Slack handler using `clj-slack`, Ref. <>
(handler:slack {:keys [conn-opts post-opts output-fn]
:or {conn-opts {:api-url "" :token nil}
post-opts {:channel-id nil :username nil}
output-fn (utils/format-signal-fn)}})
Alpha, subject to change. Needs `clj-slack`, Ref. <>. Returns a signal handler that: - Takes a Telemere signal (map). - Writes the signal as a string to specified Slack channel. Can output signals as human or machine-readable (edn, JSON) strings. Default handler dispatch options (override when calling `add-handler!`): `:min-level` - `:info` `:limit` - [[5 (enc/msecs :mins 1)] ; Max 5 posts in 1 min [10 (enc/msecs :mins 15)] ; Max 10 posts in 15 mins [15 (enc/msecs :hours 1)] ; Max 15 posts in 1 hour [30 (enc/msecs :hours 6)] ; Max 30 posts in 6 hours ] Options: `:output-fn` - (fn [signal]) => string, see `format-signal-fn` or `pr-signal-fn` `:conn-opts` - Map of connection opts given to `` Examples: {:token "MY-TOKEN"} {:token "MY-TOKEN", :api-url ""} `:post-opts` - Map of post opts given to `` Examples: {:channel-id "C12345678", :username "MY_BOT"} Tips: - See `clj-slack` docs for more info on its options.
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