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Core Timbre appenders without any special dependency requirements. These can be aliased into the main Timbre ns for convenience.

Core Timbre appenders without any special dependency requirements.
These can be aliased into the main Timbre ns for convenience.
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(console-appender & [{:keys [raw-console?]}])

Returns a simple js/console appender for ClojureScript.

Raw logging

There's 2 ways that Timbre can log to a web browser console: 1. As a prepared output string (default) 2. As a list of raw argument objects

The benefit of #2 is that it allows the browser to offer type-specific object printing and inspection (e.g. for maps, etc.).

Raw logging can be enabled or disabled as follows:

1. On a per-call basis via a special 1st argument to your logging call:
     (info ^:meta {:raw-console? true} arg1 ...)

2. Via middleware, by adding an option to your log data:
     (fn my-middleware [data] (assoc data :raw-console? true))

3. Via an option provided to this appender constructor:
     (console-appender {:raw-console? <bool>})

Ignoring library / "blackbox" code for accurate line numbers, etc.

Most web browsers offer a feature to ignore library or "blackbox" code in their debugger.

You'll probably want to ignore at least the following: /taoensso/timbre/appenders/core\.js$ ; Timbre console appender /taoensso/timbre\.js$ ; Timbre core /cljs/core\.js$ ; ClojureScript core

Depending on the browser, you can usually set up these exclusions through right-click popups and/or through a configurable list in a settings menu.

For example: etc.

Returns a simple js/console appender for ClojureScript.

Raw logging

  There's 2 ways that Timbre can log to a web browser console:
    1. As a prepared output string (default)
    2. As a list of raw argument objects

  The benefit of #2 is that it allows the browser to offer type-specific
  object printing and inspection (e.g. for maps, etc.).

  Raw logging can be enabled or disabled as follows:

    1. On a per-call basis via a special 1st argument to your logging call:
         (info ^:meta {:raw-console? true} arg1 ...)

    2. Via middleware, by adding an option to your log data:
         (fn my-middleware [data] (assoc data :raw-console? true))

    3. Via an option provided to this appender constructor:
         (console-appender {:raw-console? <bool>})

Ignoring library / "blackbox" code for accurate line numbers, etc.

  Most web browsers offer a feature to ignore library or "blackbox" code
  in their debugger.

  You'll probably want to ignore at least the following:
    `/taoensso/timbre/appenders/core\.js$` ; Timbre console appender
    `/taoensso/timbre\.js$`                ; Timbre core
    `/cljs/core\.js$`                      ; ClojureScript core

  Depending on the browser, you can usually set up these exclusions through
  right-click popups and/or through a configurable list in a settings menu.

  For example:
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(println-appender & [{:keys [stream] :or {stream :auto}}])
(println-appender & [_opts])

Returns a simple println appender for Clojure/Script. Use with ClojureScript requires that cljs.core/*print-fn* be set.

:stream (clj only) - e/o #{:auto :out :err :std-err :std-out <io-stream>}.

Returns a simple `println` appender for Clojure/Script.
Use with ClojureScript requires that `cljs.core/*print-fn*` be set.

:stream (clj only) - e/o #{:auto :*out* :*err* :std-err :std-out <io-stream>}.
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(spit-appender &
               [{:keys [fname append? locking?]
                 :or {fname "./timbre-spit.log" append? true locking? true}}])

Returns a simple spit file appender for Clojure.

Returns a simple `spit` file appender for Clojure.
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