-map, :src map, :attrs {:doc "My `map` alias"}} {:alias my-vec, :src vec, :attrs {:doc "My `vec` alias"}})
Simple one-timeout timeout implementation provided by platform timer. O(logn) add, O(1) cancel, O(1) tick. Fns must be non-blocking or cheap. Similar efficiency to core.async timers (binary heap vs DelayQueue).
(defn-cached sym cache-opts & body)
Defines a cached function. Like (def <sym> (cache <cache-opts> <body...>)), but preserves :arglists (arity) metadata as with `defn`: (defn-cached ^:private my-fn {:ttl-ms 500} "Does something interesting, caches resultes for 500 msecs" [n] (rand-int n))
(defonce sym & args)
Like `core/defonce` but supports docstring and attrs map.
(defstub sym)
Experimental!! Declares a stub var that can be initialized from any namespace with `unstub-<stub-name>`. Decouples a var's declaration (location) and its initialization (value). Handy for defining vars in a shared ns from elsewhere (e.g. a private or cyclic ns).
(deprecated & body)
Elides body when `taoensso.elide-deprecated` JVM property or `TAOENSSO_ELIDE_DEPRECATED` environment variable is ∈ #{"true" "TRUE"}.
(dis-assoc-some m kvs)
(dis-assoc-some m k v)
(dis-assoc-some m k v & kvs)
Assocs each kv if its value is not nil, otherwise dissocs it.
(exp-backoff n-attempt)
(exp-backoff n-attempt {:keys [min max factor] :or {factor 1000}})
Returns binary exponential backoff value for n<=36.
Returns true iff any files backing the given named resources have changed since last call.
(finite-num? x)
Returns true iff given a number (of standard type) that is: finite (excl. NaN and infinities).
(float? x)
Returns true iff given a number (of standard type) that is: a fixed-precision floating-point (incl. NaN and infinities).
(fmemoize f)
For Clj: fastest possible memoize. Non-racey, 0-7 arity only. For Cljs: just passes through to `core/memoize`.
(format fmt & args)
Like `core/format` but: * Returns "" when fmt is nil rather than throwing an NPE. * Formats nil as "nil" rather than "null". * Provides ClojureScript support via goog.string.format (this has fewer formatting options than Clojure's `format`!).
(future-pool n-threads)
Returns a simple semaphore-limited wrapper of Clojure's standard `future`: (fn [f] - Blocks to acquire a future, then executes (f) on that future. [ ] - Blocks to acquire all futures, then immediately releases them. Useful for blocking till all outstanding work completes. Timeout variants are also provided.
(get-file-resource-?last-modified rname)
Returns last-modified time for file backing given named resource, or nil if file doesn't exist.
(get-pom-version dep-sym)
Returns POM version string for given Maven dependency, or nil.
(get-source macro-form macro-env)
Returns {:keys [ns line column file]} callsite and file info given a macro's compile-time `&form` and `&env` vals. See also `keep-callsite`.
(get-substr-by-idx s start-idx)
(get-substr-by-idx s start-idx end-idx)
Returns ?substring from given string. Like `subs` but: - Provides consistent clj/s behaviour. - Never throws (snaps to valid indexes). - Indexes may be -ive (=> indexed from end of string). Returns nil when requested substring would be empty.
(get-substr-by-len s start-idx)
(get-substr-by-len s start-idx sub-len)
Returns ?substring from given string. Like `get-substr-by-idx`, but takes a substring-length 3rd argument.
(get-subvec v start)
(get-subvec v start end)
Like `subvec` but never throws (snaps to valid start and end indexes).
(get-subvector v start)
(get-subvector v start length)
Like `get-subvec` but: - Takes `length` instead of `end` (index). - -ive `start` => index from right of vector.
(get-sys-bool* default prop)
(get-sys-bool* default prop env)
(get-sys-bool* default prop env res)
Returns nil, or the first of the following: - Named JVM property value (parsed as boolean) - Named environment variable value (parsed as boolean) - Named classpath resource content (parsed as boolean) - Provided `default` value Vectors may be used to provide descending-preference alternatives: (get-sys-bool* #?(:clj [:my-app.config.clj.bool :my-app.config.bool] :cljs [:my-app.config.cljs.bool :my-app.config.bool])) Match order: [<prop1> <env1> <res1> <prop2> <env2> <res2> ...]. Parsing logic: - Return `true` if value is ∈ #{"true" "1" "t" "T" "TRUE"} - Return `false` if value is ∈ #{"false" "0" "f" "F" "FALSE"} - Throws for all other values
(get-sys-val* prop)
(get-sys-val* prop env)
(get-sys-val* prop env res)
Returns nil, or the first of the following: - Named JVM property value (as string) - Named environment variable value (as string) - Named classpath resource content (as string) Vectors may be used to provide descending-preference alternatives: (get-sys-val* #?(:clj [:my-app.config.clj.txt :my-app.config.txt] :cljs [:my-app.config.cljs.txt :my-app.config.txt])) Match order: [<prop1> <env1> <res1> <prop2> <env2> <res2> ...].
(get1 m k not-found)
(get1 m k1 k2 not-found)
(get1 m k1 k2 k3 not-found)
Like `get` but returns val for first given key that exists in map. Useful for key aliases or fallbacks when vals may be falsey. Equivalent to (if (contains? m k1) (get m k1) (if (contains? m k2) (get m k2) ...)).
(have x)
(have pred (:in) x)
(have pred (:in) x & more-xs)
Takes a pred and one or more vals. Tests pred against each val, trapping errors. If any pred test fails, throws a detailed assertion error. Otherwise returns input val/vals for convenient inline-use/binding. Respects *assert* value so tests can be elided from production for zero runtime costs. Provides a small, simple, flexible feature subset to alternative tools like clojure.spec, core.typed, prismatic/schema, etc. ;; Will throw a detailed error message on invariant violation: (fn my-fn [x] (str/trim (have string? x))) You may attach arbitrary debug info to assertion violations like: `(have string? x :data {:my-arbitrary-debug-info "foo"})` Re: use of Truss assertions within other macro bodies: Due to CLJ-865, call site information (e.g. line number) of outer macro will unfortunately be lost. See `keep-callsite` util for a workaround. See also `have?`, `have!`.
(have! x)
(have! pred (:in) x)
(have! pred (:in) x & more-xs)
Like `have` but ignores *assert* value (so can never be elided). Useful for important conditions in production (e.g. security checks).
(have!? x)
(have!? pred (:in) x)
(have!? pred (:in) x & more-xs)
Specialized cross between `have?` and `have!`. Not used often but can be handy for semantic clarification and/or to improve multi-val performance when the return vals aren't necessary. **WARNING**: Do NOT use in :pre/:post conds since those are ALWAYS subject to *assert*, directly contradicting the intention of the bang (`!`) here.
(have? x)
(have? pred (:in) x)
(have? pred (:in) x & more-xs)
Like `have` but returns `true` on successful tests. In particular, this can be handy for use with :pre/:post conditions. Compare: (fn my-fn [x] {:post [(have nil? %)]} nil) ; {:post [nil]} FAILS (fn my-fn [x] {:post [(have? nil? %)]} nil) ; {:post [true]} passes as intended
(ident-hex-str obj)
Returns hex string of given Object's `identityHashCode` (e.g. "0x5eeb49f2").
(if-let bindings then)
(if-let bindings then else)
Like `core/if-let` but can bind multiple values for `then` iff all tests are truthy, supports internal unconditional `:let`s.
(if-not test-or-bindings then)
(if-not test-or-bindings then else)
Like `core/if-not` but acts like `if-let` when given a binding vector as test expr.
(if-some bindings then)
(if-some bindings then else)
Like `core/if-some` but can bind multiple values for `then` iff all tests are non-nil, supports internal unconditional `:let`s.
(instance! class arg & {:as details})
If (instance? class arg) is true, returns arg. Otherwise throws runtime `ExceptionInfo` with `unexpected-arg!`. See `unexpected-arg!` for more info.
(int? x)
Returns true iff given a number (of standard type) that is: a fixed-precision integer.
(interleave-all c1)
(interleave-all c1 c2)
(interleave-all c1 c2 & colls)
Like `interleave` but includes all items (i.e. stops when the longest rather than shortest coll has been consumed).
(interns-overview ns)
Returns {:keys [public private impl test]}, with each key mapped to an alphabetical list of the relevant vars in given namespace. "impl" vars are public vars with names that begin with "-" or "_", a naming convention commonly used to indicate vars intended to be treated as private implementation details even when public.
(into-all to from)
(into-all to from & more)
Like `into` but supports multiple "from"s.
(is! x)
(is! pred x)
(is! pred x data)
Lightweight `have!` that provides less diagnostic info.
(tf-cancel! _)
Returns true iff the timeout was successfully cancelled (i.e. was previously pending).
(tf-cancelled? _)
Returns true iff the timeout is cancelled.
(tf-done? _)
Returns true iff the timeout is not pending (i.e. has a completed result or is cancelled).
(tf-pending? _)
Returns true iff the timeout is pending.
(tf-poll _)
Returns :timeout/pending, :timeout/cancelled, or the timeout's completed result.
(tf-state _)
Returns a map of timeout's public state.
(keep-callsite & body)
The long-standing CLJ-865 unfortunately means that it's currently not possible for an inner macro to access the &form metadata of an outer macro. This means that inner macros lose call site information like the line number of the outer macro. This util offers a workaround for macro authors: (defmacro inner [] (meta &form)) (defmacro outer1 [] `(inner)) (defmacro outer2 [] (keep-callsite `(inner))) (inner) => {:line _, :column _} (outer1) => nil (outer2) => {:line _, :column _}
(limiter spec)
(limiter opts spec)
Rate limiter. Takes {<limit-id> [<n-max-reqs> <msecs-window>]}, and returns a rate limiter (fn check-limits! [req-id]) -> nil (all limits pass), or [<worst-limit-id> <worst-backoff-msecs> {<limit-id> <backoff-msecs>}]. Limiter fn commands: :rl/peek <req-id> - Check limits w/o side effects. :rl/reset <req-id> - Reset all limits for given req-id.
(memoize f)
(memoize ttl-ms f)
(memoize size ttl-ms f)
Alternative way to call `cache`, provided mostly for back compatibility. See `cache` docstring for details.
(memoize-last f)
Like `core/memoize` but only caches the fn's most recent call. Great for Reactjs render op caching on mobile devices, etc.
(merge-with f & maps)
Like `core/merge-with` but faster, supports `:merge/dissoc` rvals.
(ms & {:as opts :keys [years months weeks days hours mins secs msecs ms]})
Returns ~number of milliseconds in period defined by given args.
(name-filter spec)
Given filter `spec`, returns a compiled (fn conform? [name]) that takes any name type (string, keyword, symbol). Spec may be: - A regex pattern. Will conform on match. - A str/kw/sym, in which any "*"s will act as #".*" wildcards. Will conform on match. - A vector or set of regex patterns or strs/kws/syms. Will conform on ANY match. If you need literal "*"s, use #"\*" regex instead. - {:allow <allow-spec> :deny <deny-spec>}. Will conform iff `allow-spec` matches AND `deny-spec` does NOT. Resulting conform fn is useful as allowlist and/or denylist. Example inputs: namespace strings, class names, ids, etc. Spec examples: #{}, "*", "foo.bar", "foo.bar.*", #{"foo" "bar.*"}, {:allow #{"foo" "bar.*"} :deny #{"foo.*.bar.*"}}, #"(foo1|foo2)\.bar".
(name-with-attrs sym args)
(name-with-attrs sym args attrs-merge)
Given a symbol and args, returns [<name-with-attrs-meta> <args> <attrs>] with support for `defn` style `?docstring` and `?attrs-map`.
(nanoid len)
Experimental. Optimized variant of `secure-rand-id` that returns Nano IDs, Ref. <https://github.com/ai/nanoid>.
(nnil x)
(nnil x y)
(nnil x y z)
(nnil x y z & more)
Returns first non-nil arg, or nil.
(norm-str s)
(norm-str form s)
Given a Unicode string, returns the normalized de/composed form. It's often a good idea to normalize strings before exchange or storage, especially if you're going to be querying against those string. `form` is ∈ #{:nfc :nfkc :nfd :nfkd <java.text.NormalizerForm>}. Defaults to :nfc as per W3C recommendation.
(norm-word-breaks s)
Converts all word breaks of any form and length (including line breaks of any form, tabs, spaces, etc.) to a single regular space.
Returns current `java.time.Instant` (Clj), or epoch millis (Cljs).
Uses window context as epoch, Ref. <http://goo.gl/mWZWnR>
(or-some x)
(or-some x & next)
Like `or`, but returns the first non-nil form (may be falsey).
(parse-query-params s & [keywordize? encoding])
Based on `ring-codec/form-decode`.
(pnum? x)
Returns true iff given number in unsigned unit proportion interval ∈ℝ[0,1].
(pre-cache n-capacity f)
(pre-cache n-capacity fp-or-n-threads f)
Given a nullary fn `f` that is non-idempotent and free of side effects, returns a wrapped version of `f` that asynchronously maintains a cache of up to `n-capacity` pre-computed return values of (f). Useful when `f` is expensive & may be called in a spikey fashion, e.g. ideal for cryptographic key generators.
(pull-val! atom_ k)
(pull-val! atom_ k not-found)
Removes and returns value mapped to key.
(qb spec form)
(qb spec form & more)
Simple util to benchmark/compare runtime of given form/s. Runs sets of laps for each given form, recording the total runtime of each set. Returns the the total runtime in msecs of the fastest set of laps for each form. (quick-bench [<num-sets> <num-laps>] <form1> <form2> <...>) => [<total runtime msecs of fastest set of laps for form1> <total runtime msecs of fastest set of laps for form2> <...>] Total number of runs for each form is: `num-sets` * `num-laps` If omitted, the default `num-sets` is 6 (to include warmup): (quick-bench <num-laps> <form1> <form2> <...>) Example (comparing runtime of `first` and `nth` against vector): (let [v [:a]] (quick-bench 1e6 (first v) (nth v 0))) => [67.43 39.05]
(quick-bench spec form)
(quick-bench spec form & more)
Simple util to benchmark/compare runtime of given form/s. Runs sets of laps for each given form, recording the total runtime of each set. Returns the the total runtime in msecs of the fastest set of laps for each form. (quick-bench [<num-sets> <num-laps>] <form1> <form2> <...>) => [<total runtime msecs of fastest set of laps for form1> <total runtime msecs of fastest set of laps for form2> <...>] Total number of runs for each form is: `num-sets` * `num-laps` If omitted, the default `num-sets` is 6 (to include warmup): (quick-bench <num-laps> <form1> <form2> <...>) Example (comparing runtime of `first` and `nth` against vector): (let [v [:a]] (quick-bench 1e6 (first v) (nth v 0))) => [67.43 39.05]
(read-edn s)
(read-edn opts s)
Attempts to pave over differences in: `clojure.edn/read-string`, `clojure.tools.edn/read-string`, `cljs.reader/read-string`, `cljs.tools.reader/read-string`. `cljs.reader` in particular can be a pain.
(read-sys-val* prop)
(read-sys-val* prop env)
(read-sys-val* prop env res)
Returns nil, or the first of the following: - Named JVM property value (read as edn) - Named environment variable value (read as edn) - Named classpath resource content (read as edn) Vectors may be used to provide descending-preference alternatives: (read-sys-val* #?(:clj [:my-app.config.clj.edn :my-app.config.edn] :cljs [:my-app.config.cljs.edn :my-app.config.edn])) Match order: [<prop1> <env1> <res1> <prop2> <env2> <res2> ...]. If result is a single symbol, it must resolve to an available Clj var. The var's value will then be returned, or an exception will be thrown. NB: when targeting Cljs, the final value must be something that can be safely embedded in code during macro expansion.
(reduce-indexed rf init coll)
Like `reduce` but takes (rf [acc idx in]) with idx as in `map-indexed`. As `reduce-kv` against vector coll, but works on any seqable coll type.
(reduce-interleave-all rf init colls)
Reduces sequence of elements interleaved from given `colls`. (reduce-interleave-all conj [] [[:a :b] [1 2 3]]) => [:a 1 :b 2 3]
(reduce-kvs rf init kvs)
Like `reduce-kv` but takes a flat sequence of kv pairs.
(reduce-multi rf init coll)
(reduce-multi rf1 init1 rf2 init2 coll)
(reduce-multi rf1 init1 rf2 init2 rf3 init3 coll)
Like `reduce` but supports separate simultaneous accumulators as a micro-optimisation when reducing a large collection multiple times.
(reduce-n rf init end)
(reduce-n rf init start end)
(reduce-n rf init start end step)
(reduce-top n rf init coll)
(reduce-top n keyfn rf init coll)
(reduce-top n keyfn cmp rf init coll)
Reduces the top `n` items from `coll` of N items. Clj impln is O(N.logn) vs O(N.logN) for (take n (sort-by ...)).
(reduce-zip rf init xs ys)
Reduces given sequential xs and ys as pairs (e.g. key-val pairs). Calls (rf acc x y) for each sequential pair. Useful, among other things, as a more flexible version of `zipmap`.
(rename-keys replacements m)
Returns a map like the one given, replacing keys using the given {<old-new> <new-key>} replacements. O(min(n_replacements, n_m)).
(repeatedly-into coll n f)
Like `repeatedly` but faster and `conj`s items into given collection.
(reset!? atom_ val)
Atomically swaps value of `atom_` to `val` and returns true iff the atom's value changed. See also `reset-in!?`.
(reset-in! atom_ val)
(reset-in! atom_ ks val)
(reset-in! atom_ ks not-found val)
Like `reset!` but supports `update-in` semantics, returns <old-key-val>.
(reset-in!? atom_ val)
(reset-in!? atom_ ks val)
(reset-in!? atom_ ks not-found val)
Like `reset-in!` but returns true iff the atom's value changed.
(reset-val! atom_ k val)
(reset-val! atom_ k not-found val)
Like `reset-in!` but optimized for single-key case.
(reset-val!? atom_ k new-val)
Like `reset-in!?` but optimized for single-key case.
(resolve-sym sym)
(resolve-sym macro-env sym)
(resolve-sym macro-env sym may-require-ns?)
Returns resolved qualified Clj/s symbol, or nil.
(ring-redirect-resp url)
(ring-redirect-resp kind url)
(ring-redirect-resp kind url flash)
(rnum? x)
Returns true iff given number in signed unit proportion interval ∈ℝ[-1,1].
(rolling-counter msecs)
Experimental. Returns a RollingCounter that you can: - Invoke to increment count in last `msecs` window and return RollingCounter. - Deref to return count in last `msecs` window.
(rolling-list nmax)
(rolling-list nmax {:keys [init-val]})
Returns a stateful fn of 2 arities: (fn [ ]) => Returns current array in O(n). (fn [x]) => Adds `x` to right of list, maintaining length <~ `nmax`. Returns nil. Very fast (faster than `rolling-vector`). Useful for maintaining limited-length histories, etc. See also `rolling-vector`.
(rolling-vector nmax)
(rolling-vector nmax {:keys [gc-every init-val] :or {gc-every 16000.0}})
Returns a stateful fn of 2 arities: (fn [ ]) => Returns current sub/vector in O(1). (fn [x]) => Adds `x` to right of sub/vector, maintaining length <= `nmax`. Returns current sub/vector. Useful for maintaining limited-length histories, etc. See also `rolling-list` (Clj only).
(satisfies! protocol arg & {:as details})
If (satisfies? protocol arg) is true, returns arg. Otherwise throws runtime `ExceptionInfo` with `unexpected-arg!`. See `unexpected-arg!` for more info.
(sb-append str-builder s)
(sb-append str-builder s & more)
For cross-platform string building
(secure-rand-bytes size)
Returns `size` random bytes using `secure-rng` or `js/window.crypto`.
(secure-rand-id alphabet len)
Experimental. Given `alphabet` (a string of possible characters), returns a securely random string of length `len`. Trying to do this the obvious/naive way (by repeatedly generating a secure random number and mapping it to an alphabet character with modulo) actually introduces bias into ids that can be exploited by an attacker. The method used here is designed to eliminate that bias. Based on <https://bit.ly/3dtYv73>.
Returns a thread-local `java.security.SecureRandom`. Favours security over performance. Automatically re-seeds occasionally. May block while waiting on system entropy!
(secure-rng-mock!!! long-seed)
Returns **INSECURE** `java.security.SecureRandom` mock instance backed by a seeded deterministic `java.util.Random`. Useful for testing, etc.
(select-nested-keys src-map key-spec)
Like `select-keys` but supports nested key spec: (select-nested-keys {:a :A :b :B :c {:c1 :C1 :c2 :C2} :d :D} ; `src-map` [:a {:c [:c1], :d [:d1 :d2]}]) ; `key-spec` => {:a :A, :c {:c1 :C1}, :d :D} Note that as with the `{:d [:d1 :d2]}` spec in the example above, if spec expects a nested map but the actual value is not a map, the actual value will be included in output as-is. Has the same behaviour as `select-keys` when `key-spec` is a simple vector of keys.
(session-swap rreq rresp f & args)
Small util to help correctly manage (modify) funtional sessions. Please use this when writing Ring middleware! It's *so* easy to get this wrong and end up with subtle, tough-to-diagnose issues.
(simple-date-format pattern & [{:keys [locale timezone] :as opts}])
Returns a thread-local `java.text.SimpleDateFormat`.
Like `slurp-resource` but caches slurps against file's last-modified udt.
(slurp-resource rname)
Returns slurped named resource on classpath, or nil when resource not found.
(sortv coll)
(sortv comparator coll)
(sortv ?keyfn comparator coll)
Like `core/sort` but: - Returns a vector. - `comparator` can be `:asc`, `:desc`, or an arbitrary comparator. - An optional `keyfn` may be provided, as in `core/sort-by`.
(str-?index s substr)
(str-?index s substr start-idx)
(str-?index s substr start-idx last?)
Returns (first/last) ?index of substring if it exists within given string.
(str-join coll)
(str-join separator coll)
(str-join separator xform coll)
Faster, transducer-based generalization of `clojure.string/join` with `xform` support.
(str-join-once separator coll)
Like `string/join` but skips nils and duplicate separators.
(str-replace s match replacement)
Like `str/replace` but provides consistent clj/s behaviour. Workaround for <http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJS-794>, <http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJS-911>. Note that ClojureScript 1.7.145 introduced a partial fix for CLJS-911. A full fix could unfortunately not be introduced w/o breaking compatibility with the previously incorrect behaviour. CLJS-794 also remains unresolved.
(submap? m sub)
Returns true iff `sub` is a (possibly nested) submap of `m`, i.e. iff every (nested) value in `sub` has the same (nested) value in `m`. Warning: uses stack recursion, so supports only limited nesting.
(swap-in! atom_ f)
(swap-in! atom_ ks f)
(swap-in! atom_ ks not-found f)
Like `swap!` but supports `update-in` semantics, returns <new-key-val> or <swapped-return-val>.
(swap-val! atom_ k f)
(swap-val! atom_ k not-found f)
Like `swap-in!` but optimized for single-key case.
(test-fixtures fixtures-map)
Given a {:before ?(fn []) :after ?(fn [])} map, returns cross-platform test fixtures for use by both `clojure.test` and `cljs.test`: (let [f (test-fixtures {:before (fn [] (test-setup))})] (clojure.test/use-fixtures :once f) (cljs.test/use-fixtures :once f))
(thread-local & body)
Given a body that returns an initial value for the current thread, returns a `ThreadLocal` proxy that can be derefed to get the current thread's current value. Commonly used to achieve thread safety during Java interop. In the common case, `body` will be a call to some Java constructor that returns a non-thread-safe instance. Example: (def thread-local-simple-date-format_ "Deref to return a thread-local `SimpleDateFormat`" (thread-local (SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd"))) (.format @thread-local-simple-date-format_ (Date.)) => "2023-01-24" NB: don't pass the derefed value to other threads!
(thread-local-proxy & body)
Low-level, see `thread-local` instead.
(throws form)
(throws c form)
(throws c pattern form)
Like `throws?`, but returns ?matching-error instead of true/false.
(throws? form)
(throws? c form)
(throws? c pattern form)
Evals `form` and returns true iff it throws an error that matches given criteria: - `c` may be: - A predicate function, (fn match? [x]) -> bool - A class (e.g. ArithmeticException, AssertionError, etc.) - `:all` => any platform error (Throwable or js/Error, etc.) - `:common` => common platform error (Exception or js/Error) - `pattern` may be: - A string or Regex against which `ex-message` will be matched. - A map against which `ex-data` will be matched. When an error with (nested) causes doesn't match, a match will be attempted against its (nested) causes. Useful for unit tests, e.g.: (is (throws? {:a :b} (throw (ex-info "Test" {:a :b :c :d})))) See also `throws`.
(top n coll)
(top n keyfn coll)
(top n keyfn cmp coll)
Returns a sorted vector of the top `n` items from `coll` using `reduce-top`.
(top-into to n coll)
(top-into to n keyfn coll)
(top-into to n keyfn cmp coll)
Conjoins the top `n` items from `coll` into `to` using `reduce-top`.
(try-eval form)
Evaluates `form`. If eval doesn't throw, expands to `form`, otherwise to nil.
(unexpected-arg! arg & {:keys [msg] :as details})
Throws runtime `ExceptionInfo` to indicate an unexpected argument. Takes optional kvs for merging into exception's data map. (let [mode :unexpected] (case mode :read (do <...>) :write (do <...>) (unexpected-arg! mode :expected #{:read :write}))) => Unexpected argument: :unexpected {:arg {:value :unexpected, :type clojure.lang.Keyword}, :expected #{:read :write}}
(update-in m ks f)
(update-in m ks not-found f)
Like `core/update-in` but:. - Empty ks will return (f m), not act like [nil] ks. - Adds support for `not-found`. - Adds support for special return vals: `:update/dissoc`, `:update/abort`.
(url-encode s & [encoding])
(url-encode s)
Based on <https://goo.gl/fBqy6e>.
(uuid-str max-length)
Returns a UUIDv4 string of form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx". Ref. <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4122.txt>, <https://gist.github.com/franks42/4159427>, <https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/pull/194>
(vinterleave-all colls)
(vinterleave-all c1 c2)
(vinterleave-all c1 c2 c3)
(vinterleave-all c1 c2 c3 & colls)
Like `interleave`, but: - Returns a vector rather than lazy seq (=> greedy). - Includes all items (i.e. stops when the longest rather than shortest coll has been consumed). Single-arity version takes a coll of colls.
(when test-or-bindings & body)
Like `core/when` but acts like `when-let` when given a binding vector as test expr.
(when-let bindings & body)
Like `core/when-let` but can bind multiple values for `body` iff all tests are truthy, supports internal unconditional `:let`s.
(when-not test-or-bindings & body)
Like `core/when-not` but acts like `when-let` when given a binding vector as test expr.
(with-dynamic-assertion-data data & body)
Prefer `with-data`
(with-truss-data data & body)
Executes body with dynamic assertion data bound to given value. This data will be included in any violation errors thrown by body.
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