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Experimental, subject to change.
Minimal Telemere shell API for library authors, etc.
Allows library code to use Telemere if it's present, or fall back to
something like tools.logging otherwise.


(if-telemere then)
(if-telemere then else)
Evaluates to `then` form if Telemere is present when expanding macro.
Otherwise expands to `else` form.


Experimental, subject to change.
Requires Telemere if it's present, otherwise noops.
Used in cooperation with `signal!`, etc.

For Cljs:
  - MUST be placed at top of file, just below `ns` form
  - Needs ClojureScript >= v1.9.293 (Oct 2016)


(set-min-level! min-level)
(set-min-level! kind min-level)
(set-min-level! kind ns-filter min-level)
Expands to `taoensso.telemere/set-min-level!` call iff Telemere is present.
Otherwise expands to `nil` (noops).


(signal! {:as opts
          :keys [fallback elidable? location inst uid middleware sample-rate
                 kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx parent root
                 trace? do let data msg error run & kvs]})
Experimental, subject to change.
Telemere shell API for library authors, etc.

Expands to `taoensso.telemere/signal!` call if Telemere is present.
Otherwise expands to arbitrary `fallback` opt form.

Allows library code to use Telemere if it's present, or fall back to
something like tools.logging otherwise.

MUST be used with `require-telemere-if-present`, example:

 (ns my-lib
     [ :as t] ; `com.taoensso/telemere-shell` dependency
     [ :as ctl] ; `org.clojure/tools.logging`   dependency

  (t/require-telemere-if-present) ; Just below `ns` form!

    {:kind :log, :id :my-id, :level :warn,
     :let  [x :x]
     :msg  ["Hello" "world" x]
     :data {:a :A :x x}
     :fallback (ctl/warn (str "Hello world" x))})

For more info, see:
  - Telemere `signal!`, Ref. <!>
  - Telemere docs,      Ref. <>


(signal-allowed? {:as opts
                  :keys [elidable? location sample-rate kind ns id level when
                         rate-limit rate-limit-by]})
Experimental, subject to change.
Returns true iff Telemere is present and signal with given opts would meet
filtering conditions.

MUST be used with `require-telemere-if-present`, example:

  (ns my-lib (:require [ :as t]))
  (t/require-telemere-if-present) ; Just below `ns` form!

  (when (t/signal-allowed? {:level :warn, <...>})

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