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Structured telemetry for Clojure/Script applications.

See the GitHub page (esp. Wiki) for info on motivation and design:


Optional context (state) attached to all signals.
Value may be any type, but is usually nil or a map. Default (root) value is nil.

Useful for dynamically attaching arbitrary app-level state to signals.

Re/bind dynamic        value using `with-ctx`, `with-ctx+`, or `binding`.
Modify  root (default) value using `set-ctx!`.

As with all dynamic Clojure vars, "binding conveyance" applies when using
futures, agents, etc.

  - Value may be (or may contain) an atom if you want mutable semantics.
  - Value may be of form {<scope-id> <data>} for custom scoping, etc.
  - Use `get-env` to set default (root) value based on environmental config.


Optional (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal to apply to all signals.
When middleware returns nil, skips all handlers. Default (root) value is nil.

Useful for dynamically transforming signals and/or filtering signals
by signal data/content/etc.

Re/bind dynamic        value using `with-middleware`, `with-middleware+`, `binding`.
Modify  root (default) value using `set-middleware!`.

As with all dynamic Clojure vars, "binding conveyance" applies when using
futures, agents, etc.


  ;; Filter all signals by returning nil:
  (t/set-middleware! (fn [signal] (when-not (:skip-me? signal) signal)))

  ;; Remove key/s from all signals:
  (t/set-middleware! (fn [signal] (dissoc signal :unwanted-key1 ...)))

  ;; Remove key/s from signals to specific handler:
  (t/add-handler! ::my-handler my-handler
    {:middleware (fn [signal] (dissoc signal :unwanted-key1 ...))})

  ;; Set middleware for specific signal/s:
  (binding [*middleware* (fn [signal] ...)]

  - Compose multiple middleware fns together with `comp-middleware`.
  - Use `get-env` to set default (root) value based on environmental config.


Experimental, subject to change. Feedback welcome!

OpenTelemetry `Tracer` to use for Telemere's tracing signal creators
(`trace!`, `span!`, etc.), ∈ #{nil io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer Delay}.

Defaults to the provider in `otel-default-providers_`.
See also `otel-tracing?`.


Experimental, subject to change. Feedback welcome!
(fn [root?]) used to generate signal `:uid` values (unique instance ids)
when tracing.

Relevant only when `otel-tracing?` is false.
If `otel-tracing?` is true, uids are instead generated by `*otel-tracer*`.

`root?` argument is true iff signal is a top-level trace (i.e. form being
traced is unnested = has no parent form). Root-level uids typically need
more entropy and so are usually longer (e.g. 32 vs 16 hex chars).

Override default by setting one of the following:
  1.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.uid-kind`
  2.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_UID_KIND`
  3. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.uid-kind`

  Possible (compile-time) values include:
    `:uuid`          - UUID string (Cljs) or `java.util.UUID` (Clj)
    `:uuid-str`      - UUID string       (36/36 chars)
    `:nano/secure`   - nano-style string (21/10 chars) w/ strong RNG
    `:nano/insecure` - nano-style string (21/10 chars) w/ fast   RNG (default)
    `:hex/insecure`  - hex-style  string (32/16 chars) w/ strong RNG
    `:hex/secure`    - hex-style  string (32/16 chars) w/ fast   RNG


(add-handler! handler-id handler-fn)
(add-handler! handler-id handler-fn dispatch-opts)
Registers given signal handler and returns
{<handler-id> {:keys [dispatch-opts handler-fn]}} for all handlers
now registered. If an old handler already existed under the same id, stop it.

`handler-fn` should be a fn of exactly 2 arities:

  [signal] ; Single argument
    Called asynchronously or synchronously (depending on dispatch options)
    to do something useful with the given signal.

    Example actions:
      Save data to disk or db, `tap>`, log, `put!` to an appropriate
      `core.async` channel, filter, aggregate, use for a realtime analytics
      dashboard, examine for outliers or unexpected data, etc.

  [] ; No arguments
    Called exactly once when stopping handler to provide an opportunity
    for handler to flush buffers, close files, etc. May just noop.

NB you should always call `stop-handlers!` somewhere appropriate - usually
near the end of your `-main` or shutdown procedure, AFTER all other code has
completed that could create signals.

See `help:handler-dispatch-options` for handler filters, etc.


(call-on-shutdown! f)
Registers given nullary fn as a JVM shutdown hook.
(f) will be called sometime during shutdown. While running, it will
attempt to block shutdown.


(catch->error! opts-or-run)
(catch->error! id run)
(catch->error! {:as opts-map
                :keys [catch-val elidable? coords inst uid middleware
                       middleware+ sample-rate kind ns id level when rate-limit
                       rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent root trace? do let data msg
                       error & kvs]}


(chance prob)
Returns true with given probability ∈ ℝ[0,1].


Runs Telemere's registered interop checks and returns info useful
for tests/debugging, e.g.:

  {:open-telemetry {:present? false}
   :tools-logging  {:present? false}
   :slf4j          {:present? true
                    :sending->telemere?  true
                    :telemere-receiving? true}


(clean-signal-fn {:keys [incl-kvs? incl-nils? incl-keys] :as opts})
Alpha, subject to change.
Returns a (fn clean [signal]) that:
  - Takes a Telemere  signal (map).
  - Returns a minimal signal (map) ready for printing, etc.

Signals are optimized for cheap creation and easy handling, so tend to be
verbose and may contain things like nil values and duplicated content.

This util efficiently cleans signals of such noise, helping reduce
storage/transmission size, and making key info easier to see.

  `:incl-nils?` - Include signal's keys with nil values? (default false)
  `:incl-kvs?`  - Include signal's app-level root kvs?   (default false)
  `:incl-keys`  - Subset of signal keys to retain from those otherwise
                  excluded by default: #{:kvs :host :thread}


(comp-middleware fs)
(comp-middleware f1 f2)
(comp-middleware f1 f2 f3)
(comp-middleware f1 f2 f3 & fs)
Returns a single (composite) unary fn that applies all given unary fns
sequentially (left->right!: f1, f2, ...). If any given fn returns nil, the
returned composite fn immediately returns nil:

  ((comp-middleware inc #(* % 2) inc) 1) => 5 ; (inc (* (inc 1) 2))
  ((comp-middleware inc (fn [_] nil) (fn [_] (throw (Exception. "Never thrown!")))) 1) => nil

Useful for composing Ring-style middleware fns.


Default handler dispatch options, see
`help:handler-dispatch-options` for details.


(dispatch-signal! signal)
Dispatches given signal to registered handlers, supports `with-signal/s`.
Normally called automatically (internally) by signal creators, this util
is provided publicly since it's also handy for manually re/dispatching
custom/modified signals, etc.:

  (let [original-signal (with-signal :trap (event! ::my-id1))
        modified-signal (assoc original-signal :id ::my-id2)]
    (dispatch-signal! modified-signal))


(error! opts-or-error)
(error! id error)
(error! {:as opts-map
         :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate
                kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent
                root trace? do let data msg error & kvs]}
"Error" signal creator, emphasizing (optional id) + error (Exception, etc.).

Default  kind: `:error`
Default level: `:error`
  ALWAYS (unconditionally) returns the given error, so can conveniently be
  wrapped by `throw`: (throw (error! (ex-info ...)), etc.


  (throw (error!         (ex-info "MyEx" {}))) ; %> {:kind :error, :level :error, :error <MyEx> ...}
  (throw (error! ::my-id (ex-info "MyEx" {}))) ; %> {... :id ::my-id ...}
      {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
       :data {:x x}
       :msg  ["My message:" x]}

      (ex-info "MyEx" {}))) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (error! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - `error` arg is a platform error (`java.lang.Throwable` or `js/Error`).

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(error-signal? signal)
Returns true iff given signal has an `:error` value, or a `:kind` or `:level`
that indicates that it's an error.


(event! opts-or-id)
(event! id level)
(event! id
        {:as opts-map
         :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate
                kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent
                root trace? do let data msg error & kvs]})
"Event" signal creator, emphasizing id + (optional level).

Default  kind: `:event`
Default level: `:info`
  - For `event!`  variant: nil, unconditionally.
  - For `event!?` variant: true iff signal was created (allowed by filtering).

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).


  (event! ::my-id)       ; %> {:kind :event, :level :info, :id ::my-id ...}
  (event! ::my-id :warn) ; %> {...           :level :warn ...}
  (event! ::my-id
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}
     :msg  ["My msg:" x]}) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (event! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - `log!` and `event!` are both good default/general-purpose signal creators.
  - `log!` emphasizes messages, while `event!` emphasizes ids.

  - Has a different 2-arity arg order to all other signals!
    Mnemonic: the arg that's typically larger is *always* in the rightmost
    position, and for `event!` that's the `level-or-opts` arg.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(event!? opts-or-id)
(event!? id level)
(event!? id
         {:as opts-map
          :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate
                 kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent
                 root trace? do let data msg error & kvs]})
"Event" signal creator, emphasizing id + (optional level).

Default  kind: `:event`
Default level: `:info`
  - For `event!`  variant: nil, unconditionally.
  - For `event!?` variant: true iff signal was created (allowed by filtering).

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).


  (event! ::my-id)       ; %> {:kind :event, :level :info, :id ::my-id ...}
  (event! ::my-id :warn) ; %> {...           :level :warn ...}
  (event! ::my-id
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}
     :msg  ["My msg:" x]}) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (event! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - `log!` and `event!` are both good default/general-purpose signal creators.
  - `log!` emphasizes messages, while `event!` emphasizes ids.

  - Has a different 2-arity arg order to all other signals!
    Mnemonic: the arg that's typically larger is *always* in the rightmost
    position, and for `event!` that's the `level-or-opts` arg.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(format-signal-fn {:keys [incl-newline? preamble-fn content-fn]
                   :or {incl-newline? true
                        preamble-fn (signal-preamble-fn)
                        content-fn (signal-content-fn)}})
Alpha, subject to change.
Returns a (fn format [signal]) that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Returns a human-readable signal string.

  `:incl-newline?` - Include terminating system newline? (default true)
  `:preamble-fn`   - (fn [signal]) => signal preamble string, see [1]
  `:content-fn`    - (fn [signal]) => signal content  string, see [2]

[1] `taoensso.telemere.utils/signal-preamble-fn`, etc.
[2] `taoensso.telemere.utils/signal-content-fn`,  etc.

See also `pr-signal-fn` for an alternative to `format-signal-fn`
that produces machine-readable output (edn, JSON, etc.).


(get-env {:keys [as default return] :or {as :str return :value}} spec)
Flexible cross-platform environmental value util.

Given a compile-time id (keyword/string) or vector of desc-priority
ids, parse and return the first of the following that exists, or nil:
  1. JVM         property value   for id
  2. Environment variable value   for id
  3. Classpath   resource content for id

Ids may include optional platform tag for auto replacement, e.g.:
  `<.platform>` -> ".clj", ".cljs", or nil

Clj/s: if resulting value is a single symbol, it will be evaluated.
Cljs:     resulting value will be embedded in code during macro expansion!

  `:as`      - Parse encountered value as given type ∈ #{:str :bool :edn}  (default `:str`).
  `:default` - Fallback to return unparsed if no value found during search (default `nil`).
  `:return`  - Return type ∈ #{:value :map :explain} (default `:value`).
               Use `:explain` to verify/debug, handy for tests/REPL!

  (get-env {:as :edn} [:my-app/id1<.platform> :my-app/id2]) will parse
  and return the first of the following that exists, or nil:

    id1 with platform:
      `my-app.id1.clj` JVM         property value
      `MY_APP_id1_CLJ` environment variable value
      `my-app.id1.clj` classpath   resource content

    id1 without platform:
      `my-app.id1`     JVM         property value
      `MY_APP_id1`     environment variable value
      `my-app.id1`     classpath   resource content

    id2 with    platform: ...
    id2 without platform: ...


Returns current ?{:keys [compile-time runtime]} filter config.


Returns ?{<handler-id> {:keys [dispatch-opts handler-fn handler-stats_]}}
for all registered signal handlers.


Alpha, subject to change.
Returns ?{<handler-id> {:keys [handling-nsecs counts]}} for all registered
signal handlers that have the `:track-stats?` dispatch option enabled
(it is by default).

Stats include:

  `:handling-nsecs` - Summary stats of nanosecond handling times, keys:
    `:min`  - Minimum handling time
    `:max`  - Maximum handling time
    `:mean` - Arithmetic mean handling time
    `:mad`  - Mean absolute deviation of handling time (measure of dispersion)
    `:var`  - Variance                of handling time (measure of dispersion)
    `:p50`  - 50th percentile of handling time (50% of times <= this)
    `:p90`  - 90th percentile of handling time (90% of times <= this)
    `:p99`  - 99th percentile of handling time
    `:last` - Most recent        handling time

  `:counts` - Integer counts for handler outcomes, keys (chronologically):

    `:dropped`       - Noop handler calls due to stopped handler
    `:back-pressure` - Handler calls that experienced (async) back-pressure
                       (possible noop, depending on back-pressure mode)

    `:sampled`      - Noop  handler calls due to sample rate
    `:filtered`     - Noop  handler calls due to kind/ns/id/level/when filtering
    `:rate-limited` - Noop  handler calls due to rate limit
    `:disallowed`   - Noop  handler calls due to sampling/filtering/rate-limiting
    `:allowed`      - Other handler calls    (no sampling/filtering/rate-limiting)

    `:suppressed`   - Noop handler calls due to nil middleware result
    `:handled`      - Handler calls that completed successfully
    `:errors`       - Handler calls that threw an error

    Note that for performance reasons returned counts are not mutually atomic,
    e.g. `:sampled` count may be incremented before `:disallowed` count is.

Useful for understanding/debugging how your handlers behave in practice,
especially when they're under stress (high-volumes, etc.).

Handler stats are tracked from the time each handler is last registered
(e.g. with an `add-handler!` call).


(get-min-levels kind)
(get-min-levels kind ns)
Returns current ?{:keys [compile-time runtime]} minimum call levels
for given/current namespace.


(handler:console {:keys [stream output-fn]
                  :or {stream :auto output-fn (utils/format-signal-fn)}})
Alpha, subject to change.

Returns a signal handler that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Writes the signal as a string to specified stream.

A general-purpose `println`-style handler that's well suited for outputting
signals as human or machine-readable (edn, JSON) strings.

  `:output-fn` - (fn [signal]) => string, see `format-signal-fn` or `pr-signal-fn`
  `:stream`    - ``
    Defaults to `*err*` if `utils/error-signal?` is true, and `*out*` otherwise.
(handler:console {:keys [output-fn] :or {output-fn (utils/format-signal-fn)}})
Alpha, subject to change.

If `js/console` exists, returns a signal handler that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Writes the signal as a string to JavaScript console.

A general-purpose `println`-style handler that's well suited for outputting
signals as human or machine-readable (edn, JSON) strings.

  `:output-fn` - (fn [signal]) => string, see `format-signal-fn` or `pr-signal-fn`


(handler:console-raw {:keys [preamble-fn format-nsecs-fn]
                      :as opts
                      :or {preamble-fn (utils/signal-preamble-fn)
                           format-nsecs-fn (utils/format-nsecs-fn)}})
Alpha, subject to change.

If `js/console` exists, returns a signal handler that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Writes the raw signal to JavaScript console.

Intended for use with browser formatting tools like `binaryage/devtools`,
Ref. <>.

  `:preamble-fn`     - (fn [signal])   => string, see [1].
  `:format-nsecs-fn` - (fn [nanosecs]) => string.

[1] `taoensso.telemere.utils/signal-preamble-fn`, etc.


(handler:file {:keys [output-fn path interval max-file-size max-num-parts
                      max-num-intervals gzip-archives?]
               :or {output-fn (utils/format-signal-fn)
                    path "logs/telemere.log"
                    interval :monthly
                    max-file-size (* 1024 1024 4)
                    max-num-parts 8
                    max-num-intervals 6
                    gzip-archives? true}})
Experimental, subject to change.

Returns a signal handler that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Writes (appends) the signal as a string to file specified by `path`.

Can output signals as human or machine-readable (edn, JSON) strings.

Depending on options, archive file/s may also be maintained:
  - `logs/app.log.n.gz`             (for     nil `:interval`, non-nil `:max-file-size`)
  - `logs/app.log-YYYY-MM-DDd.n.gz` (for non-nil `:interval`) ; d=daily/w=weekly/m=monthly

Example files with default options:
  `/logs/telemere.log`                  ; Current file (newest entries)
  `/logs/telemere.log-2020-01-01m.1.gz` ; Archive for Jan 2020, part 1 (newest entries)
  `/logs/telemere.log-2020-01-01m.8.gz` ; Archive for Jan 2020, part 8 (oldest entries)

  `:output-fn`- (fn [signal]) => string, see `format-signal-fn` or `pr-signal-fn`
  `:path`     - Path string of the target output file (default `logs/telemere.log`)

  `:interval` - ∈ #{nil :daily :weekly :monthly} (default `:monthly`)
    When non-nil, causes interval-based archives to be maintained.

  `:max-file-size` ∈ #{nil <pos-int>} (default 4MB)
    When `path` file size > ~this many bytes, rotates old content to numbered archives.

  `:max-num-parts` ∈ #{nil <pos-int>} (default 8)
    Maximum number of numbered archives to retain for any particular interval.

  `:max-num-intervals` ∈ #{nil <pos-int>} (default 6)
    Maximum number of intervals (days/weeks/months) to retain.


Telemere supports extensive environmental config via JVM properties,
environment variables, or classpath resources.

Environmental filter config includes:

  1. Minimum level (see signal `:level`):
    a.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.rt-min-level`
    b.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_RT_MIN_LEVEL`
    c. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.rt-min-level`

  2. Namespace filter (see signal `:ns`):
    a.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.rt-ns-filter`
    b.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_RT_NS_FILTER`
    c. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.rt-ns-filter`

  3. Id filter (see signal `:id`):
    a.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.rt-id-filter`
    b.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_RT_ID_FILTER`
    c. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.rt-id-filter`

  4. Kind filter (signal `:kind`):
    a.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.rt-kind-filter`
    b.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_RT_KIND_FILTER`
    c. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.rt-kind-filter`

Config values are parsed as edn, examples:

  `taoensso.telemere.rt-min-level`       => ":info"
  `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_RT_NS_FILTER`       => "{:disallow \"taoensso.*\"}"
  `taoensso.telemere.rt-id-filter.cljs`  => "#{:my-id1 :my-id2}"

Runtime vs compile-time filters

  The above filters (1..4) all apply at RUNTIME ("rt").
  This is typically what you want, since it allows you to freely adjust filtering
  (making it less OR MORE permissive) through later API calls like `set-min-level!`.

  As an advanced option, you can instead/additionally ELIDE (entirely omit) filtered
  callsites at COMPILE-TIME ("ct") by replacing "rt"->"ct" / "RT"->"CT" in the config
  ids above. Compile-time filters CANNOT be made MORE permissive at runtime.


  - The above config ids will affect both Clj AND Cljs.
    For platform-specific filters, use
      ".clj"  / "_CLJ"  or
      ".cljs" / "_CLJS" suffixes instead.
      e.g. "taoensso.telemere.rt-min-level.cljs".

  - To get the right edn syntax, first set your runtime filters using the
    standard utils (`set-min-level!`, etc.). Then call `get-filters` and
    serialize the relevant parts to edn with `pr-str`.

  - All environmental config uses `get-env` underneath.
    See the `get-env` docstring for more/advanced details.

  - Classpath resources are files accessible on your project's
    classpath. This usually includes files in your project's
    `resources/` dir.


A signal will be provided to a handler iff ALL of the following are true:

  1. Call filters pass:
    a. Compile-time: sample rate, kind, ns, id, level, when form, rate limit
    b. Runtime:      sample rate, kind, ns, id, level, when form, rate limit

  2. Handler filters pass:
    a. Compile-time: not applicable
    b. Runtime:      sample rate, kind, ns, id, level, when fn, rate limit

  3. Call    middleware (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal returns non-nil
  4. Handler middleware (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal returns non-nil

Middleware provides a flexible way to modify and/or filter signals by arbitrary
signal data/content conditions (return nil to skip).


  To set call filters (1a, 1b):

      `set-kind-filter!`, `with-kind-filter`
      `set-ns-filter!`,   `with-ns-filter`
      `set-id-filter!`,   `with-id-filter`
      `set-min-level!`,   `with-min-level`

    or see `help:environmental-config`.

  To set handler filters (2b) or middleware (4):

    Provide relevant opts when calling `add-handler!` or `with-handler/+`.
    See `help:handler-dispatch-options` for details.

    Note: call filters (1a, 1b) should generally be AT LEAST as permissive
    as handler filters (2b) since they're always applied first.

  To set call middleware (3): use `set-middleware!`, `with-middleware`.

Compile-time vs runtime filtering:

  Compile-time filters are an advanced feature that can be tricky to set
  and use correctly. Most folks will want ONLY runtime filters.

  Compile-time filters works by eliding (completely removing the code for)
  disallowed calls. This means zero performance cost for these calls, but
  also means that compile-time filters are PERMANENT once applied.

  So if you set `:info` as the compile-time minimum level, that'll REMOVE
  CODE for every signal call below `:info` level. To decrease that minimum
  level, you'll need to rebuild.

  Compile-time filters can be set ONLY with environmental config
  (see `help:environmental-config` for details).

Signal and handler sampling is multiplicative:

  Both calls and handlers can have independent sample rates, and these
  MULTIPLY! If a signal is created with 20% sampling and a handler
  handles 50% of received signals, then 10% of possible signals will be
  handled (50% of 20%).

  The final (multiplicative) rate is helpfully reflected in each signal's
  `:sample-rate` value.

If anything is unclear, please ping me (@ptaoussanis) so that I can
improve these docs!


Dispatch options can be provided for each signal handler when calling
`add-handler!` or `with-handler/+`. These options will be merged over the
defaults specified by `default-handler-dispatch-opts`.

All handlers support the same dispatch options, including:

  `:async` (Clj only) - may be `nil` (=> synchronous) or map with options:

    `:buffer-size` (default 1024)
      Size of request buffer, and the max number of pending requests before
      configured back-pressure behaviour is triggered (see `:mode`).

    `:mode` (default `:blocking`)
      Back-pressure mode ∈ #{:blocking :dropping :sliding}.
      Controls what happens when a new request is made while request buffer is full:
        `:blocking` => Blocks caller until buffer space is available
        `:dropping` => Drops the newest request (noop)
        `:sliding`  => Drops the oldest request

    `:n-threads` (default 1)
      Number of threads to use for executing fns (servicing request buffer).
      NB handling order guaranteed to be be sequential iff n=1.

    `:drain-msecs` (default 6000 msecs)
      Maximum time (in milliseconds) to try allow pending execution requests to
      complete when stopping handler. nil => no maximum.

  `:priority` (default 100)
    Optional handler priority ∈ℤ.
    Handlers will be called in descending priority order (larger ints first).

  `:track-stats?` (default true)
    Should handler track statistics (e.g. handling times) for
    reporting by `get-handlers-stats`?

  `:sample-rate` (default nil => no sampling)
    Optional sample rate ∈ℝ[0,1], or (fn dyamic-sample-rate []) => ℝ[0,1].
    When present, handle only this (random) proportion of args:
      1.0 => handle every arg (same as nil rate, default)
      0.0 => noop   every arg
      0.5 => handle random 50% of args

  `:kind-filter` - Kind      filter as in `set-kind-filter!` (when relevant)
  `:ns-filter`   - Namespace filter as in `set-ns-filter!`
  `:id-filter`   - Id        filter as in `set-id-filter!`   (when relevant)
  `:min-level`   - Minimum   level  as in `set-min-level!`

  `:when-fn` (default nil => always allow)
    Optional NULLARY (fn allow? []) that must return truthy for handler to be
    called. When present, called *after* sampling and other filters, but before
    rate limiting. Useful for filtering based on external state/context.

    See `:middleware` for an alternative that takes a signal argument!

  `:rate-limit` (default nil => no rate limit)
    Optional rate limit spec as provided to `taoensso.encore/rate-limiter`,
    {<limit-id> [<n-max-calls> <msecs-window>]}.

      {"1/sec"  [1   1000]} => Max 1  call  per 1000 msecs
      {"1/sec"  [1   1000]
       "10/min" [10 60000]} => Max 1  call  per 1000 msecs,
                               and 10 calls per 60   secs

  `:middleware` (default nil => no middleware)
    Optional (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal to apply before
    handling signal. When middleware returns nil, skips handler.

    Compose multiple middleware fns together with `comp-middleware`.

  `:error-fn` - (fn [{:keys [handler-id signal error]}]) to call on handler error.
  `:backp-fn` - (fn [{:keys [handler-id             ]}]) to call on handler back-pressure.

If anything is unclear, please ping me (@ptaoussanis) so that I can
improve these docs!


Signal handlers process created signals to do something with them (analyse them,
      write them to console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Manage handlers with:

  `get-handlers`       - Returns info  on  registered handlers (dispatch options, etc.)
  `get-handlers-stats` - Returns stats for registered handlers (handling times,   etc.)

  `add-handler!`       - Registers   given handler
  `remove-handler!`    - Unregisters given handler

  `with-handler`       - Executes form with ONLY the given handler        registered
  `with-handler+`      - Executes form with      the given handler (also) registered

  `stop-handlers!`     - Stops registered handlers
    NB you should always call `stop-handlers!` somewhere appropriate - usually
    near the end of your `-main` or shutdown procedure, AFTER all other code has
    completed that could create signals.

See the relevant docstrings for details.
See `help:handler-dispatch-options` for handler filters, etc.

If anything is unclear, please ping me (@ptaoussanis) so that I can
improve these docs!


Signals are maps with {:keys [inst id ns level data msg_ ...]}, though they
can be modified by signal and/or handler middleware.

Default signal keys:

`:schema` ------ Int version of signal schema (current: 1)
`:inst` -------- Platform instant [1] when signal was created, monotonicity depends on system clock
`:level` ------- Signal level ∈ #{<int> :trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report ...}
`:kind` -------- Signal ?kind ∈ #{nil :event :error :log :trace :spy :slf4j :tools-logging <app-val> ...}
`:id` ---------- ?id of signal          (common to all  signals created at callsite,              contrast with `:uid`)
`:uid` --------- ?id of signal instance (unique to each signal  created at callsite when tracing, contrast with  `:id`)

`:msg_` -------- Arb app-level message  ?str              given to signal creator - may be a delay, always use `force` to unwrap!
`:data` -------- Arb app-level data     ?val (usu. a map) given to signal creator
`:error` ------- Arb app-level platform ?error [2]        given to signal creator

`:run-form` ---- Unevaluated ?form given to signal creator as `:run`
`:run-val` ----- Successful return ?val of  `:run` ?form
`:run-nsecs` --- ?int nanosecs runtime of   `:run` ?form
`:end-inst` ---- Platform ?instant [1] when `:run` ?form completed

`:parent` ------ ?{:keys [id uid]} of parent signal, present in nested signals when tracing
`:root` -------- ?{:keys [id uid]} of root   signal, present in nested signals when tracing
`:ctx` --------- ?val of `*ctx*` (arb app-level state) when signal was created

`:ns` ---------- ?str namespace of signal callsite
`:coords` ------ ?[line column] of signal callsite

`:host` -------- (Clj only) {:keys [name ip]}       info for network host
`:thread` ------ (Clj only) {:keys [name id group]} info for thread that created signal

`:sample-rate` - ?rate ∈ℝ[0,1] for combined signal AND handler sampling (0.75 => allow 75% of signals, nil => allow all)

<kvs> ---------- Other arb app-level ?kvs given to signal creator. Typically NOT included
                 in handler output, so a great way to provide custom data/opts for use
                 (only) by custom middleware/handlers.

If anything is unclear, please ping me (@ptaoussanis) so that I can improve these docs!

[1] `java.time.Instant`   or `js/Date`
[2] `java.lang.Throwable` or `js/Error`


Call a Telemere signal creator to conditionally create a signal at that callsite.

When filtering conditions are met [4], the call creates a Telemere signal [3]
and dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Telemere doesn't make a hard distinction between different kinds of signals
(log, event, error, etc.) - they're all just plain Clojure/Script maps with
various keys:

  - All signal creators offer the same options [2], and
  - All signal kinds can contain the same content [3]

Creators vary only in in their default options and call APIs (expected args
and return values), making them more/less convenient for certain use cases:

  `log!` ------------- ?level + msg    => nil
  `event!` ----------- id     + ?level => nil
  `trace!` ----------- ?id    + run    => run result (value or throw)
  `spy!` ------------- ?level + run    => run result (value or throw)
  `error!` ----------- ?id    + error  => given error
  `catch->error!` ---- ?id    + run    => run value or ?catch-val
  `uncaught->error!` - ?id             => nil
  `signal!` ---------- opts            => allowed? / run result (value or throw)

- `log!` and `event!` are both good default/general-purpose signal creators.
- `log!` emphasizes messages, while `event!` emphasizes ids.
- `signal!` is the generic creator, and is used by all the others.

[2] See `help:signal-options` - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content` - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters` - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


Signal options are provided as a map with COMPILE-TIME keys.
All options are available for all signal creator calls:

`:inst` -------- Platform instant [1] when signal was created, ∈ #{nil :auto <[1]>}
`:level` ------- Signal level ∈ #{<int> :trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report ...}
`:kind` -------- Signal ?kind ∈ #{nil :event :error :log :trace :spy <app-val> ...}
`:id` ---------- ?id of signal          (common to all  signals created at callsite, contrast with `:uid`)
`:uid` --------- ?id of signal instance (unique to each signal  created at callsite, contrast with  `:id`)
                 Defaults to `:auto` for tracing signals, and nil otherwise

`:msg` --------- Arb app-level ?message to incl. in signal: str or vec of strs to join (with `\space`), may be a delay
`:data` -------- Arb app-level ?data    to incl. in signal: usu. a map
`:error` ------- Arb app-level ?error   to incl. in signal: platform error [2]

`:run` --------- ?form     to execute UNCONDITIONALLY; will incl. `:run-val` in signal
`:do` ---------- ?form     to execute   conditionally (iff signal allowed), before establishing `:let` ?binding
`:let` --------- ?bindings to establish conditionally (iff signal allowed), BEFORE evaluating `:data` and `:msg` (useful!)

`:parent` ------ Custom ?{:keys [id uid]} to override auto (dynamic) parent signal tracing info
`:root` -------- Custom ?{:keys [id uid]} to override auto (dynamic) root   signal tracing info
`:ctx` --------- Custom ?val to override auto (dynamic `*ctx*`) in signal, as per `with-ctx`
`:ctx+` -------- Custom ?val to update   auto (dynamic `*ctx*`) in signal, as per `with-ctx+`

`:ns` ---------- Custom ?str namespace to override auto signal callsite info
`:coords` ------ Custom ?[line column] to override auto signal callsite info

`:elidable?` --- Should signal be subject to compile-time elision? (Default: true)
`:sample-rate` - ?rate ∈ℝ[0,1] for signal sampling (0.75 => allow 75% of signals, nil => allow all)
`:when` -------- Arb ?form; when present, form must return truthy to allow signal
`:rate-limit` -- ?spec as given to `taoensso.telemere/rate-limiter`, see its docstring for details
`:rate-limit-by` When present, rate limits will be enforced independently for each id (any Clojure value!)
`:middleware` -- Optional (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal to apply when signal is created, as per `with-middleware`
`:middleware+` - Optional (fn [signal]) => ?modified-signal to apply when signal is created, as per `with-middleware+`
`:trace?` ------ Should tracing be enabled for `:run` form?

<kvs> ---------- Other arb app-level ?kvs to incl. in signal. Typically NOT included in
                 handler output, so a great way to provide custom data/opts for use
                 (only) by custom middleware/handlers.

If anything is unclear, please ping me (@ptaoussanis) so that I can improve these docs!

[1] `java.time.Instant`   or `js/Date`
[2] `java.lang.Throwable` or `js/Error`


(keep-callsite inner-form)
CLJ-865 means that it's not possible for an inner macro to access `&form`
metadata (incl. {:keys [line column]}) of a wrapping outer macro:

  (defmacro inner [] (meta &form))
  (defmacro outer [] `(inner))
  (outer) => nil

This util offers a workaround for authors of the outer macro, preserving
the outer `&form` metadata for the inner macro:

  (defmacro inner [] (meta &form))
  (defmacro outer [] (keep-callsite `(inner)))
  (outer) => {:keys [line column ...]}


Map of {<level-keyword> <level-integer>} aliases.


(log! opts-or-msg)
(log! level msg)
(log! {:as opts-map
       :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate kind
              ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent root
              trace? do let data msg error & kvs]}
"Log" signal creator, emphasizing (optional level) + message.

Default  kind: `:log`
Default level: `:info`
  - For `log!`  variant: nil, unconditionally.
  - For `log!?` variant: true iff signal was created (allowed by filtering).

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).


  (log! "My msg")       ; %> {:kind :log, :level :info, :id ::my-id ...}
  (log! :warn "My msg") ; %> {...         :level :warn ...}
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}}

    ["My msg:" x]) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (log! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - `log!` and `event!` are both good default/general-purpose signal creators.
  - `log!` emphasizes messages, while `event!` emphasizes ids.

  - `msg` arg may be a string, or vector of strings to join with `\space`.
  - See also `msg-splice`, `msg-skip` utils.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(log!? opts-or-msg)
(log!? level msg)
(log!? {:as opts-map
        :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate kind
               ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent root
               trace? do let data msg error & kvs]}
"Log" signal creator, emphasizing (optional level) + message.

Default  kind: `:log`
Default level: `:info`
  - For `log!`  variant: nil, unconditionally.
  - For `log!?` variant: true iff signal was created (allowed by filtering).

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).


  (log! "My msg")       ; %> {:kind :log, :level :info, :id ::my-id ...}
  (log! :warn "My msg") ; %> {...         :level :warn ...}
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}}

    ["My msg:" x]) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (log! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - `log!` and `event!` are both good default/general-purpose signal creators.
  - `log!` emphasizes messages, while `event!` emphasizes ids.

  - `msg` arg may be a string, or vector of strings to join with `\space`.
  - See also `msg-splice`, `msg-skip` utils.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


For use within signal message vectors.
Special value that will be ignored (noop) when creating message.
Useful for conditionally skipping parts of message content, etc.:

  (signal! {:msg ["Hello" (if <cond> <then> msg-skip) "world"] <...>}) or
  (log!          ["Hello" (if <cond> <then> msg-skip) "world"]), etc.

    %> {:msg_ "Hello world" <...>}


(msg-splice args)
For use within signal message vectors.
Wraps given arguments so that they're spliced when creating message.
Useful for conditionally splicing in extra message content, etc.:

  (signal! {:msg [(when <cond> (msg-splice ["Username:" "Steve"])) <...>]}) or
  (log!          [(when <cond> (msg-splice ["Username:" "Steve"]))])

    %> {:msg_ "Username: Steve"}


Single system newline


Experimental, subject to change. Feedback welcome!

When OpenTelemetry Java API [1] is present, value will be a delayed map
with keys:
  :logger-provider     - default `io.opentelemetry.api.logs.LoggerProvider`
  :tracer-provider     - default `io.opentelemetry.api.trace.TracerProvider`
  :via                 - ∈ #{:sdk-extension-autoconfigure :global}
  :auto-configured-sdk - `io.opentelemetry.sdk.OpenTelemetrySdk` or nil

Uses `AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk` when possible, or
`GlobalOpenTelemetry` otherwise.

See the relevant OpenTelemetry Java docs for details.

[1] Ref. <>


Experimental, subject to change. Feedback welcome!

Should Telemere's tracing signal creators (`trace!`, `spy!`, etc.)
interop with OpenTelemetry Java [1]? This will affect relevant
Telemere macro expansions.

Defaults to `true` iff OpenTelemetry Java is present when this
namespace is evaluated/compiled.

If `false`:
  1. Telemere's   OpenTelemetry handler will NOT emit to `SpanExporter`s.
  2. Telemere and OpenTelemetry will NOT recognize each other's spans.

If `true`:
  1. Telemere's   OpenTelemetry handler WILL emit to `SpanExporter`s.
  2. Telemere and OpenTelemetry WILL recognize each other's spans.

Override default by setting one of the following to "true" or "false":
  1.       JVM property: `taoensso.telemere.otel-tracing`
  2.       Env variable: `TAOENSSO_TELEMERE_OTEL_TRACING`
  3. Classpath resource: `taoensso.telemere.otel-tracing`

See also: `otel-default-providers_`, `*otel-tracer*`,

[1] Ref. <>


(pr-signal-fn {:keys [pr-fn clean-fn incl-newline?]
               :as opts
               :or {pr-fn :edn clean-fn (clean-signal-fn) incl-newline? true}})
Alpha, subject to change.
Returns a (fn pr [signal]) that:
  - Takes a Telemere signal (map).
  - Returns a machine-readable signal string.

  `:pr-fn`         - ∈ #{<unary-fn> :edn (default) :json (Cljs only)}
  `:clean-fn`      - (fn [signal]) => clean signal map, see [1]
  `:incl-newline?` - Include terminating system newline? (default true)


  ;; To print as edn:
  (pr-signal-fn {:pr-fn :edn})

  ;; To print as JSON:
  ;; Ref.  <> (or any alt JSON lib)
  #?(:clj (require '[jsonista.core :as jsonista]))
      #?(:cljs :json ; Use js/JSON.stringify
         :clj  jsonista/write-value-as-string)})

[1] `taoensso.telemere.utils/clean-signal-fn`, etc.

See also `format-signal-fn` for an alternative to `pr-signal-fn`
that produces human-readable output.


(rate-limiter spec)
(rate-limiter opts spec)
Takes a spec of form
  [           [<n-max-reqs> <msecs-window>] ...] or ; Unnamed limits
  {<limit-id> [<n-max-reqs> <msecs-window>]}        ;   Named limits
and returns stateful (fn a-rate-limiter [] [req-id] [command req-id]).

Call the returned limiter fn with a request id (any Clojure value!) to
enforce limits independently for each id.

For example, (limiter-fn <ip-address-string>) will return:
  - Falsey when    allowed (all limits pass for given IP), or
  - Truthy when disallowed (any limits fail for given IP):
    [<worst-limit-id> <worst-backoff-msecs> {<limit-id> <backoff-msecs>}]

Or call the returned limiter fn with an extra command argument:
  (limiter-fn :rl/peek  <req-id) - Check limits WITHOUT incrementing count
  (limiter-fn :rl/reset <req-id) - Reset all limits for given req-id


(remove-handler! handler-id)
Stops and deregisters signal handler with given id, and returns
?{<handler-id> {:keys [dispatch-opts handler-fn]}} for all handlers
still registered.


(set-ctx! root-ctx-val)
Set `*ctx*` var's default (root) value. See `*ctx*` for details.


(set-id-filter! id-filter)
Sets call id filter based on given `id-filter` spec.
`id-filter` may be:

  - A regex pattern of id/s to allow
  - A str/kw/sym to allow, with "*" and "(.*)" as wildcards:
    "foo.*"   will allow ""
    "foo(.*)" will allow "" and "foo"

  - A set/vector of above (allow on any match)
  - A map, {:allow <spec> :disallow <spec>} with specs as above:
    If present, `:allow`    spec MUST     match, AND
    If present, `:disallow` spec MUST NOT match.


(set-kind-filter! kind-filter)
Sets call kind filter based on given `kind-filter` spec.
`kind-filter` may be:

  - A regex pattern of kind/s to allow
  - A str/kw/sym to allow, with "*" and "(.*)" as wildcards:
    "foo.*"   will allow ""
    "foo(.*)" will allow "" and "foo"

  - A set/vector of above (allow on any match)
  - A map, {:allow <spec> :disallow <spec>} with specs as above:
    If present, `:allow`    spec MUST     match, AND
    If present, `:disallow` spec MUST NOT match.


(set-middleware! ?root-middleware-fn)
Set `*middleware*` var's default (root) value. See `*middleware*` for details.


(set-min-level! min-level)
(set-min-level! kind min-level)
(set-min-level! kind ns-filter min-level)
Sets minimum call level based on given `min-level` spec.
`min-level` may be:

  - nil (=> no minimum level).
  - A level keyword (see `level-aliases` value for details).
  - An integer      (see `level-aliases` value for details).
  - (Advanced) [[nf-filter min-level] ...] vector.

If non-nil `kind` is provided, then the given minimum level will
apply only for that call kind.

If `ns-filter` is provided, then the given minimum level will
apply only for the namespace/s that match (see `set-ns-filter!`).
Order matters if >1 configured ns filter can match an ns! First
match wins, see `tel/get-filters` or `tel/get-min-levels` to
view/debug (left->right) match order.

  (set-min-level! nil)   ; Disable        minimum level
  (set-min-level! :info) ; Set `:info` as minimum level
  (set-min-level! 100)   ; Set 100     as minimum level

  (set-min-level! nil *ns* :info) ; Set for this ns only
  (set-min-level! nil [["my.ns" :debug] ["* :info]]) ; Advanced


(set-ns-filter! ns-filter)
Sets call namespace filter based on given `ns-filter` spec.
`ns-filter` may be:

  - A namespace.
  - A regex pattern of namespaces/s to allow
  - A str/kw/sym to allow, with "*" and "(.*)" as wildcards:
    "foo.*"   will allow ""
    "foo(.*)" will allow "" and "foo"

  - A set/vector of above (allow on any match)
  - A map, {:allow <spec> :disallow <spec>} with specs as above:
    If present, `:allow`    spec MUST     match, AND
    If present, `:disallow` spec MUST NOT match.


(set-var-root! var-sym root-val)
Sets root binding (value) of the var identified by given symbol, and returns
the new value. Cross-platform. See also `update-var-root!`.


(signal! {:as opts-map
          :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate
                 kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent
                 root trace? do let data msg error run & kvs]})
(signal! & opts-kvs)
Low-level "generic" signal creator for creating signals of any "kind".
Takes a single map of options [2] with compile-time keys.

Default  kind: `:generic` (feel free to change!)
Default level: `:info`
  - If given `:run` form: unconditionally returns run value, or rethrows run error.
  - Otherwise: returns true iff signal was created (allowed by filtering).

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Generic signals are fairly low-level and useful mostly for library authors or
advanced users writing their own wrapper macros. NB see `keep-callsite` for
preserving callsite coords when wrapping Telemere macros like `signal!`.

Regular users will typically prefer one of the higher-level signal creators
optimized for ease-of-use in common cases [1].


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (signal! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(signal-allowed? {:as opts-map
                  :keys [elidable? coords sample-rate kind ns id level when
                         rate-limit rate-limit-by]})
(signal-allowed? & opts-kvs)
Returns true iff signal with given opts would meet filtering conditions:
 (when (signal-allowed? {:level :warn, <...>}) (my-custom-code))

Allows you to use Telemere's rich filtering system for conditionally
executing arbitrary code. Also handy for batching multiple signals
under a single set of conditions (incl. rate-limiting, sampling, etc.):

  ;; Logs exactly 2 or 0 messages (never 1):
  (when (signal-allowed? {:level :info, :sample-rate 0.5})
    (log! {:allow? true} "Message 1")
    (log! {:allow? true} "Message 2"))


(spy! opts-or-run)
(spy! level run)
(spy! {:as opts-map
       :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate kind
              ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent root
              trace? do let data msg error run & kvs]}
"Spy" signal creator, emphasizing (optional level) + form to run.

Default kind:  `:spy`
Default level: `:info`
Returns: ALWAYS (unconditionally) returns run value, or rethrows run error.

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Enables tracing of given `run` form:

  - Resulting signal  will include {:keys [run-form run-val run-nsecs]}.
  - Nested    signals will include this signal's id and uid under `:parent`.


  1. Traced `run` form is usually expected to be synchronous and eager.
     So no lazy seqs, async calls, or inversion of flow control (IoC) macros like
     core.async `go` blocks, etc.

  2. Tracing call (`spy!`) is usually expected to occur *within* normally flowing code.
     IoC macros can arbitrarily (and often opaquely) alter program flow and tracing
     across flow boundaries can be fragile or even fundamentally illogical.

     So use within IoC macro bodies might not make conceptual sense, or could produce
     errors or unreliable/confusing results.

     Basically- if possible, prefer tracing normal Clojure fns running within normal
     Clojure fns unless you deeply understand what your IoC macros are up to.


  (spy! (+ 1 2))        ; %> {:kind :trace, :level :info, :run-form '(+ 1 2),
                        ;     :run-val 3, :run-nsecs <int>, :parent {:keys [id uid]}
                        ;     :msg "(+ 1 2) => 3" ...}
  (spy! :debug (+ 1 2)) ; %> {... :level :debug ...}
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}
     :msg  ["My message:" x]}

    (+ 1 2)) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (spy! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - Like `trace!`, but takes optional level rather than optional id.

  - Useful for debugging/monitoring forms, and tracing (nested) execution flow.
  - Execution of `run` form may create additional (nested) signals.
    Each signal's `:parent` key will indicate its immediate parent.

  - It's often useful to wrap `run` form with `catch->error!`:
      (trace! ::trace-id (catch->error! ::error-id ...)).

    This way you have independent filtering for `run` forms that throw,
    allowing you to use a higher min level and/or reduced sampling, etc.

    In this case you'll create:
      0 or 1 `:trace` signals (depending on filtering), AND
      0 or 1 `:error` signals (depending on filtering).

    Note that the `:error` signal will contain tracing info (e.g. `:parent` key)
    iff the enclosing `trace!` is allowed.

  - Runtime of async or lazy code in `run` form will intentionally NOT be
    included in resulting signal's `:run-nsecs` value. If you want to measure
    such runtimes, make sure that your form wraps where the relevant costs are
    actually realized. Compare:
      (spy!  (delay (my-slow-code))) ; Doesn't measure slow code
      (spy! @(delay (my-slow-code))) ; Does    measure slow code

  - See also Tufte ( for a complementary/partner
    Clj/s library that offers more advanced performance measurment and shares
    the same signal engine (filtering and handler API) as Telemere.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


Stops registered signal handlers in parallel by calling each
handler-fn with no arguments. This gives each handler the opportunity
to flush buffers, close files, etc.

Each handler will immediately stop accepting new signals, nooping if called.

Blocks to return ?{<handler-id> {:keys [okay error]}}, honouring each
handler's `:drain-msecs` value (see `help:handler-dispatch-options`).

NB you should always call `stop-handlers!` somewhere appropriate - usually
near the end of your `-main` or shutdown procedure, AFTER all other code has
completed that could create signals.


Experimental, subject to change.
Resets `System/out` and `System/err` to their original value (prior to any
`streams->telemere!` call).


(streams->telemere! {:keys [out err]
                     :or {out default-out-opts err default-err-opts}})
Experimental, subject to change.

When given `out`, sets JVM's `System/out` to flush to Telemere signals with those opts.
When given `err`, sets JVM's `System/err` to flush to Telemere signals with those opts.

Note that setting `System/out` won't necessarily affect Clojure's `*out*`,
and       setting `System/err` won't necessarily affect Clojure's `*err*`.

See also:


(trace! opts-or-run)
(trace! id run)
(trace! {:as opts-map
         :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+ sample-rate
                kind ns id level when rate-limit rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent
                root trace? do let data msg error run & kvs]}
"Trace" signal creator, emphasizing (optional id) + form to run.

Default  kind: `:trace`
Default level: `:info` (intentionally NOT `:trace`!)
Returns: ALWAYS (unconditionally) returns run value, or rethrows run error.

When filtering conditions are met [4], creates a Telemere signal [3] and
dispatches it to registered handlers for processing (e.g. writing to
console/file/queue/db, etc.).

Enables tracing of given `run` form:

  - Resulting signal  will include {:keys [run-form run-val run-nsecs]}.
  - Nested    signals will include this signal's id and uid under `:parent`.


  1. Traced `run` form is usually expected to be synchronous and eager.
     So no lazy seqs, async calls, or inversion of flow control (IoC) macros like
     core.async `go` blocks, etc.

  2. Tracing call (`trace!`) is usually expected to occur *within* normally flowing code.
     IoC macros can arbitrarily (and often opaquely) alter program flow and tracing
     across flow boundaries can be fragile or even fundamentally illogical.

     So use within IoC macro bodies might not make conceptual sense, or could produce
     errors or unreliable/confusing results.

     Basically- if possible, prefer tracing normal Clojure fns running within normal
     Clojure fns unless you deeply understand what your IoC macros are up to.


  (trace! (+ 1 2))         ; %> {:kind :trace, :level :info, :run-form '(+ 1 2),
                           ;     :run-val 3, :run-nsecs <int>, :parent {:keys [id uid]} ...
                           ;     :msg "(+ 1 2) => 3" ...}
  (trace! ::my-id (+ 1 2)) ; %> {... :id ::my-id ...}
    {:let  [x "x"] ; Available to `:data` and `:msg`
     :data {:x x}
     :msg  ["My message:" x]}

    (+ 1 2)) ; %> {... :data {x "x"}, :msg_ "My msg: x" ...}


  - Test using `with-signal`: (with-signal (trace! ...)).
  - Supports the same options [2] as other signals [1].

  - Like `spy!`, but takes optional id rather than optional level.

  - Useful for debugging/monitoring forms, and tracing (nested) execution flow.
  - Execution of `run` form may create additional (nested) signals.
    Each signal's `:parent` key will indicate its immediate parent.

  - It's often useful to wrap `run` form with `catch->error!`:
      (trace! ::trace-id (catch->error! ::error-id ...)).

    This way you have independent filtering for `run` forms that throw,
    allowing you to use a higher min level and/or reduced sampling, etc.

    In this case you'll create:
      0 or 1 `:trace` signals (depending on filtering), AND
      0 or 1 `:error` signals (depending on filtering).

    Note that the `:error` signal will contain tracing info (e.g. `:parent` key)
    iff the enclosing `trace!` is allowed.

  - Default level is `:info`, not `:trace`! The name "trace" in "trace signal"
    refers to the general action of tracing program flow rather than to the
    common logging level of the same name.

  - Runtime of async or lazy code in `run` form will intentionally NOT be
    included in resulting signal's `:run-nsecs` value. If you want to measure
    such runtimes, make sure that your form wraps where the relevant costs are
    actually realized. Compare:
      (trace!  (delay (my-slow-code))) ; Doesn't measure slow code
      (trace! @(delay (my-slow-code))) ; Does    measure slow code

  - See also Tufte ( for a complementary/partner
    Clj/s library that offers more advanced performance measurment and shares
    the same signal engine (filtering and handler API) as Telemere.

[1] See `help:signal-creators` - (`signal!`, `log!`, `event!`, ...)
[2] See `help:signal-options`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[3] See `help:signal-content`  - {:keys [kind level id data ...]}
[4] See `help:signal-filters`  - (by ns/kind/id/level, sampling, etc.)


(uncaught->error! opts-or-id)
(uncaught->error! {:as opts-map
                   :keys [elidable? coords inst uid middleware middleware+
                          sample-rate kind ns id level when rate-limit
                          rate-limit-by ctx ctx+ parent root trace? do let data
                          msg error & kvs]})
Uses `uncaught->handler!` so that `error!` will be called for
uncaught JVM errors.

See `uncaught->handler!` and `error!` for details.


(uncaught->handler! handler)
Sets JVM's global `DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler` to given
  (fn handler [`<java.lang.Thread>` `<java.lang.Throwable>`]).

See also `uncaught->error!`.


(update-var-root! var-sym update-fn)
Updates root binding (value) of the var identified by given symbol, and returns
the new value:
  (update-var-root! my-var (fn [old-root-val] <new-root-val>)) => <new-root-val>

Similar to `alter-var-root` but cross-platform and takes a symbol rather than a var.
See also `set-var-root!`.


(with-ctx ctx-val form)
Evaluates given form with given `*ctx*` value. See `*ctx*` for details.


(with-ctx+ update-map-or-fn form)
Evaluates given form with updated `*ctx*` value.

`update-map-or-fn` may be:
  - A map to merge with    current `*ctx*` value, or
  - A unary fn to apply to current `*ctx*` value

See `*ctx*` for details.


(with-err->telemere form)
(with-err->telemere opts form)
Executes form with `*err*` bound to flush to Telemere signals with given opts.


(with-handler handler-id handler-fn form)
(with-handler handler-id handler-fn dispatch-opts form)
Executes form with ONLY the given signal handler registered.
Stops handler after use. Useful for tests/debugging.

See `help:handler-dispatch-options` for handler filters, etc.
See also `with-handler+`.


(with-handler+ handler-id handler-fn form)
(with-handler+ handler-id handler-fn dispatch-opts form)
Executes form with the given signal handler (also) registered.
Stops handler after use. Useful for tests/debugging.

See `help:handler-dispatch-options` for handler filters, etc.
See also `with-handler`.


(with-id-filter id-filter form)
Executes form with given call id filter in effect.
See `set-id-filter!` for details.


(with-kind-filter kind-filter form)
Executes form with given call kind filter in effect.
See `set-kind-filter!` for details.


(with-middleware ?middleware-fn form)
Evaluates given form with given `*middleware*` value.
See `*middleware*` for details.


(with-middleware+ ?middleware-fn form)
Evaluates given form with composed `*middleware*` value.
Same as (with-middleware (comp-middleware *middleware* ?middleware-fn) ...).
See `*middleware*` for details.


(with-min-level min-level form)
(with-min-level kind min-level form)
(with-min-level kind ns-filter min-level form)
Executes form with given minimum call level in effect.
See `set-min-level!` for details.


(with-ns-filter ns-filter form)
Executes form with given call namespace filter in effect.
See `set-ns-filter!` for details.


(with-out->telemere form)
(with-out->telemere opts form)
Executes form with `*out*` bound to flush to Telemere signals with given opts.


(with-signal form)
(with-signal trap-signals? form)
(with-signal raw-msg? trap-signals? form)
Executes given form, trapping errors. Returns the LAST signal created by form.
Useful for tests/debugging.

  `trap-signals?` (default false)
    Should ALL signals created by form be trapped to prevent normal dispatch
    to registered handlers?

  `raw-msg?` (default false)
    Should delayed `:msg_` in returned signal be retained as-is?
    Delay is otherwise replaced by realized string.

See also `with-signals` for more advanced options.


(with-signals form)
(with-signals trap-signals? form)
(with-signals raw-msgs? trap-signals? form)
Like `with-signal` but returns {:keys [value error signals]}.
Useful for more advanced tests/debugging.

Destructuring example:
  (let [{:keys [value error] [sig1 sig2] :signals} (with-signals ...)]


(with-streams->telemere form)
(with-streams->telemere {:keys [out err]
                         :or {out default-out-opts err default-err-opts}}
Executes form with `*out*` and/or `*err*` bound to flush to Telemere signals
with given opts.


(without-filters form)
Executes form without any runtime call filters.

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