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Clojure DynamoDB client. Originally adapted from Rotary by James Reeves. Ref. (Rotary), (DynamoDBv2 API)


  • Attribute - [<name> <val>] pair
  • Item - Collection of attributes
  • Table - Collection of items
  • Primary key - Partition (hash) key or Partition (hash) AND sort (range) key
Clojure DynamoDB client. Originally adapted from Rotary by James Reeves.
Ref. (Rotary), (DynamoDBv2 API)

  * Attribute   - [<name> <val>] pair
  * Item        - Collection of attributes
  * Table       - Collection of items
  * Primary key - Partition (hash) key or
                  Partition (hash) AND sort (range) key
raw docstring


Treat attribute vals as expansions rather than literals? nil => use attr-multi-vs?-default (currently true though this may be changed in future to better support DDB's new collection types, Ref.

Treat attribute vals as expansions rather than literals?
nil => use `attr-multi-vs?-default` (currently `true` though this may be
changed in future to better support DDB's new collection types,
sourceraw docstring



(as-map x)


(batch-get-item client-opts
                [{:keys [return-cc? span-reqs attr-multi-vs?] :as opts}])

Retrieves a batch of items in a single request. Limits apply, Ref.

(batch-get-item client-opts {:users {:prim-kvs {:name "alice"}} :posts {:prim-kvs {:id [1 2 3]} :attrs [:timestamp :subject] :consistent? true} :friends {:prim-kvs [{:catagory "favorites" :id [1 2 3]} {:catagory "recent" :id [7 8 9]}]}})

:span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} allows a number of requests to automatically be stitched together (to exceed throughput limits, for example).

Retrieves a batch of items in a single request.
Limits apply, Ref.

(batch-get-item client-opts
  {:users   {:prim-kvs {:name "alice"}}
   :posts   {:prim-kvs {:id [1 2 3]}
             :attrs    [:timestamp :subject]
             :consistent? true}
   :friends {:prim-kvs [{:catagory "favorites" :id [1 2 3]}
                        {:catagory "recent"    :id [7 8 9]}]}})

:span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} allows a number of requests to
automatically be stitched together (to exceed throughput limits, for example).
sourceraw docstring


(batch-write-item client-opts
                  [{:keys [return-cc? span-reqs attr-multi-vs?] :as opts}])

Executes a batch of Puts and/or Deletes in a single request. Limits apply, Ref. No transaction guarantees are provided, nor conditional puts. Request execution order is undefined.

(batch-write-item client-opts {:users {:put [{:user-id 1 :username "sally"} {:user-id 2 :username "jane"}] :delete [{:user-id [3 4 5]}]}})

:span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} allows a number of requests to automatically be stitched together (to exceed throughput limits, for example).

Executes a batch of Puts and/or Deletes in a single request.
 Limits apply, Ref. No transaction guarantees are
 provided, nor conditional puts. Request execution order is undefined.

 (batch-write-item client-opts
   {:users {:put    [{:user-id 1 :username "sally"}
                     {:user-id 2 :username "jane"}]
            :delete [{:user-id [3 4 5]}]}})

:span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} allows a number of requests to
automatically be stitched together (to exceed throughput limits, for example).
sourceraw docstring


(clj-item->db-item item)


(create-table client-opts table-name hash-keydef & [{:keys [block?] :as opts}])

Creates a table with options: hash-keydef - [<name> <#{:s :n :ss :ns :b :bs}>]. :range-keydef - [<name> <#{:s :n :ss :ns :b :bs}>]. :throughput - {:read <units> :write <units>}. :billing-mode - :provisioned | :pay-per-request ; defaults to provisioned :block? - Block for table to actually be active? :lsindexes - [{:name _ :range-keydef _ :projection <#{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}>}]. :gsindexes - [{:name _ :hash-keydef _ :range-keydef _ :projection <#{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}> :throughput _}]. :stream-spec - {:enabled? <default true if spec is present> :view-type <#{:keys-only :new-image :old-image :new-and-old-images}>}

Creates a table with options:
hash-keydef   - [<name> <#{:s :n :ss :ns :b :bs}>].
:range-keydef - [<name> <#{:s :n :ss :ns :b :bs}>].
:throughput   - {:read <units> :write <units>}.
:billing-mode - :provisioned | :pay-per-request ; defaults to provisioned
:block?       - Block for table to actually be active?
:lsindexes    - [{:name _ :range-keydef _
                  :projection <#{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}>}].
:gsindexes    - [{:name _ :hash-keydef _ :range-keydef _
                  :projection <#{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}>
                  :throughput _}].
:stream-spec  - {:enabled? <default true if spec is present>
                 :view-type <#{:keys-only :new-image :old-image :new-and-old-images}>}
sourceraw docstring




(delete-item client-opts
             [{:keys [return expected return-cc?] :as opts}])

Deletes an item from a table by its primary key. See put-item for option docs.

Deletes an item from a table by its primary key.
See `put-item` for option docs.
sourceraw docstring


(delete-table client-opts table)

Deletes a table, go figure.

Deletes a table, go figure.
sourceraw docstring


(describe-stream client-opts
                 [{:keys [limit start-shard-id] :as opts}])

Returns a map describing a stream, or nil if the stream doesn't exist.

Returns a map describing a stream, or nil if the stream doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(describe-table client-opts table)

Returns a map describing a table, or nil if the table doesn't exist.

Returns a map describing a table, or nil if the table doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(describe-ttl client-opts table-name)

Returns a map describing the TTL configuration for a table, or nil if the table does not exist.

Returns a map describing the TTL configuration for a table, or nil if
the table does not exist.
sourceraw docstring


(ensure-table client-opts table-name hash-keydef & [opts])

Creates a table iff it doesn't already exist.

Creates a table iff it doesn't already exist.
sourceraw docstring


(ensure-ttl client-opts table-name key-name)

Activates TTL with the given key-name iff the TTL configuration is not already set in this way.

Activates TTL with the given key-name iff the TTL configuration is
not already set in this way.
sourceraw docstring


DynamoDB API exceptions. Use #=(ex _) for try blocks, etc.

DynamoDB API exceptions. Use #=(ex _) for `try` blocks, etc.
sourceraw docstring


(freeze x)
(freeze x opts)

Forces argument of any type to be subject to automatic de/serialization with Nippy.

Forces argument of any type to be subject to automatic de/serialization with
sourceraw docstring


(get-item client-opts table prim-kvs & [opts])

Retrieves an item from a table by its primary key with options: prim-kvs - {<hash-key> <val>} or {<hash-key> <val> <range-key> <val>}. :attrs - Attrs to return, [<attr> ...]. :proj-expr - Projection expression as a string :expr-attr-names - Map of strings for ExpressionAttributeNames :consistent? - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?

Retrieves an item from a table by its primary key with options:
prim-kvs         - {<hash-key> <val>} or {<hash-key> <val> <range-key> <val>}.
:attrs           - Attrs to return, [<attr> ...].
:proj-expr       - Projection expression as a string
:expr-attr-names - Map of strings for ExpressionAttributeNames
:consistent?     - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?
sourceraw docstring


(get-stream-records client-opts shard-iterator & [{:keys [limit] :as opts}])


Extensible protocol for mapping Clojure vals to AttributeValue objects.

Extensible protocol for mapping Clojure vals to AttributeValue objects.


(serialize this)
sourceraw docstring


(items-by-attrs attr-or-attrs item-or-items)

Groups one or more items by one or more attributes, returning a map of form {<attr-val> <item> ...} or {{<attr> <val> ...} <item>}.

Good for collecting batch or query/scan items results into useable maps, indexed by their 'primary key' (which, remember, may consist of 1 OR 2 attrs).

Groups one or more items by one or more attributes, returning a map of form
{<attr-val> <item> ...} or {{<attr> <val> ...} <item>}.

Good for collecting batch or query/scan items results into useable maps,
indexed by their 'primary key' (which, remember, may consist of 1 OR 2 attrs).
sourceraw docstring


(list-streams client-opts & [{:keys [start-arn table-name limit] :as opts}])

Returns a lazy sequence of stream descriptions. Each item is a map of: {:stream-arn - Stream identifier string :table-name - The table name for the stream}

Options: :start-arn - The stream identifier to start listing from (exclusive) :table-name - List only the streams for <table-name> :limit - Retrieve streams in batches of <limit> at a time

Returns a lazy sequence of stream descriptions. Each item is a map of:
{:stream-arn - Stream identifier string
 :table-name - The table name for the stream}

  :start-arn  - The stream identifier to start listing from (exclusive)
  :table-name - List only the streams for <table-name>
  :limit      - Retrieve streams in batches of <limit> at a time
sourceraw docstring


(list-tables client-opts)

Returns a lazy sequence of table names.

Returns a lazy sequence of table names.
sourceraw docstring


(put-item client-opts
          [{:keys [return expected return-cc? cond-expr] :as opts}])

Adds an item (Clojure map) to a table with options: :return - e/o #{:none :all-old} :cond-expr - "attribute_exists(attr_name) AND|OR ..." :expr-attr-names - {"#attr_name" "name"} :expr-attr-vals - {":attr_value" "value"} :expected - DEPRECATED in favor of :cond-expr, {<attr> <#{:exists :not-exists [<comparison-operator> <value>] <value>}> ...} With comparison-operator e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.

Adds an item (Clojure map) to a table with options:
:return          - e/o #{:none :all-old}
:cond-expr       - "attribute_exists(attr_name) AND|OR ..."
:expr-attr-names - {"#attr_name" "name"}
:expr-attr-vals  - {":attr_value" "value"}
:expected        - DEPRECATED in favor of `:cond-expr`,
  {<attr> <#{:exists :not-exists [<comparison-operator> <value>] <value>}> ...}
  With comparison-operator e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.
sourceraw docstring


(query client-opts
       [{:keys [last-prim-kvs query-filter span-reqs return index order limit
                consistent? return-cc?]
         :as opts}])

Retrieves items from a table (indexed) with options: prim-key-conds - {<key-attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}. :last-prim-kvs - Primary key-val from which to eval, useful for paging. :query-filter - {<key-attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}. :proj-expr - Projection expression string :filter-expr - Filter expression string :expr-attr-names - Expression attribute names, as a map of {"#attr_name" "name"} :expr-attr-vals - Expression attribute values, as a map {":attr_value" "value"} :span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} controls automatic multi-request stitching. :return - e/o #{:all-attributes :all-projected-attributes :count [<attr> ...]}. :index - Name of a local or global secondary index to query. :order - Index scaning order e/o #{:asc :desc}. :limit - Max num >=1 of items to eval (≠ num of matching items). Useful to prevent harmful sudden bursts of read activity. :consistent? - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?

(create-table client-opts :my-table [:name :s] {:range-keydef [:age :n] :block? true})

(do (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Steve" :age 24}) (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Susan" :age 27})) (query client-opts :my-table {:name [:eq "Steve"] :age [:between [10 30]]}) => [{:age 24, :name "Steve"}]

comparison-operators e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.

For unindexed item retrievel see scan.

Ref. for query+scan best practices.

Retrieves items from a table (indexed) with options:
  prim-key-conds   - {<key-attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}.
  :last-prim-kvs   - Primary key-val from which to eval, useful for paging.
  :query-filter    - {<key-attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}.
  :proj-expr       - Projection expression string
  :filter-expr     - Filter expression string
  :expr-attr-names - Expression attribute names, as a map of {"#attr_name" "name"}
  :expr-attr-vals  - Expression attribute values, as a map {":attr_value" "value"}
  :span-reqs       - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} controls automatic multi-request
  :return          - e/o #{:all-attributes :all-projected-attributes :count
                           [<attr> ...]}.
  :index           - Name of a local or global secondary index to query.
  :order           - Index scaning order e/o #{:asc :desc}.
  :limit           - Max num >=1 of items to eval (≠ num of matching items).
                     Useful to prevent harmful sudden bursts of read activity.
  :consistent?     - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?

(create-table client-opts :my-table [:name :s]
  {:range-keydef [:age :n] :block? true})

(do (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Steve" :age 24})
    (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Susan" :age 27}))
(query client-opts :my-table {:name [:eq "Steve"]
                              :age  [:between [10 30]]})
=> [{:age 24, :name "Steve"}]

comparison-operators e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.

For unindexed item retrievel see `scan`.

Ref. for query+scan best practices.
sourceraw docstring


Alpha, subject to change. Util to help remove (or coerce to nil) empty val types prohibited by DDB, Ref. Note that empty string and binary attributes are now permitted: See also freeze as an alternative.

Alpha, subject to change.
Util to help remove (or coerce to nil) empty val types prohibited by DDB,
Ref. Note that empty string and binary attributes are
now permitted: See also `freeze` as an alternative.
sourceraw docstring


(scan client-opts
      [{:keys [attr-conds last-prim-kvs span-reqs return limit total-segments
               filter-expr segment return-cc?]
        :as opts}])

Retrieves items from a table (unindexed) with options: :attr-conds - {<attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}. :expr-attr-names - Expression attribute names, as a map of {"#attr_name" "name"} :expr-attr-vals - Expression attribute names, as a map of {":attr" "value"} :filter-expr - Filter expression string :index - Index name to use. :proj-expr - Projection expression as a string :limit - Max num >=1 of items to eval (≠ num of matching items). Useful to prevent harmful sudden bursts of read activity. :last-prim-kvs - Primary key-val from which to eval, useful for paging. :span-reqs - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} controls automatic multi-request stitching. :return - e/o #{:all-attributes :all-projected-attributes :count [<attr> ...]}. :total-segments - Total number of parallel scan segments. :segment - Calling worker's segment number (>=0, <=total-segments). :consistent? - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?

comparison-operators e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between :ne :not-null :null :contains :not-contains :in}.

(create-table client-opts :my-table [:name :s] {:range-keydef [:age :n] :block? true})

(do (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Steve" :age 24}) (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Susan" :age 27})) (scan client-opts :my-table {:attr-conds {:age [:in [24 27]]}}) => [{:age 24, :name "Steve"} {:age 27, :name "Susan"}]

For automatic parallelization & segment control see scan-parallel. For indexed item retrievel see query.

Ref. for query+scan best practices.

Retrieves items from a table (unindexed) with options:
  :attr-conds      - {<attr> [<comparison-operator> <val-or-vals>] ...}.
  :expr-attr-names - Expression attribute names, as a map of {"#attr_name" "name"}
  :expr-attr-vals  - Expression attribute names, as a map of {":attr" "value"}
  :filter-expr     - Filter expression string
  :index           - Index name to use.
  :proj-expr       - Projection expression as a string
  :limit           - Max num >=1 of items to eval (≠ num of matching items).
                     Useful to prevent harmful sudden bursts of read activity.
  :last-prim-kvs   - Primary key-val from which to eval, useful for paging.
  :span-reqs       - {:max _ :throttle-ms _} controls automatic multi-request
  :return          - e/o #{:all-attributes :all-projected-attributes :count
                           [<attr> ...]}.
  :total-segments  - Total number of parallel scan segments.
  :segment         - Calling worker's segment number (>=0, <=total-segments).
  :consistent?     - Use strongly (rather than eventually) consistent reads?

comparison-operators e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between :ne
                           :not-null :null :contains :not-contains :in}.

(create-table client-opts :my-table [:name :s]
  {:range-keydef [:age :n] :block? true})

(do (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Steve" :age 24})
    (put-item client-opts :my-table {:name "Susan" :age 27}))
(scan client-opts :my-table {:attr-conds {:age [:in [24 27]]}})
=> [{:age 24, :name "Steve"} {:age 27, :name "Susan"}]

For automatic parallelization & segment control see `scan-parallel`.
For indexed item retrievel see `query`.

Ref. for query+scan best practices.
sourceraw docstring


(scan-parallel client-opts table total-segments & [opts])

Like scan but starts a number of worker threads and automatically handles parallel scan options (:total-segments and :segment). Returns a vector of scan results.

Ref. (official parallel scan documentation).

Like `scan` but starts a number of worker threads and automatically handles
parallel scan options (:total-segments and :segment). Returns a vector of
`scan` results.

Ref. (official parallel scan documentation).
sourceraw docstring


(shard-iterator client-opts
                [{:keys [seq-num] :as opts}])

Returns the iterator string that can be used in the get-stream-records call or nil when the stream or shard doesn't exist.

Returns the iterator string that can be used in the get-stream-records call
or nil when the stream or shard doesn't exist.
sourceraw docstring


(transact-get-items client-opts raw-req)

Transactionally fetches requested items by primary key

e.g. (far/transact-get-items client-opts {:return-cc? true :items [{:table-name ttable :prim-kvs {:id 305}} {:table-name ttable :prim-kvs {:id 306}}]}) returns {:items [<item>] :cc-units {<table> <consumed-capacity>}}

Transactionally fetches requested items by primary key

(far/transact-get-items client-opts
                        {:return-cc? true
                         :items [{:table-name ttable
                                  :prim-kvs {:id 305}}
                                 {:table-name ttable
                                 :prim-kvs {:id 306}}]})
returns {:items [<item>] :cc-units {<table> <consumed-capacity>}}
sourceraw docstring


(transact-write-items client-opts raw-req)

Executes a transaction comprising puts, updates, deletes and cond-checks; either all succeed or all fail. Execution order is the order in the items vector.

For example: (far/transact-write-items client-opts {:items [[:cond-check {:table-name ttable :prim-kvs {:id 300} :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id)" :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}] [:put {:table-name ttable :item i2 :cond-expr "attribute_not_exists(#id)" :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}] [:delete {:table-name ttable :prim-kvs {:id 303} :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id)" :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}] [:update {:table-name ttable :prim-kvs {:id 300} :update-expr "SET #name = :name" :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id) AND #name = :oldname" :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id", "#name" "name"} :expr-attr-vals {":oldname" "foo", ":name" "foobar"}}]]}) returns {:cc-units {<table> <consumed-capacity>}}}

Executes a transaction comprising puts, updates, deletes and cond-checks; either all succeed or all fail.
 Execution order is the order in the items vector.

 For example:
 (far/transact-write-items client-opts
                           {:items [[:cond-check {:table-name ttable
                                                  :prim-kvs {:id 300}
                                                  :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id)"
                                                  :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}]
                                    [:put {:table-name ttable
                                           :item i2
                                           :cond-expr "attribute_not_exists(#id)"
                                           :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}]
                                    [:delete {:table-name ttable
                                              :prim-kvs {:id 303}
                                              :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id)"
                                              :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id"}}]
                                    [:update {:table-name ttable
                                              :prim-kvs {:id 300}
                                              :update-expr "SET #name = :name"
                                              :cond-expr "attribute_exists(#id) AND #name = :oldname"
                                              :expr-attr-names {"#id" "id", "#name" "name"}
                                              :expr-attr-vals {":oldname" "foo", ":name" "foobar"}}]]})
returns {:cc-units {<table> <consumed-capacity>}}}
sourceraw docstring


(update-item client-opts
             [{:keys [update-map return expected return-cc? cond-expr
               :as opts}])

Updates an item in a table by its primary key with options: prim-kvs - {<hash-key> <val>} or {<hash-key> <val> <range-key> <val>} :update-map - DEPRECATED in favor of :update-expr, {<attr> [<#{:put :add :delete}> <optional value>]} :cond-expr - "attribute_exists(attr_name) AND|OR ..." :update-expr - "SET #attr_name = :attr_value" :expr-attr-names - {"#attr_name" "name"} :expr-attr-vals - {":attr_value" "value"} :return - e/o #{:none :all-old :updated-old :all-new :updated-new} :expected - DEPRECATED in favor of :cond-expr, {<attr> <#{:exists :not-exists [<comparison-operator> <value>] <value>}> ...} With comparison-operator e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.

Updates an item in a table by its primary key with options:
prim-kvs         - {<hash-key> <val>} or {<hash-key> <val> <range-key> <val>}
:update-map      - DEPRECATED in favor of `:update-expr`,
                   {<attr> [<#{:put :add :delete}> <optional value>]}
:cond-expr       - "attribute_exists(attr_name) AND|OR ..."
:update-expr     - "SET #attr_name = :attr_value"
:expr-attr-names - {"#attr_name" "name"}
:expr-attr-vals  - {":attr_value" "value"}
:return          - e/o #{:none :all-old :updated-old :all-new :updated-new}
:expected        - DEPRECATED in favor of `:cond-expr`,
  {<attr> <#{:exists :not-exists [<comparison-operator> <value>] <value>}> ...}
  With comparison-operator e/o #{:eq :le :lt :ge :gt :begins-with :between}.
sourceraw docstring


(update-table client-opts table update-opts & [{:keys [span-reqs]}])

Returns a future which updates table and returns the post-update table description.

Update opts: :throughput - {:read <units> :write <units>} :billing-mode - :provisioned | :pay-per-request ; defaults to provisioned :gsindexes - {:operation ; e/o #{:create :update :delete} :name ; Required :throughput ; Only for :update / :create :hash-keydef ; Only for :create :range-keydef ; :projection ; e/o #{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}} :stream-spec - {:enabled? ; :view-type ; e/o #{:keys-only :new-image :old-image :old-and-new-images}}

Only one global secondary index operation can take place at a time. In order to change a stream view-type, you need to disable and re-enable the stream.

Returns a future which updates table and returns the post-update table

Update opts:
  :throughput   - {:read <units> :write <units>}
  :billing-mode - :provisioned | :pay-per-request   ; defaults to provisioned
  :gsindexes    - {:operation                       ; e/o #{:create :update :delete}
                  :name                             ; Required
                  :throughput                       ; Only for :update / :create
                  :hash-keydef                      ; Only for :create
                  :range-keydef                     ;
                  :projection                       ; e/o #{:all :keys-only [<attr> ...]}}
  :stream-spec  - {:enabled?                        ;
                  :view-type                        ; e/o #{:keys-only :new-image :old-image :old-and-new-images}}

Only one global secondary index operation can take place at a time.
In order to change a stream view-type, you need to disable and re-enable the stream.
sourceraw docstring


(update-ttl client-opts table-name enabled? key-name)

Updates the TTL configuration for a table.

Updates the TTL configuration for a table.
sourceraw docstring


(with-attr-multi-vs & body)


(with-thaw-opts opts & body)


(without-attr-multi-vs & body)

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